Reborn Killer Supreme

Chapter 814 Time Controller

Chapter 814 Time Controller

Shangguan Xiaoyao couldn't see the face of the person in front of him clearly, but he could clearly engrave his voice in his mind: "Are you... Master of Time?"

"That's right, I am the burner of the past of all things, the controller of the continuation of time, the master of time." Shangguan Xiaoyao almost saw the evolution of time, and saw that the world was changing. "wake up."

"Huh?" Shangguan Xiaoyao's consciousness trembled, but his body did not respond.

"Now you are living in the God of Autumn Leaves, and you have crossed the barrier of time to the past. May I ask the suzerain from the future, is the fire of the future still in your hands?" Holding the blue and cold flame. "Will time keep running after we fail?"

Shangguan Xiaoyao's masculine voice was clearly imprinted in his mind, but he couldn't answer his question.He felt that the master of time was watching his eyes, and the memory in his body in the future seemed to be being flipped through.

"I understand. I didn't expect the fire to burn to such a majestic level in your hands." The master of time turned around and left in front of Shangguan Xiaoyao, as if he lost interest in Shangguan Xiaoyao after just looking at each other. . "Sorry, future successor, please forgive my rudeness, I don't want to see the tragic face of the future of the God Realm."

Shangguan Xiaoyao, who was infected by the sorrowful aura of the master of time, looked around, feeling the incomparably precious aura of law filling his whole body, and seeing the magnificent palaces that reach straight into the sky, displaying their heyday.

There are also huge warships slowly passing by in the sky, the one piloted by Shangguan Xiaoyao and the others is nothing more than a tiny sesame seed here.

These scenes all showed Shangguan Xiaoyao the glory of the God Realm thousands of years ago, as well as the true face of the Spring and Autumn Shenzong.

"Future successors, I hope you can help us restore our glory and restore everything to its original order." The master of time turned and left. Shangguan Xiaoyao watched the fire in the furnace in his hand slowly go out.

When he looked back, he found that the scenery around him was also changing, losing color, and gradually stagnant.Qiu Zhimu's sad eyes were looking at him as if thousands of miles away, as if he wanted to tell him something.


"Pay attention to the reinforcement on the left, the front is launching an impact, and the spears are arrayed!"

A violent roar filled his ears, and Shangguan Xiaoyao's consciousness gradually recovered, and he felt his familiar body again.

When he opened his eyes, he was witnessing a huge fireball rolling into the crowd of soldiers in the distance at his feet, causing howls and roars.

"Xiaoyao? Xiaoyao woke up!" Half of Li Xiaosheng's face appeared in his eyes, and he was squatting halfway beside him, drawing his own Dao Severing Bow. "The city wall was broken, and the entire wall was blown away by Qi Gen. Look over there."

Shangguan Xiaoyao sat up, looked back along Li Xiaosheng, a fairly flat wall was attached to the ground, and the rubble on the lower wall could still be vaguely seen.

"Tsk, what caused it? The demons just abandoned the tactic of winning by quantity?" Shangguan Xiaoyao stood up, holding the Xiaoyao Excalibur in his hand again.

He saw Li Xiaosheng shook his head, and continued to kill the demon soldiers who kept coming in front of him: "It was a huge black-armored soldier. He smashed through the entire city wall and disappeared. The demons no longer pay attention to the city wall." The attack is on, and they are concentrating on trying to break through the gap."

"Come with me, let's stop looking for fragments, and stabilize the battle line first." Shangguan Xiaoyao drew his sword forward, swiping the edge of the sword to smash all the incoming attacks. "Retreat steadily first, we won't be able to last long after the city wall is broken."

In a blink of an eye, Shangguan Xiaoyao came to the front line again. At this time, the situation on the battlefield was already very unfavorable to everyone. The demons who made up their minds to use the elite as the vanguard had actually invaded the city, and the soldiers surrounded in a semicircle in the gap in the city wall. Maintain the formation and resist with numbers.

The arrival of Shangguan Xiaoyao made the entire battlefield stable at that time, and he barely kept the front line that was slowly retreating at the front line.

But the casualties are still rising, the veterans are getting fewer and fewer, and the situation is getting more and more critical.

"Retreat! Drag the battlefield into the alleys and streets, we can't just be wasted on the frontal battlefield like this!" Shangguan Xiaoyao shouted loudly, moving his steps backwards in small steps. "Pass down the order to occupy every building, whether it's the front or the back, even the latrines!"

Shangguan Xiaoyao led the team to voluntarily follow the soldiers left by him at the end of the retreating team, relying on the precise point kills of Li Xiaosheng and Shan Lei who came from a distance to help them barely maintain a blocking posture.

In the end, all the other soldiers were completely evacuated, and those lying on the ground were no longer alive, only Shangguan Xiaoyao and his team were still here to forcefully support and stop the enemy.

