Chapter 332
In the battle of crossing the river, although 300 Chen's troops died and more than 200 were injured, they killed more than [-] thieves and captured more than [-] prisoners.It can be regarded as a big victory.

The next day, the backup force and the main force converged, and the Chen family army, with a total of 1 people, crossed the river smoothly and entered the central area of ​​Shouyang Mountain.The rebel army led by Luo An had to completely retreat into the deep mountains and start guerrilla warfare.

However, Chen Wei had already prepared a way to deal with the guerrilla warfare. He would not engage in small-scale entanglement with Luo An. As soon as he found rebels, he would gather the main force to encircle and suppress them.

However, the initial encirclement and suppression effect was effective, but soon encountered new difficulties.

"Since Luo An was defeated last time, he has been unable to shrink back. Although according to what you said, Chen Wei, you sent a large army to guard the main roads and sweep them district by district, but Luo An threatened and lured the local mountain people to protect them. Even if we found the enemy Where, with the help of the local people, they can always get the news in advance, and encounter various difficulties when encircling and suppressing."

The army had already pushed into the deep mountain, but the raid had to come to a standstill. In the army tent, Chen Wei and others were discussing.

"The crux of the problem is that Luo An has the support and support of the local people, and you have an order not to disturb the people, the general, otherwise you will forcibly relocate all the mountain people outside the mountain?" Sun Hou said.

"There are tens of thousands of people in Shouyang Mountain. This is their home and their roots. If they are forced to relocate their families, the officials may force them to rebel..." Chen Wei said: "It is not easy to solve this problem. Difficult, we only need to confirm the resistance strength of Roan, every time we blockade an area, we will improve the lives of the local civilians and provide them with food and clothing. Secondly, if we capture rebel soldiers alive and cannot be killed, we must treat them with courtesy and care. Announce the names of the captured soldiers in various counties and mountain villages, so that the local people can visit their brothers and sons. At least let them feel that we are the army of benevolence and righteousness, better than Luo'an's rebel army. In this way, Luo'an's guerrilla can be cut off the breeding soil of teams.”

Both Jia Xu and Sun Hou applauded.

In the next few days, whenever the Chen family's army sweeps an area, Chen Wei will transfer part of the army's rations to the soldiers to distribute to the local mountain people. gold.

No matter which dynasty the people are always so simple, they are parents and officials who treat them well.Comparing this series of measures with the Luo'an Rebel Army who plundered and plundered, it immediately made the local people who resented the forced conscription of the rebel army feel good about the Chen Family Army. Slowly, as Chen Wei's disintegration plan was gradually implemented, The local people began to be unwilling to secretly help the rebel army, and some people even sent word of mouth to the rebel army to ask their brothers and sons to withdraw from the rebel army.

Within three days, the rebels, who relied on guerrilla warfare to resist stubbornly, became panicked and deserted.

It is an advantage to hide in the deep mountains and take advantage of the complex terrain to resist, but once surrounded and staged in the traffic arteries, it is extremely easy for the enemy to cut off food and military resources.Taking advantage of the unstable morale of the opponent's army, Chen Wei even dispatched troops continuously to completely block the main roads in and out of the deep mountains. Without the help of the local people, the rebel army's food was basically completely cut off, and they could only rely on the wild fruits in the deep mountains. animal.But how long can a team of more than 1 stand in a stalemate?

There were screams in the camp of the rebel army. Three soldiers who tried to desert were tied under a tree trunk, stripped naked, and whipped to the point where the surrounding soldiers were horrific.

"This is the end of being a deserter!" Zhao Zong coldly swept all the soldiers and shouted loudly.

"Anyone who escapes will be whipped to death just like them!"

The soldiers off the field looked at each other with fear on their faces.

A voice sounded from nowhere and said, "But there is no food, are we going to starve to death?"

Zhao Zong showed anger on his face, and shouted: "Whoever said we have no food, the cave behind the mountain is full of food, enough for us to last for half a year. Whoever dares to spread rumors, I will kill him!"

"But the dry rations are getting less and less every day..." the soldier muttered dissatisfied.

The surrounding soldiers also echoed, complaining.

Zhao Zong's face became more and more ugly, he turned around and walked towards the big tent of the commander, entered the tent, knelt down in front of Luo An and said: "General, the army's morale is gone now, you should decide a countermeasure earlier!"

