Ultraman's Passerby

Chapter 19 The Spark Doll The Broken Luke-Eir

Chapter 19 The Spark Doll ([-]) The Broken Luke-Eyre
"Xiaoguang, you and Yinhe should settle the grievances between you and Lugiel! Also, don't get too close to us! Otherwise, I won't blame me if it gets affected." He glanced at Yinhe, who was slowly standing up, and was stabbed. Ji Fanfei, Lu Jiair, who has only stood up until now, Lin Tian told the auditorium light in Yinhe with his thoughts.



As soon as Lin Tian heard the words Luji Aier, Yinhe and Auditorium immediately recovered, as if it had been said in advance, Yinhe's gaze was locked on the roadbed not far away on the other side on Al.


Just when Yinhe and Luji Aier were about to make a move, a violent wave of energy suddenly erupted from above the center of the venue.

Startled, both Yinhe and Lugiel looked up at the sky subconsciously.At the moment when the two raised their heads, another violent wave of energy burst out.

"Hehe, brat, it looks like you can't do it! Let me teach you what power is!" After finishing speaking, Zaki wiped the scarlet logo on his chest, and a black power mixed with red lightning instantly condensed on his arm.

At the same time, a green halo suddenly appeared on Lin Tian's body. When Zaki's fist hit Lin Tian's body, all the energy was absorbed by the color timer, and then Zaki was stunned. Within a second, Lin Tian suddenly released that energy towards Zaki in a more violent posture before.


The violent energy once again spread out centered on the two people in the battle.

However, the ground that Lin Tian had set up a protective shield before taking off into the air only trembled a little, and it was far from collapsing.

If there is no protective shield released by Lin Tian, ​​then the earth below will be completely destroyed in an instant, leaving nothing behind.

"Hehe..." X2
Seeing the fierce battle above and feeling the aftermath of the energy coming from above, Yinhe and Lugiel both lowered their heads at the same time after laughing dryly.

director! ! !This is so different from what you said!Shouldn't we be the protagonists of this world?Why...why do I feel all aggrieved?
The auditorium light, which was almost hysterical in my heart, turned back to human beings as the ground trembled again. Lying on the ground and looking at the sky, the various sparks generated by the collision between Lin Tian and Zaki and the spread energy wave.

Galaxy, who originally thought Lugiel would take the opportunity to attack, was stunned when he turned his attention to the other side.

Lugiel, who walked in front of the auditorium light in an almost decadent manner, slowly became the size of a human being, and then lay down beside the auditorium light, staring blankly at the sky, and the air instantly fell into a strange silence among.

"Hey, Lukiel, do you think we still need to fight?" The auditorium light lying on the ground suddenly asked Lukiel beside him.

"...It should be...no need..." After a long while, hearing Lugiel's intermittent voice, the auditorium light turned his head in surprise, and looked at Lukiel.

"Xinghe said, you are a bad guy, but you have never killed anyone, so why do you still do so many things?" Turning his head, Auditorium Guang asked after thinking about it.

"Galaxy and I are old enemies. So, you don't have to ask any further. Although we can't fight now, I believe that one day, the Milky Way in your body and I will fight to the death."

Hearing Lukiel's words, Auditorium suddenly frowned, and after a while, Auditorium suddenly laughed out as if thinking of something.

"Speaking of which, Lukiel, you and Yinhe are really like twin brothers. Of course, I mean in terms of personality."

"Enough, I'm tired, I will remember what I said today, and I will definitely take your life when we meet again next time." After leaving these words, Lugiel disappeared beside the light of the auditorium.

Amount (⊙o⊙)...

"Fuck! Yinhe, you scared me to death! That guy actually ran away like that." After a long time, Guang Guang sat up from the ground when he came back to his senses, and took out the phone in his pocket with cold sweat Galaxy Spark said.

"...I think you are a genius for asking those words just now." After a moment of embarrassing silence, the voice of the galaxy suddenly appeared from the galaxy sparks.

However, at this moment, Kato Megumi's voice suddenly sounded from behind Auditor Hikari.

"It's not that that guy doesn't want to fight, it's just that after seeing Uncle's unleashed power, he's afraid that he will hurt me when he fights with you."

Yes, that's the fact of the matter.In fact, Lugiel really wanted to kill Auditor Hikari at the moment when Auditor Hikari undid his transformation, but just as he was about to do it, Kato Megumi came out from the woods behind without doing anything, Just looking at Lukiel quietly.

After thinking about it, Lukiel chose to go first, otherwise, if Kato Megumi was really injured, or if she accidentally killed her, the guy who was still in the battle would definitely go crazy, throwing himself and The whole earth will be destroyed in an instant.

Although one's own strength is strong, it is simply impossible to escape from a small universe in an instant.As long as he can't escape, he will be the one who suffers in the end.

What's more, Lin Tian is not the only one, the guy named Zaki, although the two of them seem to be at odds on the surface, but if other things are involved, that guy will definitely make a move to slap him to death .Moreover, the most important point, after staring at the battle between the two for a long time, Lugiel discovered the energy fluctuations that erupted a few seconds before he left, and even the aftermath of that energy could be completely destroyed by himself, so Under various circumstances, he had no choice but to decide not to make a move.

The last point is that the protective shield Lin Tian set up will not protect him, so after clearly realizing this, Lu Ji Aier withdrew.

Do not withdraw?Didn't you see that the two people in the sky have already started to confront each other?If you don't run now, you won't be able to run when this energy bursts out.

Therefore, in order to quickly evacuate this place, Lugiel even used the dark power stored in the dark spark.

And above the sky at this moment, a lot of sky-blue rays of light emerged from Lin Tian's transformed Reggiedo, stretched his hands forward, and emitted streaks of strange golden energy from his fingertips. On the other side, Zaki's beams collided with each other.

 ... Has anyone joined the group? QAQ
(End of this chapter)

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