Rogue master in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 163 like a duck in water

Chapter 163 like a duck in water
After returning to the room, Chen Wei calmed down, put his hands on his head and closed his eyes, a few pictures of Liu Rui appeared unexpectedly, and fell asleep in a daze. It was already past four o'clock in the morning.

Chen Wei has the habit of waking up early. Although he didn't go to bed very late, he woke up after sleeping for more than an hour. He went outside the courtyard to fight a set of punches. After sweating, he washed himself and went to Jia Xu Sunhou and the others had breakfast together.

Liu Bei's reception was very thoughtful. Compared with last night's hasty dinner, only Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun were accompanied, and almost all Liu Bei's subordinates got up this morning.Among them was Mi Zhu mentioned last night.

Sun Qian, Mi Zhu were all people who followed Liu Bei to conquer the world from the beginning. Later, after Liu Bei established the Shu Han, they all became the most respected veterans of the Shu Han.

They were all very polite to Chen Wei, obviously they were old foxes who were well versed in dealing with the world.Of course, during the dinner, the two brothers, Guan and Zhang, still treated Chen Wei badly all the time.While talking with his elder brother Zhao Yun, he also looked at the three brothers who are well known to women and children in the 21st century with interest.In fact, Liu Bei did not cross his hands over his knees as recorded in the history books, with his ears hanging down his shoulders, and both eyes can see the earlobes.At present, Liu Bei's facial features are very majestic, and he is also a representative of the image of a good man in modern times, but of course his appearance is ordinary.

Thinking of Liu Rui who met last night, Chen Wei guessed that her dead mother must be very beautiful to give birth to such a symbolic daughter, because she really has nothing like Liu Bei.But if her dead mother saw her daughter Liu Rui become so withdrawn and reticent, she might not be able to feel at ease under Jiuquan.

Compared with brother Zhang Fei's eating, Chen Wei realized that he was really a little girl eating. This guy's appetite is not so big. Although there is no big fish and meat, he almost monopolizes the basket of steamed buns on the table. One mouthful of porridge and one steamed bun. When Chen Wei ate half a bowl of meat porridge, all the steamed buns in the bamboo basket in front of Zhang Fei had been killed.It seems that Zhang Yide's spirit of pushing mountains and mountains is honed from his appetite.

Guan Yunchang has a strict eye for everything, and his sitting posture is rigid, and Danfeng's eyes can't see emotions at all.After three bites of the steamed bun in hand, the next one will definitely not be finished in one more bite.After eating five of them, he handed the remaining steamed buns to the third brother Zhang Fei, who immediately took it unceremoniously, and said while stuffing it into his mouth, "Second brother, why don't you eat more, eat more?" , don’t let outsiders take advantage of you.”

After finishing speaking, he still stared at Chen Wei, for fear that Chen Wei would not know that he was talking about him.

Guan Yu had no expression on his face, and he finished the porridge in the bowl step by step, until there was not a single grain of rice left, and it was as clean as if it had just been washed.After eating, he respectfully told his brother Liu Bei that he was full, and his brother was free.Liu Bei also returned the gift very seriously, and then continued to chat with Chen Wei about the general trend of the world.

Looking at the three top products in front of him, Chen Wei seemed to have knocked over a five-flavor bottle, with all kinds of flavors.


"You and I, Mr. Liu, have no lips and teeth. Cao Cao's westward march is not only for Yiyang, but for Guanzhong, a fat piece of meat. That's why he spared no effort to mobilize the army and bring an army of [-]. Come here. After conquering Yiyang, I will march directly to Luoyang, so I led the army to repay the kindness of my brother Zilong, and secondly, I hope to fight side by side with you, Liu Gong, to resist Cao Cao together!"

"However, Cao Cao is powerful, with an army of [-] tigers and wolves, and with the support of military adviser Zhuge Liang, I am afraid that even if the two of us work together, we will have little chance of winning." Liu Bei said.

Hearing Liu Bei say Zhuge Liang, Chen Wei looked a little weird, thinking to himself that this is really ironic.But thinking of the true identity of the "Zhuge Liang" next to Cao Cao, Chen Wei couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly.

"Although Cao Cao is attacking aggressively, he still has to be afraid of Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu's brothers taking advantage of the fire to rob him, and he has worries about his future. Mr. Liu and Yuan Shao are close friends. Based on what you know about Yuan Shao, what are the chances of him taking advantage of the opportunity to send troops?" Chen Wei asked.

"Yuan Shao is stronger than Cao Cao in terms of reputation and power. However, Cao Cao has developed rapidly in the past two years, which has also caused Yuan Shao's dissatisfaction. Yuan Shao is a very ambitious person. He will not sit back and watch Cao Cao's power. He may send troops to take advantage of the possibility of looting It's huge, but I can't guarantee when he will make a move," Liu Bei said.

