Chapter 335
Some women, who come from a wealthy family, are not terrible if they give up on themselves after encountering adversity. The terrible thing is that she has completely closed her heart.That resentment slowly fermented in her chest and belly and turned into ambition, and she was silent like a little rural daughter-in-law, but if you really think that she only has the heart to do sewing and washing pots, you are wrong.

That is Ayutthaya.

It's not just men who know how to endure hardships. When a woman has come to this point, she sometimes knows how to tolerate it better than men.

Wang Weixiu is such a woman. From a daughter who was stepped on by a matchmaker to suddenly being abandoned by a beloved man, and degraded to a prostitute, she has gone through all the hardships and bad luck that a woman can experience.Meeting Chen Wei was probably the second biggest turning point in her life.Maybe you encounter misfortune, if you get out of the sea of ​​suffering, you will be a fool's wife in peace, the dust will settle, you will live an ordinary life, don't worry about food or clothing, ordinary is a blessing.I am afraid it is the path most women choose.But Wang Weixiu was not reconciled.

There are too many men with high ambitions and low abilities, but once a woman has ambitions and goals, her posture will be more restrained than anyone else.

Although she only runs a small chess shop, Wang Weixiu knows that this is the starting point for her to change her destiny.She is willing to start from the bottom.So on the second day after Chen Wei set off for the expedition, she took the initiative to find Cai Yong.She successfully worshiped Cai Yong as a teacher, this time she restrained herself very well, and being born in a rich family gave her an ordinary woman without knowledge and courtesy, so it was not difficult to gain Cai Yong's favor again.Moreover, the talent she showed made Cai Yong appreciate and cherish her very much.

With Chen Wei paving the way and Cai Yong taking care of it, many things can be easily solved.The location of the chess house is very good, in a prominent position in the North Lane of Chang'an Avenue, the most prosperous place in Chang'an.Most of the businesses in Beixiang are calligraphy and painting shops, musical instrument shops, antique tea shops, etc. It is considered the place with the strongest literary flavor.

Go originated very early and was widely spread during the Warring States Period. The so-called chess in [Qinqi, Calligraphy and Painting] refers to Go.However, it was not until the Han Dynasty that it was generally finalized, and the chess house also gradually emerged in the Han Dynasty, becoming a place specially provided for those who are good at Go.In the early years of Emperor Shizu of the Han Dynasty, Go was still in a state of "playing well in the world and playing alone". At that time, Go was only popular in the upper class of the nobles and generals, and ordinary people had no contact with the game at all.But in the past hundred years, because of frequent wars, Go activities have gradually flourished again.The chess room dojo is like bamboo shoots after spring, blooming all over the ground. In Chang'an, no matter the rich and powerful or the common people in the city, they all like to play chess.Many famous politicians and military strategists such as Cao Cao are outstanding players on two battlefields, the size of the battlefield and the chessboard.

In Chang'an, apart from Cai Yong, the Go master, the most famous one is Wang Can, one of the "Seven Sons of Jian'an". Wang Can is not only famous for his poems and prose, but also a Go expert.

There are quite a few Taoist halls in Chang'an Chess Club, and most of them calculate their fees based on private rooms.

The chess house is named "Danzhu Daochang", which was given by Cai Yong, which means "Yao made go to teach Danzhu".Danzhu Daochang is a classical two-story building with a large area. The interior decoration is completely done according to Wang Weixiu's intention. It takes a quiet route. Because of the careful layout, the entrance has the taste of a small bridge and flowing water. The clear water fish pond is quiet. The green bamboo, the simple rattan chair, opened the ceiling ingeniously, allowing the light to pass through the sky. A few green bamboos were planted below, and there was a stone table for chess around it. It is quiet and elegant, very bookish, elegant and elegant. Also be convinced.In Chang'an City, there are stone and wooden architectural styles everywhere. Although it is solemn, it is also too strict, but Danzhu Taoist Temple allows the people in the city to experience the scenery of wild fields, and it is in line with the atmosphere of chess, giving people a special enjoyment.

On the tenth day after Chen Wei's expedition, the Danzhu Dojo opened quietly.There is no overwhelming publicity, and it is not under the banner of Chen Wei or Cai Yong, so it is flat.So on the first day of opening, no one cares about it.On the second day, some people entered occasionally, but they were all scared off by the high price.On the third day, the Danzhu Dojo issued a notice that anyone who could challenge Wang Weixiu in the Danzhu Dojo would win 1000 taels of silver.

As soon as this announcement came out, it failed to cause a storm in Chang'an North Lane at first, and everyone knew that it was just a booing for the opening of a new store.But the high price of 1000 taels is here, so why not make people jealous?At the beginning, some people were lucky, and more than a dozen came one after another. Wang Weixiu hid behind the screen and played chess with everyone.

Slowly, more and more literati and chess players came to challenge, but no one could win the 1000 taels.

The boss of the nearby chess club immediately sent out the masters of his house to smash the field. As a result, on the first day of the challenge, five consecutive masters from different chess clubs were defeated miserably.

The next day, there was another notice outside the door, listing the names of the losers.

