Chapter 231
Chen Wei's water quality is very good, taking advantage of the short time when the magma in the volcanic fissure was not brewing and erupting, he dragged Sima Feixue and swam back desperately.

Suddenly there was a bang from behind, and the magma erupted, and the fiery red magma gushed out. Even Chen Wei, who was in the water, could feel waves of heat coming from behind.

Those mermen had already gone to nowhere, and the whole river turned into fiery red.

Because of the extrusion of the magma, the water level in the river skyrocketed, and the two of them swam all the way back. After swimming for an unknown amount of time, they returned to the cave just now, and they were finally able to draw water.

Fortunately, this is just the eruption of underground magma fissures. The scale is naturally not comparable to that of volcanoes, so there is not much magma. It is probably filled with hundreds of meters of magma.

Fearing that the heat wave would hurt people, Chen Wei and Sima Feixue panicked and didn't know which river to walk into, and finally lost their way in the winding river.

Temporarily unable to find a way out, the two simply rested.After fighting with those mermen, most of their physical strength has been exhausted.Especially Sima Feixue, first experienced a swarm of corpse-eating giant rats, then a merman, and finally swam hundreds of meters. The physical exertion was beyond the reach of ordinary women.Fortunately, she has deep internal strength and can barely support her.But at this moment, he lost his way in the underground river again, which made things worse.

Chen Wei sat on the ground panting for breath with his naked body full of scars, and found that all the jewels in the cloth bag behind his back had already fallen out, probably because the Shark King's spike pierced the cloth bag.But to Chen Wei's surprise, the opening in the cloth bag was small, and the soft armor was not thrown away because of its large size.

Chen Wei found that the soft armor was pricked once by the Shark King's thorns, and it was unscathed, which is really a rare treasure.Chen Wei put this soft armor on his body just now, and found that this soft armor is not only invulnerable, but also keeps warm.

Sima Feixue, who was wearing white clothes, was drenched all over, and the white clothes stuck to his body, making his figure even more exquisite and convex, with attractive curves.

It's just that it's hard for Chen Wei to appreciate the scenery in front of him.After resting for half his salary, Chen Wei stood up and continued on his way, because without food to consume here, it would only make people weaker and weaker.While there is still some strength, finding the exit is the way to survive.

Seeing Sima Feixue's extremely pale face, Chen Wei said, "Can't walk? I'll carry you on my back."

Sima Feixue was pure and pure, and would rather die of exhaustion than contact with a man, bit his lip and insisted on standing up and said: "I can walk by myself."

Chen Wei didn't say much, and walked ahead.This time the two were walking upstream, the river slowly flowed from the front, and the water temperature was slightly cool.

After walking for half an hour, Chen Wei turned his head and saw Sima Feixue squatting on the ground, obviously overdrawn.

"You really don't need me to carry you?" Chen Wei asked.

"No need." Sima Feixue said.

This girl is beautiful, but her temper is too stubborn.Chen Wei took a few steps, and finally turned around and took her sword, and forcefully picked her up.

Sima Feixue struggled, but if he had the strength to struggle, he wouldn't be unable to walk on.After symbolically struggling a few times, he finally lay quietly on Chen Wei's back, his pale and cold face had a blush, but Chen Wei couldn't see the beauty.

With Sima Feixue on his back, Chen Wei waded up the water step by step, using Sima Feixue's sword as a stick.Because of the countercurrent, every step takes more effort.

Looking at the beads of sweat on Chen Wei's cheeks from behind, Sima Feixue suddenly felt that this man was not that hideous, especially the side profile, with sharp edges and corners. Naturally, he was not as handsome as Sima Yi in terms of appearance, but the most important thing was his delicate features. People with facial features are often not tired of seeing, the only bad thing is that the lips are too thin, such men are often cold and ruthless.

In the deep river, Chen Wei walked silently with Sima Feixue on his back, the surrounding was very quiet, only the sound of water under Chen Wei's feet could be heard.

After a long time, Sima Feixue could hear Chen Wei's breathing getting heavier and heavier.

She bit her lip subconsciously, and said softly: "If you let me go, you may still have the strength to walk on. Carrying my back, it is very likely that both of you will die here."

Gritting his teeth, Chen Wei walked forward step by step without looking back or answering.

Maybe he felt that Sima Feixue's hand holding his neck loosened, so he gasped and said: "I have read a novel, and I can't remember the plot, but there is a sentence in it that says girls It is made of water. Therefore, for beautiful girls, regardless of whether they are bodhisattvas or snakes, they should be more distressed. I think it makes sense. In Chang'an, there was a princess named Liu Ying who was also very beautiful. That small mouth, tsk tsk, red lips with plain teeth, a little bit of red cherry, so attractive. But she is a very deep woman, willing to sacrifice anything for power. At first she stood by my side and found that the situation was not right , and stood on the opponent's side again. But no matter how bad it is, she never laid hands on my back, I really can't hate her. As for you, the scar left on my body by the sword at Changshe is still there, so I am sorry You don't have much affection, women are always cold and emotionless, and no man likes you no matter how beautiful they are, but I saw that you never left those juniors when you met those corpse-eating giant rats, and I found that you are not so cold and heartless, So in the end I decided to save you. No, good people are rewarded, if not for you, I would have died at the hands of the Shark King just now..."

Chen Wei was chattering, Sima Feixue behind her tightly pursed her lips, a few strands of blue hair wet by the river stuck to the white Shengxue's cheeks, instead of feeling cold and indifferent, it added a bit of pure beauty, clarity and ethereal.

"What's the name of that novel?" Sima Feixue asked softly.

"The paper is full of absurd words, full of bitter tears, it's worth not to say it!" Chen Wei sighed.

Sima Feixue didn't ask any further questions, and whispered the phrase "full of absurd words, a handful of bitter tears". How much suffering did he go through to say such sad words?

After walking for another half an hour, the river was so dark that we didn't know whether it was day or night outside.Sima Feixue might be tired, so he gently pressed his face to Chen Wei's back.For some reason, she who never liked getting too close to a man, now that she was lying on his back, she didn't feel much disgust.


Suddenly, something seemed to flow down the water in the river ahead, a dark shadow.

Having seen all kinds of weird things in the tomb passage, Chen Wei didn't dare to be careless, raised Sima Feixue's slender long sword, and waited for the black shadow to flow over.

When the black shadow flowed close, Chen Wei couldn't help but gasped, and what flowed down turned out to be a corpse.

The corpse was beyond recognition, as if it had been bitten off the face by something, but it was wearing the clothes of Kongtong Mountain!

"How could this Kongtong Guard's body flow here?" Chen Wei was surprised and delighted.Surprised that this corpse died too horribly, happy that since there are corpses flowing down, it means that there must be an exit upstream.

Feeling that Chen Wei's footsteps stopped, Sima Feixue turned his face away from Chen Wei's back, opened his eyes and saw the corpse in the water, and suddenly shouted in Chen Wei's ear.


(End of this chapter)

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