Chapter 331
"Crossing the river overnight?" Chen Wei was stunned, and quickly asked: "Wen He, just now you told me to be cautious and wait for the backup troops to catch up before crossing the river. Why did you ask me to cross the river earlier at this time?"

Jia Xu said: "Before, I was worried that Luo An would lie in ambush on the other side of the river and attack us while we were crossing the river, so I hoped to cross the river under the cover of archers after the backup troops arrived."

He pointed to the dark forest on the other side of the river and said: "But I just looked at the terrain on the other side. The southwest is gentle and the northeast is steep. It is condescending. With Luo An's resourcefulness, he should not be able to see it, so the ambush should be hidden in that mountain forest. .”

"We let the soldiers cut wood and build rafts, pretend to cross the river tomorrow morning, and confuse the enemy. At the same time, tonight, we can send Sun Hou to lead the left army with [-] infantry to bypass Dongshan. Behind the ambush, when we cross the river tomorrow morning, Chen Wei, you will personally lead the Chinese army, let Wen Yang and the right army crossbow chariot soldiers lie in ambush on the low slope on the left side of the river, and cover the large troops to cross the river. For the sake of the number, attack back and forth, you can win the first victory." Jia Xu laughed.

Chen Wei agreed and ordered immediately.

At night, the troops led by Sun Hou quietly separated from the main force and disappeared in the east and downstream.Wen Yang led a thousand archers in ambush in the dense forest only a few hundred steps away from the camp.And Jia Xu personally supervised the soldiers cutting wood and building rafts, and kept sending people to shout that the general had an order to cross the river tomorrow, and tonight must build [-] rafts.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Chen Wei's army began to cross the river.Sure enough, in an instant, the sound of hooves and people came from the opposite bank at the same time.

Chen Wei led his second son to climb up to look down, condescending, to see the overall situation.

Since leaving Lishan, the black cub who had never molested a beast entered the mountain like a tiger, and some wolves and tigers who usually domineering in the mountains were driven to run all over the mountain by it, which was a great joy.Little did they know that a war was imminent.

"Brother, why don't you let me go to the front to kill bad guys for you?" The second boy stood beside Chen Wei and asked naively.In his mind, anyone who is brother's enemy is a bad person.

Chen Wei nodded lightly, and said with a smile: "Crossing the river is different from flat land. The troops use more archers. You are too big and your target is too conspicuous. And it's your first time on the battlefield, so you should stay by my brother's side."

Er Zaizi scratched his head and looked down the mountain quietly.

The forest and trees on the other side of the river shook, Chen Wei looked at the scale, Luo An ambushed at least nearly 3000 people, and they were all archers. After Chen Wei's troops crossed the river, a cannon rang, and thousands of arrows from the other side fired at the troops in the river.

Seeing this, Chen Wei couldn't help sighing secretly that Luo An was really not easy, and the right time to choose the attack was when his troops were halfway across the river and were in a dilemma.

However, Chen Wei's expression was calm and he was confident.

Sure enough, when the sound of crossbow arrows sounded from the opposite bank, the front of the troops crossing the river immediately raised huge shields to block the incoming arrows.If there was no preparation in advance, the Chen family's army would have suffered heavy losses if they were shot by the enemy this round.

However, because the enemy army is condescending and shoots from the hillside, when the bows and arrows shoot, there is still gravity falling, and the shields cannot withstand the powerful arrows of thousands of bows and arrows. Many soldiers fell down with their shields and fell into the water .

However, the shield had also resisted most of the arrows before, and the loss was probably close to a hundred people.Seeing that the opponent's first round of attack had finished and the second round hadn't started, Jia Xu, who was sitting alone in the tent, immediately ordered the front troops to retreat, and the follow-up troops to go up and cross the river forcefully.

The second round of arrow rain poured down again, and the Chen family's army suffered more losses this time, but a small number of soldiers had already crossed the other side.

Three rounds of arrows rained down, and the casualties of the troops crossing the river reached 500.

On a huge slope on the opposite bank, Luo An, the commander of the rebel army, was condescending, overlooking the situation by the river, with a blank expression on his face.

