Chapter 230
Compared with Sima Feixue, Chen Wei's situation is much more dangerous.Daggers can't penetrate the scales of those sharks, hitting them with fists and feet is equivalent to tickling.

Sima Feixue's cultivation level is higher than Chen Wei's, and she also has a sword that can penetrate scale armor. There are many mermen who die under her sharp sword. As a result, those mermen see that Sima Feixue is difficult, so they bully and attack Chen Wei. Come.


Dozens of mermen whose cries echoed in the river rushed towards Chen Wei frantically.

These mermaids were faster than Chen Wei in the water, all of them were driven crazy by the blood and the bodies of their companions, and they rushed towards Chen Wei.

Seeing this, Chen Wei, who was dodging around in the river channel, changed his face drastically and couldn't help cursing. His eyes were narrowed and his eyes were cold. At this moment, he didn't care about Sima Feixue's presence. It boiled like boiling water.

At the same time, there were seven mermen rushing towards Chen Wei, and each merman roared angrily and waved their hard and sharp claws.


Chen Wei threw out his arm suddenly, and the speed was more than twice as fast as before. The dagger in his hand instantly turned into a cold light, which was extremely fierce.

The shadow of the dagger is like a streamer.

Blood splattered!

The merman who rushed to the front was directly inserted into the abdomen by the dagger, and blood spurted out of his throat, and he collapsed powerlessly, splashing water.

The other six mermen were also red-eyed, rushing over desperately, trying to tear Chen Wei into pieces.

Chenwei’s dantian is like a bowl filled with half a bowl of liquid Yin-Yang fluid. Because of Chen Wei’s arousal, the surface layer of the Yin-Yang fluid slowly evaporates into Yin-Yang Qi. Although only the surface liquid changes into Yin-Yang Qi, But the strength and speed in Chenwei's body more than doubled.

After killing a merman, Chen Wei didn't stop, and continued to meet those mermen.

The remaining six mermen directly stepped on the corpse of their dead partner, roaring at Chao Chenwei!


The yin and yang energy in his body was aroused, Chen Wei's eyes turned blood red slightly, and the dagger in his hand ruthlessly harvested the lives of these mermaids, and finally the dagger turned its mouth.

At this time, a merman who was bigger than all mermen rushed towards Chen Wei.

The scales on this merman's body are different from those of other mermans, there is a faint golden circle around each scale.When the merman rushed over, the surrounding mermen actually gave way one after another, obviously this huge merman was their king!

The Shark King raised his head and let out a roar, kicked his feet, splashed the water, turned into a shadow, leaped over several sharks in an instant, stepped on the river wall, the rocks on the mountain wall cracked, and shot towards Chen Wei at the same time come over.

Because the dagger in his hand had been scrapped, Chen Wei took advantage of the situation and threw the dagger at the shark king.

The cold light of the dagger streaked across the air and shot directly at Shark King's eyes.

But the Shark King was much more flexible than the rest of the Sharks. He swung his claws out, and the dagger was blocked by it before it could get close. The dagger pierced its claws and made a metal-like impact sound, but it couldn't hurt it at all. .

"Howl~~" The Shark King roared angrily, and charged at Chen Wei without slowing down.

Although Chen Wei's speed and strength have increased dramatically, he has no sharp weapons, and the power of his fists and feet has suddenly decreased a lot.

Chen Wei's fist was like a heavy hammer hitting the Shark King's body continuously, making a clanging sound, but at the same time, Chen Wei's body was scratched with bloody cuts by the opponent's claws.At this moment, his life is almost lost, how dare Chen Wei care about these things.

"Howl~~" The Shark King roared again, lowering his head and bumping directly towards Chen Wei.

"Bastard!" Chen Wei yelled angrily, gathered all his strength, and punched the Shark King's head with one punch.

But it happened unexpectedly, the Shark King was obviously different from the rest of the Sharks, the scales on his head suddenly moved, protruding a dagger-like spike!
Chen Wei's face changed, seeing that the sharp thorn was about to pierce his fist, at the last moment, he twisted his waist abruptly and turned his body abruptly.Spike passed by Chen Wei, although he dodged in time, but due to the forceful dodge, Chen Wei suddenly lost his balance and fell to one side.


