Rogue master in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 341 The Blue Ox Knight

Chapter 341 The Blue Ox Knight
Chen Wei regretted that he was too impulsive, and his reason was taken over by hatred.Although the strength of these enemies is far inferior to his own, but he has not fully recovered from his serious injuries, and the strength of the enemies is stronger than he expected. Chen Wei gradually struggled, and only felt a dull pain in the wound on his chest.

"We can't keep entanglement." Chen Wei slashed across, forced the opponent away, and rushed into the woods. Although the surroundings were surrounded by swords and swords, figures kept chasing in, but separated by trees, they couldn't form an encirclement trend for a while.

The sword wind rushed towards his face.

With his back against the tree, Chen Wei flew up with both feet, heavily supporting the enemy's vital points.

Amidst the screams of the two enemies, they fell away and knocked down the other three enemies who were rushing.

"Qiang!" Chen Wei's long sword swept across his right wing, his sword was like a dragon rushing, and the enemy who came up immediately fell to the side with two servants.

Seeing that he was so tyrannical, the enemy backed away. Chen Wei suddenly went several feet deep, and finally escaped from the encirclement.

Relying on the darkness, he finally got rid of the enemy. Chen Wei was so exhausted that he found a hiding place, re-bandaged the bleeding wound, and lay down directly to sleep.When he woke up, it was already noon, Chen Wei scolded himself for being careless in his heart, fortunately no enemy found out, otherwise he wouldn't know if he died.

After resting overnight, most of my physical strength has also recovered.Because last night's recklessness almost caused him to fall into danger again, Chen Wei became more cautious this time.

Before dusk, in order to confirm how far it would take to get out of Mount Hua, he climbed one of the peaks and had a panoramic view of the earth.

When I saw it, my eyes were dumbfounded.

Under the bleak afterglow of the setting sun, the mountains, plains and grasslands stretch endlessly below to the pole of the horizon.

Behind is a steep cliff, dangerous and magnificent.

Although there is a river running around the mountain and through the valley, it is certain that it is not the Yellow River.Because Huang He has been left far behind by him, but the enemy is as sensitive as a dog, and he can't get rid of it no matter what, and there are more traces of the enemy. It must be the battle last night that attracted more enemies.It's really a mistake, a mistake.

The mountains are vast, and the mountain road has eighteen bends. Chen Wei couldn't find the exact route back to Tongguan for a while, so he had to rely on the general direction.

But when Chen Wei descended to the middle of the mountain, he could see a hillside with terraced fields in the distance on the left. During the autumn harvest season, the golden patches, set off by the emerald green mountains, were extraordinarily charming.

Smoke rises from the chimneys behind the hillside, and it looks like it will be a village or something.

Chen Wei hesitated, hesitating whether to enter the village to ask for directions, but that might reveal his whereabouts.

However, if you rely on your own guessing, you don't know when you will be able to return to Tongguan, and it will be more dangerous to circle in the mountains.

After hesitating for a while, he finally decided to go to the village to find out what happened, and drove all night. At this time, his clothes were scratched in many places, and he hadn't shaved for many days, and he looked like a homeless man.

When you look at things from a high place, you feel that the target is in front of you, but when you go down the mountain to look for it, you will find that it looks very close, but it is actually very far away.Just like the place where the cooking smoke rises, it looks very close on the mountain, but after walking for half a day, the village is still visible and out of reach.

Before dark, he picked some wild vegetables to satisfy his hunger, and spent the night beside a small lake.

Sleeping until late at night, suddenly the sound of dogs barking and people came.

Days of fleeing made Chen Wei's nerves tense all the time. Even the slightest movement would wake him up. He heard the barking sounds getting closer and mixed with people's reprimands. How could there be other people in the middle of the night at this time? , must be chasing soldiers, feeling bad, Chen Wei hastily hid in the reeds beside the small lake, looked towards the opposite side of the lake, only saw densely packed torches coming from far to near, walking around the small lake in two ways, I roughly counted them, there were no less than a hundred people, and there were a few hounds. Their eyes radiated a gloomy green light in the night. Chen Wei was shocked. If he could still avoid those soldiers by hiding in the reeds, then the hounds' sense of smell would be great. Chen Wei had nowhere to hide.

In a hurry, Chen Wei cut a bundle of reeds with a knife, cut off two ends, bit one end, and then slowly dived into the lake, breathing through the reeds.

Before the rippling of the lake dissipated, two hounds ran over barking, their noses sniffing the pile of reeds where Chen Wei was hiding, barking loudly.

Seeing the dogs barking, those chasing soldiers immediately became nervous, and one of them shouted: "Chen Wei must have been here before, and he probably ran away when he heard the dogs barking. He ran away."