Lieutenant General Zhao Zong cupped his hands and said with a smile: "General, the enemy has already crossed the river, and our army has already severely injured the enemy. Shouldn't we order the soldiers to ambush in the dense forest by the river bank to attack?"

Luo An put his hands on his back and squinted his eyes. In the past, he always stood behind Zhu Jun, but now he stands in the front, overlooking the distance. It feels so good to be alone.He shook his head and said, "Don't worry, just wait a little longer. Although the fish is hooked, you have to wait for the fish to completely fall into the trap before closing the net."

Zhao Zong smiled and said: "The general is right, Zhao Zong is impatient."

Luo An raised his head slightly, looked at the opposite mountain, squinted his eyes, and could vaguely see a dark shadow.

"Is it you, Chen Wei?" Luo An murmured in his heart, his eyes flashed a hint of sternness, "Come on, this is just an appetizer, the real feast is coming later."

Finally, when Chen Wei's vanguard was halfway across the river, Luo An knew that the time was ripe, so he raised his hand.

Zhao Zong immediately understood, lifted the black chess next to him, and shook it.

There was another cannon fire in the dense forest on the river bank below the mountain, and three thousand ambushes were killed in the dense forest.

On the other side of the mountain, Chen Wei quietly overlooked the situation, and saw that Luo An had ambushed another ambush on the opposite side, so he couldn't help but look to the left.

With the same sound of the trumpet, Wen Yang led the crossbow chariot soldiers who were ambushing in the short hill on the left side of the south bank and fired a round of crossbow arrows from the dense forest.The ballista of the Chen family army can fire ten arrows in a row, and the opponent can only shoot once in a round, but the ballista can shoot ten times. Although there are only a hundred ballistas, they have the power of a volley of 1000 people. Strength far exceeds the strength of a human arm.

So he immediately shot the opponent upside down, causing more than half of the casualties.

"Luo An, you have Zhang Liang's plan, and I have a wall ladder. You will lose this battle." Chen Wei squinted his eyes, and also saw the figure of the opposite mountain.

On the giant mountain, Zhao Zong's face changed slightly, and he said in surprise: "How is it possible, isn't Chen Wei's backup army yet to arrive? Why are there so many archers on the other side of the river?"

He didn't know that there were only a hundred ballistas on the other side of the river.

Roan also looked gloomy, but he didn't panic, and made another gesture.

On the other side of the dense forest, another team rushed out.Unite with the previous team and attack left and right.

The two armies finally confronted head-on, and Luo An's side obviously had the upper hand in terms of numbers, and in order to defeat Chen Wei in the first battle, Luo An sent well-trained veterans.Because there were only half of the soldiers crossing the river, the Chen family army, which was at a disadvantage, began to retreat slowly.

At some point, Jia Xu had already climbed the mountain and came behind Chen Wei, stroked his beard and said solemnly: "Luo An is really not easy. First, he retreated to Shouyang Mountain, making us mistakenly think that he only defends but does not attack. Unexpectedly, this time it is With all the elite troops dispatched, we underestimated Luo An after all in this battle."

"But we still have one, don't we?" Chen Wei smiled.

Jia Xu nodded, "This battle can be won, but the loss is too great."

Chen Wei's face also gradually became serious, "Winning morale and defeating the morale of the enemy is still worthwhile for the entire strategic layout."

"It's time." Jia Xu said.

Chen Wei nodded to Er Zaizi.Er Zaizi took a torch and lit the huge bonfire poured with kerosene on the top of the mountain, thick smoke curled up.

With the sound of a cannon, Sun Hou Fujun rushed out from behind.

Luo An, who was still calm at first, suddenly changed color.

"General, there is an ambush behind the mountain!" Zhao Zong said in a panic.

Luo An's face was extremely dark, he clenched his fists tightly, and stared at the shadow in the distance.

"Retreat, the whole army retreats." Roan shouted angrily.

Seeing that the enemy army began to retreat, Chen Wei turned around and went down the mountain, the victory was sealed.

(End of this chapter)

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