Chapter 336
The mountain peaks in Daxing County are completely different from Shouyang Mountain. They are a little less beautiful and quiet, and a little more majestic and steep.

Under the night, the rolling mountains stand majestically, criss-crossing, looking from afar, they reveal a sense of chilling.

Chen Wei and Jia Xu spread out along the edge of the woods while the soldiers camped and started cooking. After autumn, the weather became cold and the woods were covered with fallen leaves.

Jia Xu pointed to the nearby woods and said with a smile, "Does Chen Wei know what kind of trees these are?"

Chen Wei shook his head and smiled wryly, "Please enlighten me, Wenhe."

Jia Xu stroked his beard and smiled and said, "This is red pine. These mangroves are extremely corrosion-resistant after processing. They are high-quality materials for buildings and furniture. They are also rich in turpentine, which can be used for lighting lamps."

"If you encounter these trees during the march, wouldn't it be more effective if you use fire to attack them?" Chen Wei laughed.

Jia Xu nodded happily and said with a smile: "Chen Wei, you are indeed a natural general, it's very good that you can draw inferences from one instance to another."

Chen Wei said a few words of humility, and the two continued to move forward.

The terrain gradually became steeper. The two climbed up to a high place and looked up. After two lower mountains and a relatively flat wilderness, four tall peaks suddenly rose above the ground, interlocking and forming a a valley.Behind these four tall mountains, under the vast night, there are countless shadows.

Chen Wei and Jia Xu looked at the beautiful scenery in front of them. Maybe they had just won the battle. They were both in a good mood. Seeing the vast night and thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, Chen Wei couldn't help asking: "Wenhe, you have read a lot of poetry and books, and you have seen a lot. Knowledgeable, in your opinion, what do you think about the rise and fall of the great man in the next 50 years?"

Jia Xu had to think about it seriously, and said: "The man's strength is exhausted, the world is in chaos, and the heroes are separated. It is impossible to think about ZTE."

Chen Wei nodded secretly in his heart, and asked again: "Nowadays, the princes are separatist and vying for the Central Plains. In the east, Yuan Shu in Huainan has enough food and supplies to dominate one side; Yuan Shao in Jizhou has a vast land, people, and talents. As far as the family brothers are concerned, the army is the weakest, who do you think will kill them?"

In fact, Chen Wei naturally had the last laugh at Cao Cao, but he hoped to look at this issue from the perspective of contemporary people, and at the same time wanted to test Jia Xu's judgment on the general trend of the world.

When Jia Xu heard this question, she stopped and stared blankly at the distant mountains. The night was dark, the moon hung high, and there were a few shimmering stars in the sky.Under the cold and clear light, there seemed to be mist in the valley in the distance, floating faintly, looking like a thin veil of mist, with a bit of mystery in its beauty.

After pondering for a while, he said: "Cao Cao, Yuan Shu, and Yuan Shao are all ambitious people. Since the battle of Luoyang, Cao Cao has gradually moved his military center to the northeast. If my judgment is correct, it may not be long. Cao Cao and Yuan Shao There will definitely be a big battle, and this battle will definitely affect the situation in the entire north..."

Chen Wei's heart trembled, he knew that the war that Jia Xu predicted did exist in history, it was the "Battle of Guandu" that has been passed down through the ages.

Jia Xu didn't know what Chen Wei was thinking, and continued: "Of course, it's hard to judge which one wins and which one loses. From the current point of view, Yuan Shao has a better chance of winning, because there is still a gap in strength between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao. too big."

Chen Wei almost wanted to say that the winner belonged to Cao Cao, but he swallowed the words abruptly.

"But if I had to choose the winner, I would choose Cao Cao." Jia Xu said.

Chen Wei asked in surprise: "Wen He said just now that Yuan Shao has a good chance of winning, why does he think Cao Cao will be the final winner?"

Jia Xu said: "The current gap in strength is only temporary. In the long run, Cao Cao's political vision is not comparable to that of Yuan Shao."

Chen Wei nodded in agreement and listened quietly.

Jia Xu was obviously also intrigued by Chen Wei, and he talked eloquently: "To map the world, formulating the correct strategy is the key. To compete on the political stage, one must have a political vision and have a thorough understanding of the political situation." Only by understanding can we make correct analysis and formulate strategies that conform to objective reality. Otherwise, it’s like a blind man riding a blind horse, bumping around, not turning somersaults, or falling to his death.”

"The strategy is correct?" Chen Wei nodded thoughtfully.

"That's right, those who achieve great things must have a political vision and don't care too much about the success or failure in front of them, because it is not a one-day achievement to win the whole war. Some wars need to be fought for a year, ten years, or even Hundreds of years. In such a protracted war, it is often not a single battle that will determine the outcome, but a long-term contest in various fields. Therefore, it is often necessary to formulate correct long-term strategies at this time." Jia Xu said.

Chen Wei nodded and said, "Wen He is right."

"In addition to the need for a long-term strategy, the lord must be good at recruiting talents and appointing talents. Therefore, talents from all corners of the world come to join and help each other." Jia Xu said: "Cao Cao and Liu Bei are the best at this point. it is good."

"Cao Cao admired a man named Wei Zhong very much, and said: Anyone may betray me, but Wei Zhong will not. As soon as he finished speaking, Wei Zhong betrayed him. Cao Cao was angry: Even if I go to heaven and earth, I will also betray him." Wei Zhong was arrested and his body was broken into ten thousand pieces. Soon after Wei Zhong was arrested by him, Cao Cao couldn't bear to do it. He said: Wei Zhong is a talent after all. In the end, he should release and appoint Wei Zhong. Employing people is using talents, and virtue is not reliable. , This is the wisdom of Cao Cao."