"What does Yuan Shao think of Mr. Liu?" Chen Wei asked suddenly.

Mi Zhu took over and said: "At the beginning, my lord took refuge with Yuan Shao. Yuan Shao once surpassed him because of my lord's ability and benevolence. On the surface, he treated him politely, but in fact he shunned him. He once told his counselors in private that Liu Bei and Cao Cao were both figures, and that they would definitely be wiped out in the future. "

Chen Wei pondered for a moment after hearing the words, and said, "I think Yuan Shao will send troops when Cao Cao attacks Liu Gong. When you fight to the death, he will be able to reap the benefits of the fisherman."

"Then how should we respond?" Liu Bei asked.

Chen Wei thought for a while and said, "My strategy may have wronged Mr. Liu."

Liu Bei smiled frankly, "General Xiaochen, but it's okay to say."

"I think that Cao Cao will not launch a full-scale attack on Yiyang at once, and will send forwards to conduct a tentative attack at the beginning. One is to test Liu Gong's strength, and the other is to avoid Yuan Shao taking the opportunity to mix up. Therefore, we can win first and then If we lose, the whole army will withdraw to Luoyang and give up Yiyang City to Cao Cao..."

"Put your shit..." Zhang Fei immediately slapped the table and stood up, pointing at Chen Wei's nose while spitting out the crumbs of steamed buns in his mouth, and cursed: "The surname is Chen, why did you let my brother take Yiyang The city was handed over to Cao Cao, why don't you give your Luoyang to Cao Cao too?"

Guan Yu glared at Chen Wei angrily, full of murderous intentions.

Chen Wei smiled wryly and did not refute.

"Presumptuous..." Liu Bei scolded Zhang Fei severely, and then asked Chen Wei to continue speaking apologetically.However, Chen Wei actually wanted Liu Bei to give up Yiyang, which really dissatisfied the people around Liu Bei.You have to know that Liu Bei was bumping and running, and finally found a place to stay. Could it be that you let him out with your bare hands just because of a word?Your Luoyang city is worth more than a dozen Yiyangs. Don’t you feel back pain when you stand and talk?

Although Chen Wei didn't know what they were thinking in their hearts, it could be seen from their expressions and eyes that they were all dissatisfied.

Chen Wei was also unmoved, and continued to finish his strategy: "We win first and then lose, creating the illusion that Yiyang City was breached and lost, rather than withdrawing from Yiyang on purpose. Seeing that the lord was defeated, Yuan Shao Cao Cao won Yiyang again, so he will definitely be restless, and he will definitely send troops to harass Cao Cao's rear."

"Luoyang's city walls are thick and there are many soldiers. Liu Gong, you and I joined forces to resist Cao Cao. It is naturally a hundred times more difficult for Cao's army to capture Luoyang than Yiyang. If the stalemate lasts for a month or two, Cao Cao will inevitably bring disaster to Xiaoqiang, and the food and grass will not continue. Choose to retreat. But we seized the opportunity and turned our heads to attack Cao Cao. Cao Cao can’t take care of both ends. Not only will Yiyang return to Liu Gong’s hands, but the Kanto region will also fall into your hands.”

Chen Wei's words are very well-founded. In history, Cao Cao had to defeat Yuan Shao before he had the opportunity to attack the Xixi Southwest region.Therefore, Chen Wei came to this conclusion, one is based on the current situation, and the other is that he himself has predicted the development trend of history.

After hearing Chen Wei's plan, everyone fell into deep thought.

Seeing that Chen Wei and the protagonist Liu Bei have improved in conversation and knowledge compared to when they first met, Zhao Yun is gratified and sighs. Although excellent people are worthy of respect, those who may be ordinary at the beginning will always move forward and keep improving Talent will be worth paying attention to.

Based on the fact that he came from the future and has a predictive understanding of the development of the Three Kingdoms era, coupled with his personal experience of the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms in the past two years, Chen Wei's vision and situation judgment have to go far beyond those of this era.

A far-sighted or sharp remark from Chen Wei from time to time can make Liu Bei amazed.

Especially in the end, using Yuan Shao's power to restrain Cao Cao's strategy, Liu Bei was both excited and admired. He personally served a bowl of porridge for Chen Wei, and said with deep emotion: "General Xiaochen treats me like a fish in water!"

Guan Yu heard that there was no change in expression on the jujube-like face, but when he stroked his long beard on his chest, he paused for a moment, and those Danfeng eyes that would never look directly at people glanced at Chen Wei indifferently, So he pushed to his elder brother Liu Bei that he was going to train soldiers, obviously he was too lazy to watch the relationship between Liu Bei and Chen Wei.