Luo An, with disheveled hair and bloodshot eyes, has not slept for two days and two nights. There is a map of Shouyang Mountain on the desk. He is staring at the map, his fists clenched, and he doesn't know if his nails are stuck in his flesh.He did not expect that his method of roaming the army would be completely cracked by Chen Wei. If it was said that the divisional encirclement could retreat and escape resistance, but now Chen Wei has solidified the walls and cleared the field, blocking all the roads in and out of the deep mountains, and even the mountain trails that only Orion come and go are also blocked. Send troops to guard, and now there is no food in the mountain.

Luo An's eyes were bloodshot. He knew that he had lost a complete defeat in this battle.

He turned around slowly, and Zhao Zong, who was kneeling on the ground, couldn't help being startled when he saw Luo An's haggard face.

"General... the army... the army is short of food, and there is no food in the mountains. The soldiers are starting to disturb. Just yesterday, more than a dozen soldiers have fled..." Zhao Zong hesitated for a moment, but finally said out.

Roanna's bloodshot eyes were terrifying, and he said coldly: "Didn't I tell you that anyone who escapes will be killed immediately!"

"But the morale of the army has been shaken, and the soldiers keep complaining!" Zhao Zong swallowed his saliva.

Luo An strode out of the military tent and came to the camp.Seeing Luo An, the soldiers, who were so hungry and weak, hurriedly got up.

Luo An glanced at the many soldiers with a calm expression, and shouted calmly: "There is a lack of food recently, so everyone's rations have been reduced. It's not a lack of food. Save some food, the food in the grain cave in the mountain can last for seven or eight months." question……"

The soldiers talked a lot.

Suddenly a soldier shouted: "General, yesterday I went to collect food, and the food officer told me that we have already run out of food..."

Zhao Zong's face turned pale.

Luo An narrowed his eyes and said, "What little brother said, come out."

The crowd stepped aside, revealing the face of a young soldier. Although the heat and rain these days had made his face rough, his face was very young, and he could be seen as a young man.

There was a flash of fear in his eyes, and he was too timid to go out.

Luo An smiled gently and said, "Don't be afraid, come here."

The young man licked his chapped lips and walked towards Roan hesitantly.

Luo An patted the young man on the shoulder lightly, and said kindly: "Young man is from the mountains?"

"Yes." The young man nodded apprehensively, seeing Luo An's gentle expression, he boldly said: "I am from the mountains, my parents sent sweet potatoes over a few days ago, saying that the villagers in my village are unwilling to send food over , and said that the Chen family army treated them very well, sent food and money, and even released the captured brothers home..."

Many soldiers around were from the mountainous area. Hearing these words, they immediately went into an uproar and looked at each other in blank dismay.

Luo An glanced at the expressions of the soldiers around him, his eyes turned cold, and Xuan then smiled gently at the soldier and said, "Then little brother, do you believe what your parents say, or what the general says?"

The young man's face was flushed, he hesitated and said: "I believe in the parents...never tell lies."

"It's okay, you go back..." Roan murmured softly.

Relieved, the young man turned around.

With the same expression on his face, Luo An suddenly turned around and stretched out his hand to pull out Zhao Zong's saber.

The young man's head fell to the ground, and he rolled on the ground a few times before stopping, his eyes widened.

The surrounding soldiers couldn't help but took a step back, looking at Roan whose face was covered with blood, it was terrifying.

With a wave of his arm, Luo An directly inserted the knife into the corpse, then swept around the scene coldly, and said coldly: "Anyone who dares to spread rumors and disturb the morale of the army, die!"

The faces of the soldiers were stiff, and no one dared to speak anymore.

And at this moment, a soldier ran over and reported loudly: "General, the enemy... the enemy army... the commander Chen Wei... wants to see... see the general..."

Luo An's eyes flashed, and he shouted: "How many people have you brought?"

"Just bring one person!"

Zhao Zong showed a look of surprise on his face, and said: "General, this is Chen Wei?"

Luo An's eyes showed ferocity, and he smiled angrily: "Come to persuade you to surrender? You actually came in person? Chen Wei, you are too deceitful!"

The corner of Zhao Zong's mouth twitched, and he asked hastily: "General, do we not see him when we see him?"

"See..." Luo An's eyes were full of resentment, and he said with a sneer: "Here you are, why don't you see me?

(End of this chapter)

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