This time, there was public outrage, and some well-known players in Chang'an City came to challenge them one after another, and there were many good players among them. As a result, Wang Weixiu won 88 games and lost one.The reason why the last game was lost was because one of the chess idiots lost nine games in a row and was so heartbroken that he had to win one game before giving up. Wang Weixiu gave up in the tenth game.

Because the game is played behind the screen, no one has seen his true face.Although he lost 1000 taels, the result was that the reputation of Danzhu Daoist Hall was well established, and everyone knew that a mysterious female saint appeared in Chang'an City.

For a while, the most talked about in the bookstore of the teahouse was the mysterious proprietress of Danzhu Taoist Temple.I don't know when, there was a rumor in Chang'an City, saying that this woman is Cai Zhaoji, the daughter of the Cai family, because someone saw that Wang Weixiu's carriage would drive into Cai's mansion every evening, and she could not be found in Chang'an City. The second woman with such advanced chess skills as Cai Zhaoji.

Of course, including Cai Yong, no one knew about it, but Wang Weixiu secretly spread this rumor, and the effect was obvious.

Cai Zhaoji's reputation in Chang'an is no less than that of her father Cai Yong, and she is deeply loved by the people in the city.As soon as the wind came out, it immediately swept across the entire Chang'an City.

Immediately afterwards, the second hot news came out, saying that this woman was not Cai Zhaoji, but Cai Yong's apprentice. No wonder her chess skills were so high.

For a while, the Danzhu Daoist Temple changed from a sparsely populated place to a crucian carp crossing the river. Even if you just charge nine taels of money to enter, there is still a lot of traffic in front of the door.Diao Chan sent more than a dozen servants and maids, but it was still not enough.It can be seen how popular the Danzhu Taoist Temple is.

At this time, Cai Yong also had to praise this little female apprentice not only for her talent in Go, but also in business.But how did he know that both he and his daughter Cai Zhaoji had been put on the table twice by his proud disciple?

being targeted.On this day, Wen Zhixuan also came here admiringly.The recent investigation has come to fruition. Not surprisingly, he was elected.Moreover, his marriage date has also been formally set. Relying on his nepotism, he has become involved with the Yuan family. How can his official career not go smoothly?
Once a person is proud of the spring breeze, it is easy to get carried away.His chess skills are average, the reason why he came to the door, just wanted to know who is Cai Yong's female apprentice who is the enemy of his uncle.If something can be done to affect Cai Yong's reputation, this is exactly what he wants to see the most.

As a result, even through the screen, Wen Zhixuan still recognized Wang Weixiu's voice.

Wen Zhixuan disregarded the style of the scholar, and directly opened the screen. When he saw that the so-called female saint was really Wang Weixiu who was abandoned by him, he was overjoyed, immediately overturned the chessboard, and walked away laughing.

The next day, news spread that the so-called female sage was actually a stinky woman who could do her best, and her identity was not Cai Yong's apprentice at all, but her concubine relationship.

Bad things spread far and wide.Rumors are as fierce as tigers in ancient and modern times.However, several senior chess clubs in Chang'an City immediately seized on this sore foot, publicized it, secretly slandered and framed it, and fanned the flames. For a moment, the female saint who was still aloof before fell mercilessly to the ground and became a bitch that everyone scolded.Moreover, Cai Yong was also involved. He had been very popular as General Zuo Zhonglang, but because of this incident, he was repeatedly attacked by Wen Kangtai and others at the court meeting.In ancient times, fame and festivals were related to people's life and death, let alone their career prospects.Cai Yong, who was involved in the turmoil, was not only unable to be promoted to the position of Zuo Zhonglang, but also very likely to be difficult to keep his position.

As the saying goes: people's words are awesome!

In the Danzhu Dojo where the business had just started to improve, but was being hit mercilessly, Wang Weixiu's face was extremely ugly.For half a month, the Danzhu Daochang, which rose up because of spreading rumors, but was defeated because of the rumors, seemed to be in vain for all the previous efforts.

Contrary to the situation in Danzhu Taoist Temple, news of the surrender of [-] rebels was sent back to Chang'an when Chen Wei defeated the rebels.

The huge contrast made Wang Weixiu almost able to imagine what kind of harsh expression and bitter sarcasm she would receive when facing Chen Wei.

That night, she sat alone under the bamboo pond in the Danzhu Daoist Hall, sitting upright, half-closed her eyes, until the middle of the night, she wrote two lines on the sand:
Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

A woman seizes the day and night for revenge.

Nearly a hundred miles away from Chang'an, Chen Wei's triumphant army slowly marched towards Chang'an.Chen Wei left [-] surrendered troops in Shouyang Mountain to garrison fields. In order to prevent mutiny, Chen Wei asked Sun Hou to lead [-] tigers to stay in Shouyang Mountain.

He just led [-] infantry back to Chang'an.

In consideration of the situation in Chang'an, Chen Wei sent the soldiers on the road for several days. At dusk of the next day, when they were only [-] miles away from Daxing County in Chang'an, Chen Wei ordered the soldiers to set up camp.

Wenyang sent hundreds of people to the forest in the mountains to cut wood, and the sound of felling wood rang out from time to time in the woods.

However, in the deep mountains separated by a mountain, there were faint sounds of soldiers and horses moving, and the forest in the darkness of dusk seemed somewhat chilling.

(End of this chapter)

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