Reborn Killer Supreme

Chapter 815 The Sinking Golden City

Chapter 815 The Sinking Golden City
Yu Jiujie, Yinfuhuang, and Feng Bamian stood on the last copper platform that had not yet collapsed, looking at the orderly formation of fanatics and warriors below.

"Thank you, thank you for your timely support to us." Feng Bamian stood at the front, his sonorous voice echoing on the ground. "Now that we have successfully regained most of the mainland, the remaining Black Legion has no way to attack us with threats."

Below, the fanatical legionnaires dressed in brilliant golden-red armor put away their unified tomahawks in unison, responding to Feng Bamian with a neat roar.

"These are the fanatics from the God Realm? They look very powerful." Yu Jiujie tried to see the faces that had never been shown through the gaps in the helmets of the soldiers, only to realize that there was not even a single gap in the helmets of these fanatics , even the breath came out from the gaps in the layers of armor. "But why can't I see their faces? Now the war is temporarily over?"

"This is the glory of the Zealot Legion. Their faces are hidden in the armor to prevent their faces from being exposed by enemies who know them well, and they will be troubled by endless pursuit." Feng Bamian sent a voice transmission to Yu Jiujie's In his ears, he explained the stories about these god warriors in detail. "But... don't think about joining them. To be honest, the consciousness of these fighters has become a little unconscious after the long killing."

Yu Jiu nodded his head, and he also noticed that the soldiers' momentum was not like a normal soldier, but more like a group of complicated and rigid institutions.

"Then what's the situation at Xiaoyao's place?" Yu Jiujie stopped paying attention to these soldiers, and asked Shangguan Xiaoyao's situation instead. "Is he still standing there?"

Feng Bamian looked at the teleportation array that was still flickering and continuously transporting the wounded, and couldn't tell what the situation of Shangguan Xiaoyao was.

"Probably the battle over there has entered a stalemate. Our priority now is to stabilize the current situation, and then wait for Shangguan Xiaoyao and others to send them over, and evacuate here immediately!" Feng Bamian looked at the half-stained black In the sky, I estimated the remaining time in my heart.


"Boom boom boom..."

Shangguan Xiaoyao stood up from the rubble leaning on the Excalibur: "Sure enough, this large warrior showed up. It seems that they have fought enough street fighting."

The inner city, which was originally dilapidated but still able to support, has been demolished by huge six-legged black elephants with regular steps and regular intervals, and with the advancement of these giant beasts, the remaining areas are also It is collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this time, all the soldiers who followed Shangguan Xiaoyao had sacrificed their lives on the road to stop the giant elephant. When Shangguan Xiaoyao stepped forward to try to stop the giant elephant from advancing, he was easily knocked away by the huge force of the giant elephant.

He smashed four or five courtyard walls before being forcibly stopped by a full three-story blue brick building. It took a long time for Shangguan Xiaoyao to clean up the broken bricks and rubble of the two-story building on his body.

"Bear Big Bear Two! Stop the giant elephant in front of me!" Shangguan Xiaoyao raised his sword and yelled, two figures leaped in the air, and after gradually growing and changing, the two bear roars formed sound waves and went straight to the still advancing giant elephant.

Followed by two huge bears that seemed to be on fire, they went straight to the black giant and rammed into it.

"This...even the blood of the underworld bear can't stop it?" Shangguan Xiaoyao watched as the two giant bears groaned and flew over his head. "Tsk, it seems that the plan to stop these guys has failed, Xiong Daxiong Er, let's retreat around the central square!"


Under Shangguan Xiaoyao's repeated screams, soldiers and warriors gathered in the central square one after another. Accompanied by the sunset light, Shangguan Xiaoyao was able to clearly see the giant elephants and the tall demons who were accompanying them. The fighters are gone.

"Throw a spear! Stop the progress of the giant elephants. We can't defeat these mindless flesh and blood puppets head-on!" Shangguan Xiaoyao stood among the spearmen in the first row, roaring loudly and glaring at the front. "We must do our best, the teleportation array behind us is still a few hours away from taking us out of here!"

"Li Xiaosheng, lead the archers in the direction." The arrow rain flew over his head, and Shangguan Xiaoyao faintly heard the sound from the opposite side and fell to the ground. "Everyone, defend where you are, and it is absolutely forbidden to advance forward!"

What Shangguan Xiaoyao didn't expect was that the enemy's giant elephants stopped slowly, and only the giants one by one were still marching neatly towards the position of Shangguan Xiaoyao and others.

Shangguan Xiaoyao clenched the hilt of his sword tightly, he smiled, he is the king here, and those pure black soldiers in front of him are just the furnace he needs to cast the molten iron for the throne.

"Iron armored soldiers, follow me until victory comes to us!" He raised his epee horizontally, and the black soldiers were almost in front of him. "First row, hold the spear horizontally, and stab forward!"

