Chapter 330 Surprise
"The so-called guerrilla warfare is not a simple escape. Its essence is that the enemy advances and retreats, the enemy retreats and advances, the enemy is tired and we fight, and the enemy flees and pursues." Chen Wei said: "Luo An just hopes to lead our army into Shouyang. Mountainous area, and then use the terrain to fight us. Sun Hou, you and I fought against Zhu Jun in Shouyang Mountain back then. If you get the mountain people or coerce them to cooperate, even if they are cut off from food and grass, they will still be able to survive in the mountains for a long time."

"Moreover, the situation in Chang'an does not allow us to fight a long-term war." Chen Wei said.

Jia Xu also nodded and said: "Many of the large number of recruits recruited by Luo'an are from small counties and mountain villages near the Shouyang mountain area. They have a certain mass base. Compared with them, we are enemies in the eyes of the local people. Based on this, it will create great difficulties and obstacles for us to encircle and suppress the rebels."

Sun Hou suddenly realized, and said with a wry smile: "General, what should we do?"

Chen Wei's face was serious, and he said quietly: "I lost to Zhu Jun here back then, and returned to Chang'an only after narrowly escaped death. Although Zhu Jun is dead now, I can't fall down in the same place. Since Luo An wants to be with us Fight guerrilla warfare, and we also have ways to contain guerrilla warfare."

Sun Hou's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Could it be that the general has already thought of a way to deal with it?"

The corners of Chen Wei's lips are frivolous. Back then, the Red Army led by Mao Zedong relied on guerrilla warfare to achieve success. When it comes to guerrilla warfare, I am afraid that in this era, there is really no other person who is more aware of the advantages and weaknesses of guerrilla warfare.

"Guerrilla warfare is an irregular type of warfare, with attacks as the main method. It is highly mobile, flexible, proactive, aggressive, and quick-determined, and can mobilize the local people to join the war." Chen Wei said: "This is the essence of guerrilla warfare." advantages, but its advantages are also its disadvantages, because it needs to rely too much on the local mountain people.”

Jia Xu said: "According to Chen Wei, the so-called guerrilla warfare is actually the method of wandering troops."

Chen Wei was startled.

Jia Xu smiled and said: "This kind of tactics appeared in the battle between Wu and Chu hundreds of years ago, and Peng Yue, the general of Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, used guerrilla tactics in detail. In fact, the original meaning of guerrilla warfare is the form of wandering troops. , suddenly move and suddenly calm, avoid the reality and attack the emptiness, look at the win and scratch the prosperity, tie the Chen and go to the ground, break the four classics. He Chenwei you just said that the enemy advances and retreats, the enemy retreats and advances, the enemy is tired and we fight, the enemy flees I chased after it, but it was exactly the same."

Chen Wei smiled and said: "I thought I was the only one who knew about it, but I didn't expect it to have existed before. Chen Wei is really ignorant."

Jia Xu shook his head and smiled and said, "No, Chen Wei, what you said is more thorough, and it hits the essence of guerrilla warfare. But guerrilla warfare has never had much to deal with, and the terrain is different and the environment is different. , the method of wandering the army will not be the same, I don't know what strategy Chen Wei has to deal with it?"

Chen Wei said with a smile: "In fact, strategies are dead. Only by adapting to local conditions can they be used flexibly. Of course, in the final analysis, the essence remains unchanged. Our army is elite, and its combat power is far superior to that of the enemy. This is why Luo An chose to retreat to the mountainous area." The reason. Since this is the case, we should also take advantage of our strength and combat effectiveness, as long as we determine the areas where the guerrillas are most rampant in Roan, and then send large troops to guard the main roads, stipulating that these roads must be used by civilians to enter and exit this area, and then divide the large area into In small areas, scouts were sent to investigate other places. Once they found any movement, they sent large troops to pursue them, encircled and cleaned up each area, and closed an area until the guerrillas in all areas were cleared. Finally, Roan’s guerrillas There is nowhere to escape."

