Chapter 232
"Be careful--"

Before Sima Feixue finished speaking, a black shadow the size of a fist suddenly shot out from the belly of the body of the Kongtong Guard in the water, and he felt a flash of black light, and the black shadow flew towards Chen Wei's face.

Chen Wei's gaze was still on the bloody face of the corpse, when he suddenly heard Sima Feixue's reminder, his body shook, and the long sword in his hand pierced out like lightning, stabbing the black shadow with precision, and with a puff, even the merman's scale armor The piercing sword pierced through the black shadow almost like cutting tofu, and then flung it on the mountain wall of the river before falling into the water.

When the black shadow slowly sank into the water, Chen Wei finally saw the black object clearly, it was a bug with two fangs around its mouth.

"What is this?" Chen Wei asked in surprise.

"This is a corpse, it eats carrion, and there are many places with dead things..." Sima Feixue was well-informed, and she also saw the bug while lying on her back, "But it's too big Well, a normal corpse is only the size of a finger, but this one is the size of a fist..."

"Could it be that this Kongtong guard was killed by this thing?" Chen Wei couldn't believe it, because the Kongtong guard's strength was not enough to deal with a corpse.

"More than one..." Sima Feixue quietly looked at the corpse passing by.

Chen Wei looked down, and found that a hole had been bitten out in the stomach of the corpse, and several corpses were gnawing on the intestines in the stomach. The two fangs opened and closed, and one intestine was easily bitten off. After a while, the intestines in the stomach have been eaten up by these corpses, and then they continue to drill inside, obviously all internal organs will be eaten up by them.

The corpse floated and sank in the river, slowly drifting away with the current.

Now that the corpse of Kongtong Guard flowed down from the upper reaches, Chen Wei and Chen Wei felt hopeful and continued to move forward.

But after walking for a long time, a group of black shadows could be vaguely seen swaying in the river ahead, and the corpses of several Kongtong Guards and a large number of Cao soldiers were covered with dense corpses, and blood came out.

Seeing so many corpses, thousands of them crawling over the entire river cave, both Chen Wei and Sima Feixue turned pale, the elephants were killed by ants, not to mention Sima Feixue's fighting power was close to zero.

Fortunately, those corpses were all scrambling to chew on the corpses, eating with relish, and they didn't find the two of them for the time being.

"What should I do?" Looking at the scene in front of him, Chen Wei's scalp felt numb.

"There is a river on your left..." Sima Feixue said with a pale face.

Chen Wei immediately moved towards the river slowly with Sima Feixue on his back, but as soon as he moved, he immediately attracted the attention of those corpses, and those corpses who couldn't compete for meat immediately swarmed over.

"Fuck!" Chen Wei turned around with Sima Feixue on his back and ran towards the river on the left. Black corpses crawled all over the river, chasing after him.

Chen Wei couldn't care too much at this moment, he ran when he saw a road, stepped on the water, and the sediment that had settled at the bottom of the river was lifted up.

Chen Wei, who was in a panic, didn't notice that the river water under his feet was getting more and more urgent. When he realized it, the river water had already overflowed to his chest, so he could only hold Sima Feixue with one hand and swim forward with the other hand.

Those corpses didn't seem to understand water. After the river flooded, they stopped, opened and closed the two fangs on their mouths, and finally turned back to bite the remaining corpses.

The river was flowing fast, and Chen Wei dragged Sima Feixue to swim forward with almost no effort. He, who didn't believe in gods and Buddhas, couldn't help but began to pray to the heavens to let him walk out of the sky.

I don’t know if it’s because the gods and Buddhas have gone to Weibo. They encountered all kinds of ghosts and ghosts along the way. In the end, Chen Wei also found that the river was flowing so fast that there was a waterfall in front of him.

Chen Wei did not expect that there was a waterfall under the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, and when he discovered it in horror, it was too late to swim back.The rushing water directly washed him and Sima Feixue down.

The underground waterfall is not high after all, about twenty meters.Under the perennial impact, a pool of water rushed out below.

The two fell into the pool, and suddenly felt the water in the pool was icy cold, Chen Wei shivered all over his body, it was abnormally cold.The soft armor worn by Chen Wei has buoyancy, after sinking to the bottom of the pool, he floated up without much effort.But what changed Chen Wei's face was that Sima Feixue disappeared.

Chen Wei buried his head and dived down. He was hit by the waterfall for many years, so the pool was very deep. Chen Wei who dived into the deep pool opened his eyes to look for Sima Feixue's figure.The water is very clear, and Chen Wei can see many bearded, black, and huge strange fish living under the water. These fish have thick fish fat all over their bodies, and they live at the bottom of the deep underground pool without sunlight all the year round. Even Chen Wei wasn't afraid, and walked around Chen Wei's side slowly.

Chen Wei learned to swim at the request of his grandfather since he was a child, because swimming can not only strengthen his physique, but also strengthen his will.The Yangtze River is [-] kilometers long in Fengjie County, Chenwei's hometown, so my grandfather would let Chenwei swim for [-] kilometers every time, and only allowed three rests during the period.Running forty kilometers on land is impossible for most people, let alone swimming?So it was common for Chen Wei to be drowned half to death before being picked up by his grandfather on the boat, but it was also because of this years of training that Chen Wei not only developed a superhuman physique and superhuman will, but also learned a good water quality.Although he won the world championship in the martial arts competition, he did not dare to claim that he is really the best in the world, but when it comes to diving, the suffering of being exhausted and sleeping in the water hundreds of times and almost drowning is really not in vain. He dares to say the second, and no one dares to say the first.After winning the world championship that time, Grandpa was ready to apply for the Guinness Book of Records for him, but now it seems that he has no chance.

The average person can dive for about one to two minutes, but it is not difficult for Chen Wei to swim underwater for three to four minutes, especially after the extra yin and yang energy in his body, Chen Wei found that he did not need to breathe for a longer time.Chen Wei searched under the deep pool for about 2 minutes, had to resurface to take a breath, and then sank again.

At a certain place at the bottom of the pool, Sima Feixue could only feel the bone-piercing spring water almost freezing the blood in her body. When she tried to swim upstream, she realized that it was the pressure of the water falling from the waterfall that made it difficult for her to swim upstream. After going back and forth twice, she was already physically exhausted and was unable to continue to swim upstream. After two or three minutes of diving, Sima Feixue felt that the oxygen in her body was getting weaker and weaker, and her consciousness began to be a little blurred. Falling slowly, a string of blisters spit out from the mouth.The spring water in the cave is icy cold. Once the ice water enters the human body, it will be life-threatening, and the human body temperature will be low for a long time, which will lead to death.

Chen Wei made a circle at the bottom of the water, and finally found Sima Feixue in the water with fluttering white clothes.

Chen Wei didn't care about the difference between men and women, and aimed at Sima Feixue's small cherry mouth to slowly inject oxygen into his lungs. Sima Feixue, who was in a coma, felt a warm current pouring into his body instantly, and immediately the chill in his body was mostly dispelled. Slowly opened his eyes and vaguely saw Chen Wei's face close to his own, and fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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