Chapter 340
The phrase "In life you must see people, in death you must see corpses" has already shown the enemy's determination to put Chen Wei to death.

Chen Wei originally wanted to catch an enemy soldier and question their identities, but his physical strength had already been exhausted and he was seriously injured. Any soldier might capture him alive, so he didn't dare to stay here for a long time. He stood up with his extraordinary will. Get up and hide in the dense forest.He didn't come out from the dark until the scouts left, and came to the river to check his wounds. Because of the healing of Yin and Yang Qi, the rest of the skin wounds stopped bleeding and formed scars, and the wound surrounding his chest was large. And deep, it may take seven or eight days to fully recover.

He threw the outer body armor into the river to prevent the search soldiers from finding him along the clues.This situation made Chen Wei couldn't help but recall that the experience of being almost shot to death by Zhu Jun in Shouyang Mountain was so similar to now.In the dark, he seemed to be walking in the same place. This feeling made Chen Wei suddenly become negative, because he had experienced so much life and death in the past four years, either others killed him, or he killed others. What?
At that moment, Chen Wei only felt that his footsteps were heavy, not only because of the serious injury, but also because of the heavy heart.He dragged out a corpse among the water plants on the river beach, it was his own soldier, who died because of an arrow in the heart.When Chen Wei thought that his [-] infantry were wiped out, Jia Xu was dead, and he was separated from Xing Tianwenyang and the others, life and death were uncertain, Chen Wei felt even more uncomfortable.

But remembering that there are always people waiting for him and thinking about him in this world, he has a strong desire to survive.

The clothes on his body were already in tatters. He took off the clothes from the corpses of these soldiers, dried them, tore them, bandaged the wounds, changed into the clothes of the enemy soldiers, buried his own bloody clothes, and picked up a knife as a pawn. As a walking stick, with a heartbroken and sad mood, he left this place and embarked on the road of escape.I'm afraid the enemy will search here soon.

For survival in the wild, Chen Wei is already familiar with it. After picking some wild fruits to fill his stomach, he wrapped some in his clothes and continued on the road.Because there is nothing to hold water, eating wild fruit can not only replenish physical strength, but also quench thirst.

Every time he walked a certain distance, Chen Wei would climb up and look out, observing the traces of the pursuers.

These enemies obviously valued Chen Wei's life very much, and sent no less than a thousand soldiers to hunt him down.At the same time, Chen Wei discovered that these enemies were burying corpses and burying traces, trying to cover up the truth of the ambush.

Chen Wei also wanted to stay here to investigate the truth and determine the identity of the enemy army, but among the enemy's pursuers there were people who were good at tracking, and it seemed that they had found their own traces, so they didn't dare to stay here any longer, so Chen Wei left overnight.

At dawn, although Chen Wei temporarily abandoned his pursuers, he lost his way and only ran towards the steep mountain.

When he sat down to rest in a dense forest on the top of a slope, his bones seemed to be falling apart. Not only was his heart in chaos, but his body was even more exhausted.

Blood oozes from many wounds on the body, and the pain is unbearable. The feeling of a tiger falling into the sky is really depressing.

If he hadn't experienced the hardships of life and death before, it would be really difficult to sustain such an escape.

But he knew that this moment was the most important moment to escape.If he dies, everything is over.He will return to Chang'an alive.

However, the enemy seems to have found his bloody coat buried in the woods, and has already caught his escape route.Chen Wei gritted his teeth, raised his spirits, and continued to move forward after recovering a little strength.Because of the recuperation of yin and yang, the injury recovered quickly, which increased Chen Wei's confidence to persevere.

He knew that the enemy would definitely guess that he had only two ways to go, either to go back to Chang'an, or to go back to Tongguan.There will definitely be enemy soldiers guarding the two routes. Before his physical strength has fully recovered, he dare not take the risk of contacting the enemy soldiers head-on.If he meets that black-armored general from last night again, he might not be able to fly even with his own wings.

He did not choose the easy-to-walk plain along the Yellow River, but chose the majestic and rugged Huashan Road, which can not only exceed the enemy's expectations, but also escape the enemy's pursuit by virtue of the complex terrain of the mountain.

In the evening, Chen Wei had already gone deep into the Huashan mountainous area. After dark, he did not rest on the mountain flat or in the cave to be cautious. Instead, he climbed a towering tree, found a suitable place to lie down, and at the same time Use the belt to stabilize the body and nearby branches to prevent falling after a deep sleep at night.In fact, when I lay down, my whole body hurts, and I can't even move my fingers, so I am not afraid of falling off the tree.

After a while, he fell into a deep sleep, and when he woke up, it was already dawn time.

Chen Wei didn't dare to sleep too much, so he found Liuliuxi to wash up a bit, and ate wild fruits while on his way.

The place that was attacked that night was Weinan, and after being seriously injured and falling into the Yellow River, he was washed to the south bank of the Yellow River. In fact, if you walk east along the Yellow River, you can return to Tongguan, and you can go west to Chang'an.