Jia Xu sighed: "Chenwei's method is really unheard of before, but it is extremely exquisite."

The next day, the Chinese army led by Chen Wei directly advanced into Shouyang Mountain.Because Luo An chose to retreat to the mountainous area and fight guerrilla warfare with Chen Wei, when the large army entered the Shouyang Mountain area, they basically did not receive any obstruction.But Chen Wei didn't take it lightly, and the scouts sent out reported the situation ahead one after another.

The ancient mountains and forests were not reclaimed like the later generations. Although Shouyang Mountain is not as long as Lishan Mountain, it has beautiful peaks, clever stones, dense forests, and rare birds and animals.The river flowing from the depths of the mountain is meandering and turbulent, and the stream is clear and rocky. Under the sunshine, the water moves and the rocks change, creating endless illusions.

After advancing unimpededly into Shouyang Mountain for ten miles, Jia Xu advised Chen Wei not to go deep alone, but to set up camp with the water in order to be cautious.

Chen Wei relied heavily on Jia Xu, so he naturally agreed and ordered to set up camp.Sun Hou went to arrange the specific matters of camping, while Wen Yang did not need Chen Wei's instructions, and had already sent people to climb to the top of the highest giant mountain to observe the movement near and far.From the surface, everything in the middle of Shouyang Mountain is peaceful and peaceful. There are birds and beasts in the forest coming to the river to drink water, and even run to the river not far from the camp to mingle with their horses, enjoying the water flowing from Shouyang Mountain. The sweetness of the river.

In the evening, Wen Yang synthesized the news that the scouts came back from the investigation and reported the situation to Chen Wei and Jia Xu.It is preliminarily determined that the central area of ​​Shouyang Mountain is safe and sound, and all Luo'an troops have retreated to the deep mountainous area of ​​Shouyang Mountain.

According to the previous information, Chen Wei did not have much doubt.Originally planned to enter the central area of ​​Shouyang Mountain tonight, but was rejected by Jia Xu.

"Chen Wei, although the situation is very pressing for us, we must not rush for success. No matter how far away the victory is, it is better than failure." Jia Xu said: "Now that we have entered the Shouyang Mountain area, we must fall into Luo'an's territory." Surveillance area, although Roan chose to retreat, but this person is cunning and scheming, and it is not certain that he will not take the initiative to attack."

After being reminded by Jia Xu, Chen Wei realized that he was really eager for success. After calming down, he said, "Wen He is right to blame you. You are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case."

Seeing Chen Wei humbly listening to the teacher, Jia Xu stroked his beard and smiled.

When the sky was getting dark and the camps were starting fires, Chen Wei secretly sighed that, as Jia Xu expected, the scouts found signs of birds and beasts flying around in the forest on the opposite bank.

Chen Wei couldn't help but secretly applaud the danger, Luo An really didn't want to retreat completely, and laid an ambush in the central area.

"The traitor Luo An really has an ambush on the opposite side. If we cross the river, we will definitely fall into his trap." Sun Hou said, "Fortunately, the military commander guessed what Luo An was thinking and let us set up camp."

Wen Yang said: "General, let me catch two enemy soldiers and come back to ask how many ambushes there are. If there are not many enemies, we can forcefully cross the river, which can not only cross the river earlier, but also deter the enemy, and let them know that we are in ambush. The family army is amazing."

Chen Wei pondered, obviously thinking about Wen Yang's suggestion, and said after a while: "The two armies are fighting, the success or failure of the first confrontation will greatly affect the morale. If you win, the morale will increase greatly, but if you lose, it will damage the morale of our army. , Morale can usually determine the outcome of a war, so the first victory must be won."

Looking at the situation on the other side of the river, Jia Xu slowly turned her head and said with a smile, "Chen Wei, I understand Luo An's intentions. Not only do we have to cross the river, but we also have to cross the river overnight."

(End of this chapter)

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