Under the order of Shangguan Xiaoyao, the dense and sharp spears were raised horizontally, and the spear points gleaming with blood rushed towards the black shield in front of them.

"Retreat, stab forward in the second row!" Shangguan Xiaoyao turned sideways, a spear rubbed against his chest and stabbed forward, while he dodged to the rear.

Rows of spear points lowered and stabbed forward, and when the offensive dried up, new spear points would come in, while the old ones would stand up again, and slowly recede towards the rear.

The battle seemed to enter the rhythm of Shangguan Xiaoyao, but the black ocean was still boundless, and there was no place to retreat around Shangguan Xiaoyao and others.

"Abandon your spears, soldiers." Shangguan Xiaoyao shouted, and with the swing of Xiaoyao's sword, he knocked down all the enemies in front of him like cutting wheat.

The spears were thrown forward by the soldiers, and they raised the long swords and shields behind their backs.


"Quick! The next batch enters the teleportation formation, the front line can't last long!" Standing on the edge of the teleportation formation, the sky watcher eagerly waved his hands to let the next batch of ordinary gods and wounded soldiers enter the transmission formation. "Move faster!"

At this time, the streets outside the teleportation array were surrounded by the last army, and the gods who were surrounded in it and had no effect on their combat power entered the teleportation array one by one, and quickly jumped towards the direction of the ancient god, the black tortoise. go.

"Sky Watcher, please also enter the teleportation array, please leave the rest to us soldiers." Several generals suddenly grabbed the old man's arm, and threw him into the flashing light with all his strength in an instant. in the transmission array.

The body of the sky watcher flickered along with the wounded soldiers and other gods, and then disappeared.

"Right now, Master Xiaoyao and others have not left yet, let's go and fetch them." The faces of the generals seemed to have decided something under the twilight, and they turned and left the heavily defended formation. "What happened in the past, you can only let the people in the past end him."

At this moment, Shangguan Xiaoyao, who was holding up the divine sword angrily, suddenly felt a sense of dullness coming from his sword, so he turned around fiercely and found two familiar generals standing behind him.

"Let go!" Shangguan Xiaoyao Wuxia cared about the general who was holding his sword, and with a little force, he forcibly broke the Xiaoyao Divine Sword out of his hand.

A demon warrior in front of him knelt down on the ground suddenly under Shangguan Xiaoyao's force, and blood gushed out of his torn chest.

Only then did Shangguan Xiaoyao take back the Excalibur, and asked the two generals without looking back, "Why are you here? Could it be that something has happened that scares you?"

"My lord, you are the only ones left who have not retreated. Please lead your relatives and friends away first, and we will catch up later." Seeing that Shangguan Xiaoyao did not respond, the two generals simply stepped forward and took over. Take the position of Shangguan Xiaoyao.

However, Shangguan Xiaoyao, who was squeezed into the second line, had a burst of anger on his face, and he stepped forward to drag the two generals back again.

However, before Shangguan Xiaoyao's hands touched the shoulders of the two generals in front, there was a burst of force behind him.

"Brother Xiaoyao, we really should withdraw!" Shan Lei embraced Shangguan Xiaoyao from behind, dragging and dragging towards the teleportation formation. "Our quiver has long been empty!"

Shangguan Xiaoyao still refused to retreat, he looked ferociously at the enemy not far in front, and was about to break free from Shan Lei's arms.


"Happy! Look around you, look at these fighters!" What he didn't expect was that it was Yin Zhiyao with an angry face who stopped him in the end.

Shangguan Xiaoyao, who was slapped on the face, woke up from the fighting state, and slowly closed his eyes.

Shan Lei, who felt the change of breath calmly, let go of his hands, and quietly watched the soldier in front of him return to the state of that witty scholar.

His eyes opened again, the ferocious fighting spirit faded away, and the blood-colored eyes returned to their original clarity and calmness.

Only at this time did Shangguan Xiaoyao realize that the shield, wall and spear forest that was supposed to be relatively strong now only had a few thin rows in front of him, and the generals were struggling to stand in front of him not far away, blocking it like waves. The coming demons.

"Sovereign Lord, for our future!" A soldier's aura was suddenly exhausted, he let go of his weapon with both hands, and suddenly knelt down on the ground, and was split in half by the heavy ax of the demon clan on the spot to die across the street.

"Everyone enter the teleportation formation and lead Xiaoyao Suzerain out of here!" Several generals shouted violently, their bodies rushing forward almost attracted the attention of all the demons.

Fighting so far, a group of soldiers who finally received the retreat order almost rushed towards the teleportation array a few steps behind in a retreating attitude. The giant hammer soldiers who passed by Shangguan Xiaoyao and the others did not forget to drag several people into it. teleportation array.

In Shangguan Xiaoyao's eyes, the last scene in the sealed city was the scene of those generals fighting in front of the endless black sea.

(End of this chapter)

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