Returning to Tongguan was Chen Wei's wisest choice, but the enemy also guessed this, so they sent additional troops on the route back to Tongguan.In desperation, Chen Wei had no choice but to take Huashan, and wanted to go back to Tongguan after bypassing Huashan.

Huashan is one of the Five Sacred Mountains. It is located in Huayin in the south of Weinan. It faces the open Weihe Plain and the roaring Yellow River in the north, and the Qinling Mountains in the south. Since Chenwei wants to return to Tongguan, he must enter the Qinling Mountains after bypassing Huashan Mountain to the south. He has to climb the mountain on the way Wading, one can imagine the hard work.If it wasn't for Chen Wei who was a martial artist, he would have exhausted ordinary people to death after traveling for several days.

For three consecutive days, Chen Wei traveled during the day and rested at night.Because of my injuries, I had to rest after rushing for three or four hours a day at first.But after the injury gradually improved, the journey took longer.He travels during the day and hunts wild animals in the evening. Traveling for days consumes too much energy, and it is impossible to simply eat wild fruits to satisfy his hunger.Every time he barbecued his prey, Chen Wei was afraid that the smoke would attract the attention of the enemy soldiers, so he would bury the charcoal bones in the ground every time after solving his urgent needs.

Although Chen Wei had been cautious all the time, on the fourth day after he entered Mount Hua, he finally bumped into the first group of pursuers.

At that time, he was just taking a break, and the smoke from the kitchen might have attracted the attention of the pursuers, when Chen Wei was about to leave.Suddenly, figures and flames appeared silently all around, surrounding Chen Wei.

"Clang!" Chen Wei pulled out the long knife he had picked up at the beginning, not giving the enemy time to figure out the terrain and consolidate the encirclement net, he quietly moved towards the southeast.

Because the number of enemies was not many, probably less than 20, Chen Wei thought of Jia Xu's death, filled with resentment, and instead of running away, he went to the forest.The opponent didn't expect that Chen Wei didn't run away, but took the initiative to attack. Shocked, he fiercely killed Chen Wei.

With a "clang", the blades collided with each other, and sparks burst out in the darkness.Although Chen Wei has not fully recovered from his injuries, his strength has already recovered by [-]% to [-]%. When he deceives the opponent whose physical strength is not as good as his own, he swung his long sword, opened the enemy's door, and made a fake body to attack the other person. The long knife turned around, and lightning broke into the opponent's empty door.

Unexpectedly, these chasing soldiers are not ordinary soldiers, they are very strong, they return to the sword to defend the center, and block Chen Wei's long knife, but Chen Wei's speed is much faster than him, before he returns the sword, only Seeing a flash of light, Chen Wei twisted his waist and moved the knife from bottom to top, until it plunged into the opponent's abdomen.

This move is a very common stab, but Chen Wei has already practiced the sword with Sima Feixue for so long, and he has already become proficient in using the sword, and can exert the greatest power from the simplest movement.

The enemy had thought that Chen Wei's knife would be so fast and cunning no matter the speed or the angle. With a scream, he fell back, blood splashed on the ground, and died on the spot.Chen Wei didn't stop, the long saber turned into two bolts of lightning, following the momentum of rushing forward, he attacked the other enemy.

All of these enemies were highly skilled in martial arts. When they saw Chen Wei face to face, they killed their companions. They immediately turned red and surrounded them.

Chen Wei yelled violently, and the long knife in his left hand sometimes swung violently, and sometimes slashed hard, one knife actually used two completely different strengths and moves of soft and hard.

In the past few days of fleeing, Chen Wei could not forget the eyes of the black-armored general that night, and the miraculous halberd. He was almost sure that the strength of the black-armored general had reached the realm of knowing his fate.He has always been confident in his own strength. Except for Sima Yi, he has never suffered any setbacks for so long, but now he has met a master who has reached the realm of knowing his fate.So during the boring days of fleeing, he kept thinking about how to combine the advantages of the sword technique and the sword technique, so as to learn from each other's strengths.

When people are in trouble, they often burst out with amazing potential.Under the combination of Chen Wei's calm state of mind after defeat and the nervousness of fleeing, such a state of mind is actually conducive to Chen Wei's breakthrough in strength.In just three days, he was naturally unable to fully integrate the advantages of the sword and the sword, but he also achieved some results, especially after his internal energy was seriously injured by the black armored general, there was a vague tendency to improve.

At this time, the group of pursuers happened to be practicing sword skills for Chen Wei. His eyes were burning with anger, but his expression was cold and calm, as if he had changed himself, and his aura was extremely frightening.In the clash of weapons, three enemies were wounded at the same time, and they all died suddenly on the spot.

A loud shout came from Chen Wei's right, a particularly tall and seemingly dignified enemy came out of the crowd with a long sword in his hand, he snatched it out from behind a tree, stepped forward with his right foot, led back and forth with his left foot, Leaning his upper body, under the firelight the shining long sword came straight to Chen Wei's heart, accurate, ruthless and urgent.Chen Wei saw that he was flawless when he moved, and knew that this man was a master of masters. Ever since he was under the shadow of General Heijia, he never dared to be negligent. It sprang out like a snake and entangled with the opponent's long sword.

(End of this chapter)

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