The Shark King's turning speed far exceeded Chen Wei's expectation. When Chen Wei fell into the river, he turned around in surprise, and the spike on his head directly pierced Chen Wei's back!
Amazing speed!


At this moment, Chen Wei was facing the river, but his back was exposed to Shark King.


The spikes stuck directly on the cloth bag on Chen Wei's back, and Chen Wei was already determined to die.Chen Wei, who sank to the bottom of the water, suddenly realized that he was not dead yet, and suddenly remembered the soft armor in the cloth bag. Under such a heavy blow, the king was not pierced.

But not long after Chen Wei was happy, the Shark King seemed to feel that he didn't penetrate Chen Wei's body, so he inserted it again, this time directly stabbing Chen Wei's head.

Chen Wei in the water had difficulty moving and could not dodge in time, so he could only use his last fighting strength to grab the spike with both hands.

But the Shark King's strength was so great that Chen Wei only felt the palms of his hands burn, but he couldn't hold the spikes.

Seeing that the thorn was about to pierce through Chen Wei's heart, a flash of sword light cut across the air, cutting off the thorn with incomparable precision.

The thorn on the top of the Shark King's head was broken, and he roared wildly.

"Go—" Sima Feixue's figure fell beside Chen Wei, grabbed Chen Wei and ran to the front of the river.

"Now we owe nothing to each other!" Sima Feixue said.

Chen Wei saved her once, and now she saves Chen Wei again.But Chen Wei was not happy at all, because the road ahead could no longer run forward!

"The river is too hot, if you go down, you will be scalded to death!" Chen Wei shouted.The deeper you run into the river, the deeper and hotter the river becomes.At this time, the river water had reached their waists, and they could no longer run, they could only swim.But those mermaids were faster than them in the water.After a while, he caught up again.

Sima Feixue couldn't help revealing a look of sadness in her eyes at this moment, even if those mermen were not her opponents, the densely packed mermen were innumerable, and they would eventually exhaust themselves, and they would not be able to escape the tragedy of being torn apart.

Sima Feixue looked at Chen Wei, she never thought that she would die here with him.

The Shark King's spine was broken, and he was completely angry. He swam towards the two of them first, like a killer whale, with his back sticking out of the water.

He is not afraid on land, but in water, the Shark King's power is obviously far superior to the two of them.Just when the two were about to make a dying struggle, suddenly a huge wave exploded in the water behind Chen Wei and the two of them. They turned their heads hurriedly, only to see a column of water rushing out of the water and hitting the roof of the cave, the boiling water turned into It fell like rain.

This jet of water shoots up from the bottom of the water like a whale spouting.

Those mermen who were rushing madly stopped suddenly and let out a panicked cry.He didn't even dare to move forward, even the Shark King whose head had been cut off the spike symbolizing the king didn't dare to move forward.

Chen Wei and Sima Feixue's faces were pale, there was a crowd of sharks in front of them, and some monsters appeared behind them, they were even afraid of those ferocious sharks, they had no chance of survival!

I only saw a large tumbling water splash slowly rising in the water, and sprayed out the water column again, this time the spray was more violent, and the water sprayed out from under the water was simply boiled water. After hitting the top of the river, it was scattered and fell. On the hands and feet, blisters were directly scalded.

Sima Feixue swung a strong wind with her long sleeves, and not much water fell on her body, but Chen Wei's upper body was naked, but he was covered in red spots from the water droplets.

Those mermans have scales on their surfaces, so they are not afraid of hot water falling on them, but they dare not move forward.The shark's ferocious eyes swept over Chen Wei and Sima Feixue, roared at them a few times, and finally turned around and left.

When the mermen saw the king leaving, they also retreated one after another.

At this time, there was another loud noise, and a stream of white air spewed out from the water column, and the boiling water rained down continuously. How could monsters exist in such boiling water?

Chen Wei saw the red light slowly glowing under the water, and suddenly came to his senses. No wonder those sharks ran away, and immediately shouted at Sima Feixue: "This is a volcanic crack, and the magma is about to erupt. Swim back quickly!"

Sima Feixue couldn't understand for a moment.

Seeing that Sima Feixue was still in a daze, Chen Wei cursed and grabbed Sima Feixue's hand and swam back desperately!

(End of this chapter)

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