After hearing this, Chen Wei sighed very much, just from this kind of mind, he asked himself that he was not as good as Cao Cao.

Seeing Chen Wei sighing, Jia Xu looked at Chen Wei meaningfully, and smiled slightly: "Natural talent can only be called intelligence, and only acquired tempering is wisdom. Chen Wei, you are still young. You can’t go to Cao Cao, but you have one of the biggest advantages that Cao Cao doesn’t have, that is, you have a humble heart, you know how to learn, and you are always learning things that are beneficial to you.”

"Of course, you still have a long way to go. As long as you give you time, I believe that you will not belong to Cao Cao." Jia Xu laughed.

Chen Wei sighed in his heart, it has been almost four years since he came to this era, maybe he can only stay here for the rest of his life.Even if he has a chance to return to modern times in the future, can he abandon everything here?
"But if I really can't go back, what will happen to the history of the Three Kingdoms? Why is there no record of a person like myself in the history of later generations?" Chen Wei slowly frowned.

Jia Xu thought that Chen Wei was thinking about what he said just now, so he couldn't help but continued: "Cao Cao and Liu Bei are both people with great ambitions. Cao Cao uses people to drive them with power; while Liu Bei feels them with virtue. The biggest difference between the two. In addition to meritocracy, to fight for the world, victory or defeat is determined by the support of the people, so it is said that "the one who wins the hearts of the people wins the world". People's hearts include the hearts of the people, the hearts of the army, and the hearts of the generals. These "three hearts" are indispensable , You must prosper if you get the 'three hearts'. Therefore, Chen Wei, in addition to being able to employ people, you must also pay attention to managing people's hearts. As long as people yearn for it, you can win the world."

"When it comes to employing people, Cao Cao is better than Liu Bei, but when it comes to handling people's hearts, Liu Bei is the best." Jia Xu talked eloquently.

Chen Wei listened intently, not daring to let go of any sentence.As Jia Xu just admired, he is learning all the time.

After talking for a while, the two returned to the camp.

After dinner, the soldiers were exhausted from the long journey, so after a night's rest, they will speed up their journey tomorrow.

Suddenly there were disturbing voices from outside the tent, and then Wen Yang's voice sounded outside: "General, my subordinates have something to report."

Chen Wei heard that Wen Yang's voice was a little heavy, and knew that he had something important to report, so he said, "Come in and talk."

Wen Yang walked in and immediately said: "General, although Dong Zhuo asked Lv Bu to investigate Dong Juan last time, his subordinates have been arranging manpower to investigate. I just received news tonight that this matter has made new progress. Originally I plan to inform the general tomorrow, but my subordinates have just read the secret report and feel that the matter is of great importance, so they disturb the general late at night."

Chen Wei raised his brows and asked quickly, "Hurry up."

Wen Yang said: "The wealthy businessman Dong Huang mentioned has not yet been found. However, our people found that although the owner of the casino is a native of Chang'an, he has been facing closure due to business downturn. But a month ago, there was a Funds from unknown sources were invested in the casino, and it was found out...that the funds came from Chen Liucheng."

"Chen Liucheng?" Chen Wei turned his head to the map hanging in the tent, and said to himself, "This is Cao Cao's territory."

Wen Yang hesitated for a moment before making up his mind and said: "The weapons we found from the assassins at that time were all unique to Kanto. Maybe this matter has something to do with Cao Cao."

"You go to rest first, and then tell me the result as soon as possible." Chen Wei frowned, lost in thought.

Wen Yang turned around, then turned back and said, "General, just now the spies reported that they found scouts in the mountains opposite the camp, but it was confirmed that they were just bandits exploring the wind. After learning that we are officers and soldiers, we have already retreated."

Chen Wei was deep in thought, but lightly told Ye Ye to be careful, and didn't care.

At three o'clock, in the dark night of the quiet camp, horses neighed suddenly, disturbing and disrupting the tranquility of the mountain.

Chen Wei couldn't sleep at night, when he heard the disturbance, he immediately opened the door and went out.Just in time, Wen Yang also hurried over.

"What happened?" Chen Wei asked with a frown.

"I didn't expect those bandits to be so bold that they would sneak attack on the West Camp and stole hundreds of horses. The subordinates have already sent troops to chase them," Wen Yang said.

A flash of confusion flashed in Chen Wei's mind, he just felt a little bad, but he thought that this place is less than fifty miles away from Chang'an, the land of the capital, naturally there will be no large-scale enemies, at most there will be some rogue horse thieves wandering around, and it won't make a difference.The imperial court sent troops to encircle and suppress them several times, but these horse thieves were like weeds that regenerated in the spring breeze, and they could not be completely eliminated.But anyone with a discerning eye can see that it was just the court's deliberate inaction and the presence of horse thieves, which allowed the local people to rely on officers and soldiers to strengthen the court's power.

Maybe these horse thieves were really hungry, or they regarded Chen Wei's officers and soldiers as ordinary troops, so they dared to attack the officers and soldiers.but
Sure enough, half an hour later, Wenyang came to report that the heads of the horse thieves were 150, and all the lost horses had been recovered.

The night became silent again, and the soldiers who were awakened by the horse thief became more exhausted after such a toss, and fell into a deep sleep.

However, when the day was slightly bright and people were most exhausted, thousands of torches were suddenly lit up on the high slopes of the valley, like a fire dragon, slanting down from the mountain, rushing from the hillside in a fan shape, rushing straight Chenwei Camp!

Chen Wei rushed out of the camp earlier than all the soldiers. When he saw the torches all over the mountains and the shouts of killing approaching from far away, his face turned pale.

(End of this chapter)

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