Rogue master in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 164 Snowflakes and Wildflowers

Chapter 164 Snowflakes and Wildflowers
After she quietly watched the figure turn into a black spot in the boundless white snow, her ethereal eyes slowly dimmed, and she continued to bend down to look for her favorite flower.

At this time, the sound of horseshoes came from behind, and a burly black figure rode a horse and ran up the hillside.Maybe it was because of the snow, or maybe the man was too heavy, and the horse ran a little hard. Halfway up the mountain, the horse's nose was already breathing white mist, and the white mist was attached to the fur of the horse's head, slowly condensing The water drops finally dripped on the snow under the feet along the black and clean nose, and slowly penetrated into the snow.

"Flower Girl, Flower Girl..." the burly man on horseback shouted happily when he spotted Liu Rui among the wildflowers.

After hearing the sound, Liu Rui, who was integrated with Bai Hua, slowly raised her head and turned around. When she saw the big man on the horse, a faint smile appeared on her face, which was always stingy with everyone. A small dimple immediately made this pale face a little more alive, like white and pure rice paper, dotted with a few small flowers, it suddenly became gorgeous.

"Uncle, why are you here?" The girl who was as pale and frail as a little velvet flower beside her smiled and said.Her voice was very soft, before it could be heard in the wind and snow, it was blown away.

The one who can be called uncle by Liu Rui is naturally Uncle Zhang Fei.When Liu Bei reduced Liu Rui's biological mother to a concubine and married another wife, Zhang Fei was the only one who opposed it, and even though this guy had a savage temperament, he was the only one who loved this little niece.Although Liu Rui hated her father Liu Bei and was indifferent to everyone, she was very kind to her uncle Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei with a full face of beard jumped off his horse and walked straight towards Liu Rui. The burly figure squeezed a way among the flowers, and he trampled down countless flowers under his feet.

"Uncle, don't step on the flowers..." Liu Rui's delicate voice was remembered again, and her pale and long willow eyebrows were slightly frowned.

Zhang Fei paused, his fierce face that could scare a child into tears showed an embarrassed expression, and then this guy with a net weight of more than 200 catties stood on tiptoe, like a ballet step, and swayed towards Liu Rui walked over, but who didn't know that she tripped over the stone under her feet, and as a result, more flowers were crushed by this fellow, and there was no place to turn over.

The funny scene made Liu Rui burst out laughing, Zhang Fei smiled when he saw his obedient niece, and he, who was sitting among the flowers, also grinned and laughed.That laughter was like knocking on a cheerful gong, and I don't know how many snowflakes were blown away.

"Hua Nu, it's cold outside, I'll take you back!" Zhang Fei got up and stood in front of Liu Rui. The huge figure made the already thin Liu Rui look even smaller.

"Uncle, I'm not cold."

"You are weak, and you have to drink bitter medicine when you are cold."

"I won't drink Daddy's medicine."

"If you don't drink, don't drink, let's go back."

"Uncle asked you a question."

"Flower girl asks, three hundred questions are fine."

"Where did that General Xiaochen come from?"

"Why do you ask that guy? That guy is not a good guy."

"Yeah, is he bad?"

"Of course it's bad."


"Before that guy came, no matter how much I ate, your father would keep me full. Now that he's here, your father can only let me eat fifty steamed buns for a meal. Your uncle will be hungry!"

"What does that have to do with him?"

"Because your father wants to collect military rations for that guy."

Liu Rui pursed her lips and smiled, and looked in the previous direction. The black spot had already disappeared, only the footprints on the snowy ground remained, but it was soon covered by snowflakes.

It snowed all night.One day, Cao Cao's [-] vanguard army, led by Xiahou Dun and Zhang He, rushed to Yiyang City.

On the top of the city, Jia Xu looked at the white snow and said, "This snow has forced Cao Jun here."

Chen Wei didn't answer. Looking at the flags fluttering in the distance, he knew that Cao Cao's logistics were not good. He was afraid that the cold weather would affect morale for a long time, and it was not suitable for a long battle, so he launched an attack in advance, seeking a quick victory.Although Cao Cao was eager to win, he was cautious not to attack with all his strength at once, and sent a vanguard to start a tentative attack.

Beside the city head, Liu Bei and others stood side by side with the battlements, also looking at the enemy army already ten miles away, everyone's face was dignified and serious.

"Brother relies so much on the surname Chen, just let that guy go to meet the enemy!" Zhang Fei glanced at Chen Wei who was not far away, and then said to Guan Yu.

Guan Yu's slender eight-foot body stands on the top of the city, with one hand on his back and the other clenched into a fist. The Danfeng looked at the enemy's banner swaying in the northwest wind in the distance, and perhaps remembered the battle at the pass, and the head of Kongtong Mountain. The eldest disciple showed a slightly worried look on his dark red face.

At this time, Liu Bei looked around and asked everyone: "Xiahou Dun led the troops, how should we meet the enemy?"

Zhang Fei glared at Chen Wei who was standing there with a calm face, then snorted coldly, and shouted: "Didn't my brother say the day before yesterday that he is like a fish in water, let the water go!"

Chen Wei glanced at Zhang Fei and smiled wryly.

Liu Bei said angrily: "If you don't want to go, I will let you stay in the city and not go out!"

Zhang Fei immediately panicked and shouted: "Brother, don't be angry. Just don't let me eat enough. You must not let me go out of the city to kill the enemy. If I don't fight three hundred rounds a day, my whole body will itch. Staying in the city, my body is already covered with prickly heat!"

Liu Bei was annoyed and helpless, after drinking Zhang Fei back, he came to Chen Wei and said respectfully: "General Xiao Chen, what countermeasures do you have for resisting the enemy?"

Chen Wei went out of the city last night and inspected the terrain.After returning, he discussed with Jia Xu what to do in case Cao Jun attacked. Although there was a result, he did not expect Cao Jun to come so quickly.

However, Chen Wei knew what Liu Bei asked, and Chen Wei calmly said, "I have a plan in mind, but I'm afraid that Guan Yunchang and Zhang Yide won't listen to my orders."

(End of this chapter)

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