"Retreat, all retreat! I will cut off the queen!" Shangguan Xiaoyao stood in place, swung his epee and swept a gully on the ground, splitting the entire sealed city into two worlds.

Rolling over and dodging the two huge meteor hammers flying behind, Shangguan Xiaoyao came to Li Xiaosheng's side in an instant: "Let's go, let's enter the street fighting and offset the superior strength of these guys!"

"Everyone, detonate all the Thunderbolt Talismans! Separate the outer city area from the central area completely, and the rear troops enter the teleportation array one by one to leave here. Don't take back the lost blocks, just retreat to the rear!" Shangguan Xiaoyao stood in the whole area where Li Xiaosheng was. On the highest pavilion in the city, he shouted loudly to the surroundings.

Then he also jumped into the alley, turned around and disappeared.

"Heh, God Venerable Xiaoyao is also a good strategy, but a mortal creature like the Thunderbolt Talisman..."

Shan Lei expressed his appreciation for Shangguan Xiaoyao's strategy, but he frowned and looked at the talisman in his hand with the word "explosive" written on it, and gently pierced it.


He raised his head abruptly, and watched a huge wall of dirt suddenly rise up between the buildings in front of him, and then fell down in an instant.

The earth split open suddenly, and there were only huge roars in his ears, and the grand sound that was about to fill his vision. It was the rise and fall of the earth walls, and the flashes of light shining towards the sky.

As Shangguan Xiaoyao said, the entire outer city was completely isolated from the inner city.The demon soldiers who were disturbed by the roar stood in front of the huge cave, staggering and falling into the bottomless abyss.

"This is the lightning-fixing talisman strengthened by Yi God. With so many explosions connected together, the demon army will only be able to enter the city through these narrow gaps, and will be captured by the soldiers in every alley and every building of ours." dragged into the mud." Li Xiaosheng looked around, the smoke and roar caused by the explosion had gradually calmed down, and the demon soldiers who were not affected and were able to fight also followed the thin and slender passage towards The relatively intact inner city is coming.

Li Xiaosheng's body also disappeared on the upper floors, and also disappeared in the alley after a few flashes.

"The bold plan impresses me, Xiaoyao." Shan Lei raised his bow to the sky, and a regularly flashing arrow flew into the sky.

Then he also jumped down from the building, and his body was covered by the dust and smoke on the ground.


At this time Shangguan Xiaoyao was sticking to the door panel, the room behind him was empty, only him and a few soldiers were left in the building.

"Be quieter when you draw your sword... There are demon soldiers approaching us." Shangguan Xiaoyao signaled to the soldiers behind him, with the Xiaoyao Divine Sword in his hand pressed against the door panel, ready to attack at any time. "They are coming!"

With a bang, the Xiaoyao Shenjian pierced directly into the door panel, and flowed backwards into the door panel along the blade.

"Do it!" Shangguan Xiaoyao stepped on the door panel and pulled out the Xiaoyao Excalibur with difficulty. "Fire in the furnace, burn my enemies!"

In an instant, the entire alley was covered with frost, and at noon in Shacheng, the soldiers all shivered in unison.

Even so, those dark warriors who came out of the harsh world still rushed into the narrow courtyard with ferocious roars.

"Go forward, warrior of the Tantric sect!" Shangguan Xiaoyao held his sword in front of him, blocking a giant hammer that came in, and behind the giant hammer, the heavy armor was already shining with a ferocious light.

Shangguan Xiaoyao staggered the giant hammer to the ground, and stabbed the majestic warrior with a palm-wide divine sword on the spot: "This space is beneficial to us, and the demon warriors cannot form in the courtyard!"

"Pfft... my lord, farewell!" However, before Shangguan Xiaoyao finished speaking, a blackened spear pierced through a soldier beside him, and a mouthful of blood sprayed directly on the spear point.

The heavy Xiaoyao Shenjian drew an arc in the air, and the black spear tip jingled and fell to the ground: "Go ahead! Kill these guys, let's evacuate here!"

He casually threw the soldier's body into the space, and Shangguan Xiaoyao slashed in half with his horizontal sword, and the second half of the spear also fell down.

However, to Shangguan Xiaoyao's surprise, another soldier covered in frost rushed into the yard from the alley.

"Tsk, it seems that we can't charge from here!" Shangguan Xiaoyao found that the speed of his killing could not keep up with the speed of the enemies rushing in after several times of swinging the sword. "Blast the side wall, let's get out of here!"

"Divine Magic Soil Explosion!"

A soldier pressed his hand on the wall, and the thick earthen wall collapsed in silence.

Not only this courtyard, the entire inner city has almost entered a state of blood flow after entering the street fighting, and every courtyard and building is being fiercely contested by both sides.

There were even accidental injuries between the god warriors because they released too powerful magic spells too close together.

(End of this chapter)

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