Because the water cut off the smell, the hound barked at the reeds and grass for a round, then walked away resentfully, but did not find Chen Wei who had dived under the water.

After the shore became quiet again, Chen Wei slowly floated up from the water, crawled out of the water dripping wet, and lay exhausted on the shore. It was only after a while that he realized that the wound on his chest was gradually becoming inflamed due to being submerged in water again. omen.

Chen Wei knew that if the wound was not treated in time, once it became inflamed, even if he had Yin and Yang Qi in his body, he might not be able to recover.He took off his clothes and wrung them dry before putting them back on again, not daring to rest, and walked towards the unreachable village in the dark.

When the sky was slightly bright, the small village was finally in sight.However, Chen Wei found that the wound was inflamed and caused a fever. His whole body felt as if he had been scalded, and his body was weak. When he reached the entrance of the village, he felt dizzy and hungry. No more strength in the legs, the whole person fell down and passed out.

When Chen Wei woke up, he found himself lying on the wooden couch in the village house. The wounds on his body were all covered with wound medicine, and he had changed into clean linen clothes. The comfortable feeling was indeed indescribable.He already guessed that the people in the village must have saved him, but there was no one in the village house at this time.

He didn't know how long he had been in a coma, but he felt as if his body had been hollowed out, and he sat up from the cock with all his strength, his head was dizzy immediately, and cold sweat oozed from his forehead.

After sitting on the log for a long time, he finally regained his breath. He gritted his teeth and insisted on standing up. He walked to the door and looked up. In front of the door, there was a straight and wide dirt road. wheat field.

Looking at the wheat in the field, it must be a good year. After autumn, there will be more rain, and the winter wheat in the field will be lush. When the wind blows, the green wheat seedlings will fluctuate, and there will be a fragrance mixed with heat.From a distance, you can see villagers in twos and threes working shirtless.

This small village should be in the valley plain, sparsely populated, only a dozen families, so there are very few pedestrians on the road, Chen Wei wanted to find someone to ask who saved him even if he didn't know.After standing at the door for a while, he felt dry lips, dizziness, and weak feet, so he sat down against the threshold and stared weakly at the road.

After half a cup of tea, a figure finally appeared at the end of the dirt road.Only saw a young Confucian scholar riding upside down on a green bull slowly coming, with a high crown and a belt, neat robes, quiet and serene.

When he approached, Chen Wei saw a little boy sitting on the back of the green ox. His complexion was clean and smooth, like a jade carved in powder, and his waist was straightened like a little adult. Dao; the name can be named, the very name..."

Very cute.

The young Confucian scholar with an elegant appearance glanced at Chen Wei from afar, patted the little boy next to him, and pointed at Chen Wei.

There was a hint of anger on the boy's face, he ignored the young Confucian scholar, continued to hold the bamboo slip in his hand, shook his head and continued to read: "Therefore, if you persevere, you can see its beauty; if you persevere, you can see its beauty. The two are the same. It comes out with different names, the same name is Xuan, and Xuan is Xuan again, the door of all mysteries..."

The young Confucian scholar had a look of helplessness on his face, so he had no choice but to jump off the back of the bull, and took the green bull to the shade of a tree outside the village house, took out the book bag with several ancient books hanging from the bull's horn, then walked up to Chen Wei, and Shan said: "When you wake up from a serious illness, it is not suitable to catch the wind. The general will go in and sit down."

Chen Wei saw that the Confucian scholar was about 20 years old, he must be younger than himself, he already guessed that the young Confucian scholar in front of him had saved him, stood up holding the door, bowed his hands to thank him, but was held by the Confucian scholar, Still calmly said: "Saving people and helping the weak is an act of benevolence and righteousness. You don't need to thank me, it's just my duty, that's all."

Chen Weijian, a Confucian scholar, has a handsome and kind face, and speaks calmly and kindly. He couldn't help but feel good about him, and asked, "I don't know your benefactor's honorable name."

The Confucian scholar was about to speak, when the boy's crisp voice sounded from behind: "His surname is Guo, his name is Qingniu, and his nickname is Dabenniu. You can just call him Dabenniu."

The young Confucian scholar blushed and stared at the little boy, but the boy stared back, so he cupped his hands and bowed to Chen Wei with a wry smile, "My surname is Guo, my name is Jia, and my name is Fengxiao..."

Before the young Confucian scholar could finish speaking, he heard Chen Wei slip and fall, and his butt hit the ground heavily, staring at him in surprise, "Fuck, you are Guo Jia?"

(End of this chapter)

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