Zhang Fei was stuffing steamed buns in his mouth, his cheeks were bulging like a toad, staring at the leopard's eyes, and muttering that this fish was dying of thirst, this fish was dying of thirst.

It stands to reason that Chen Wei came to help Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei had no reason not to be grateful to Chen Wei.The fact is quite the opposite, Guan Zhang and Chen Wei don't like to see each other, even Liu Bei's other cronies such as Sun Qianjian, Yong Mifang and others are all superficially polite to Chen Wei, but inwardly they are full of yin.

Chen Wei suggested to bring the [-] soldiers stationed outside the city into Yiyang, and Liu Bei also agreed, but Sun Qianjian, Yong Mifang and other counselors refused with various high-sounding reasons.These people in the inner circle are afraid that Chen Wei will overwhelm the host and have evil intentions.

What made Chen Wei laugh out of anger was that someone said that Yiyang was a small town, and it was a problem for Chen Wei's [-] light cavalry to eat.

If Chen Wei hadn't proceeded from the overall situation, he would have wanted to scold this group of guys who acted like a villain and treated a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart.In the end, it was Liu Bei who made the final decision, and sent people to open a new camp at the east gate of Yiyang City, allowing Chen Wei's [-] soldiers to station there, and allocated half a month's grain and grass to Chen Wei.

Looking at the resentful eyes of those counselors, Chen Wei felt that he was not here to help others, but a mangy dog ​​who came here to eat and drink.Perhaps Chen Wei had a preconceived impression of the three brothers Liu, Guan and Zhang, and finally agreed to such a wronged thing.On the contrary, Jia Xu said exactly what he said, saying that no matter how tolerant Liu Bei is, he is still a politician with his own interests in mind.He stationed his own soldiers and horses on the east side of Yiyang City. Once Cao Jun attacked, he would bear the brunt of it.

How could Chen Wei not understand the principle of shooting the first bird?However, after unifying the strategic policy with Liu Bei beforehand, Chen Wei did not care about pennies or pennies.

Not to care about does not mean that the heart is not fettered.In the evening, Chen Wei, who was feeling puzzled, went out for a walk alone in the city, firstly to relax his depressed mood, and secondly to think about how to deal with Cao Cao's attack.According to the reports from the scouts sent two days ago, Cao Cao personally led an army of [-]. After breaking through the pass three days ago, he sent [-] vanguard troops to station in the valley only [-] miles away from Yiyang City.There is a possibility of launching a siege at any time.

The setting sun in the sky slowly sank in the west mountain. To Chen Wei's surprise, it snowed lightly.Chen Wei's physical fitness is extraordinary, wearing a thick brocade robe, he doesn't feel cold, but looking at the pure snow petals falling on his head and shoulders, he suddenly feels that winter has finally come.

Chen Wei looked at Xiaoxue all over the sky, feeling a little dazed.There is a large white wild flower growing on the low slope outside the city, and the snowflakes are just in time for the scene. The originally slightly blue-yellow hillside was soon covered by snowflakes, but at first glance, it was white and very beautiful.

"Is it snowing in Chang'an too?" Chen Wei muttered to himself while looking to the west.Yiyang is hundreds of miles away from Chang'an. In modern times, it might only take half a day's drive, but in ancient times, it would take several days.

"San Niang, how are you? I'm fine. I'll take you to my side when we win the battle." Chen Wei looked at the gray sky, and the white snow in front of him seemed to reflect Diao Chan's voice and smile.

Suddenly, the white wild flowers on the hillside shook.Chen Wei looked casually, thinking it was some small animals, but to his surprise, he saw Liu Rui in white fur.The autistic little girl held a small bamboo basket in her hand, which contained a bunch of freshly picked white flowers.

Among the white flowers and snow, she stood there quietly, like Snow White, but without the company of the dwarves, she seemed so lonely.

Chen Wei raised his eyebrows slightly, hesitating whether to go there, but thinking about the situation that night, he shrugged his shoulders, turned around and walked towards Yiyang City not far away.


Holding a delicate little flower shovel in her slender and white hand, Liu Rui bent down and dug up a white flower. She seemed to feel something. She raised her head, and her pale and beautiful face looked even more beautiful against the white snow. Bai, who is not yet young, has an extremely beautiful appearance.

The tip of her nose was slightly red, and her small mouth was exhaling hot mist. Those ethereal eyes quietly looked at the figure who was slowly walking down the mountain, and her cold and bloodless thin lips trembled slightly, "Is it him..."

(End of this chapter)

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