Ultraman's Passerby

Chapter 20 Spark Dolls Lifting the Ban, Ultimate Power

Chapter 20 Spark Dolls ([-]) Lifting the Ban, Ultimate Power

"Little devil, you want to defeat me with such power?" Zaki said a little bored, feeling Lin Tian frantically gathering energy in his hands.

"It's not the end, how do you know what it is?" Hearing Zaki's ridicule, Lin Tian responded lightly, and then put his energy into the light in his hand again.

But Lin Tian didn't expect that Zaki would suddenly increase his output, and the dark light would hit Lin Tian in an instant.

"Your strength is too weak. If you can't even defeat this clone that has gained a little strength from me, then you should give up!"

Touching his chest, feeling the pain coming from his chest, Lin Tian was silent for a while, and after a while, Lin Tian stood up abruptly, and his body disappeared in place in an instant.

Seeing Lin Tian's movements, Zaki snorted coldly, and his body just stayed in mid-air, neither dodging nor making any attacks.

"After all, you're just an ordinary person. You haven't even inherited one billionth of the most basic power of Reggado, so what qualifications do you have to exist here?"

When Zaki said this, Lin Tian also appeared behind Zaki, concentrated all the power he could use at present, and hit Zaki.But the result made Lin Tian very disappointed. After his fist landed on Zaki's body, it immediately dissipated, and he couldn't even make Zaki's body tremble.

Just when Lin Tian was still in shock, Zaki turned around and grabbed Lin Tian's arm.

"Hey, brat! Are you tickling me?"

After all, Zaki kicked Lin Tian in the stomach and sent him flying more than 3000 meters. Only then did Lin stabilize his strength and stop his body, but when Lin Tian regained consciousness and looked at the trumpet , but did not find Zaki's figure at all.Lin Tian, ​​who suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart, instantly released the power he had sealed, and teleported away from the place.

As soon as Lin Tian left the spot, Zaki appeared behind Lin Tian's original position in the next second.

"Little ghost, you should stop insisting. Anyway, you are going to die anyway. It's better to let me give you a ride directly." After saying this to Lin Tian on the other side, Zaki's huge body A burst of more violent energy fluctuations burst out suddenly, bringing up a series of dark afterimages, rushing to Lin Tian again.

But when Zaki rushed halfway, he suddenly stopped, his blood red eyes looked at Lin Tian fearfully at this moment.

"Thanks to you for talking so much! Zaki..."

"Tch, is it still a step too late? You little brat is really..."

The two of them didn't move at this time, they just looked at each other calmly.Because both of them know that if they do it at this time, it will be far from the previous situation.Especially Lin Tian, ​​who relieved Xiao Ban's suppression, feels at this moment that, with one punch, the earth can be completely dissipated in the universe.



I don’t know whether it was Zaki who didn’t hold back or Lin Tian didn’t hold back. The two of them seemed to have made an appointment, and their bodies disappeared instantly, and then in the middle of the two, terrifying energy fluctuations began to erupt. .

Kato Megumi and Auditorium Light on the ground can no longer see the figures in the fight at all. Only with the help of the Milky Way power Auditorium Light can barely see a jet of black and sky blue energy like a comet Keep bumping into each other.

Every collision gave Auditorium Light the illusion that he would be completely destroyed.

In desperation, Auditorium Light could only divert his attention, and walked back step by step in the direction he came from.He knows that the current him has absolutely no way to participate in this level of fighting, and even at the most basic level, he has an urge to destroy.

On the other hand, Kato Megumi on the other side couldn't see anything at all, she just knew that her uncle was very dangerous at this time.

At this moment, six small rays of light suddenly rushed from the sky in front of Kato Megumi.

"Spark doll?"

In front of outsiders, Kato Megumi has always been like this. No matter who she is facing, she always looks expressionless. Her expression will only change in front of her own family from beginning to end.

Although they came in front of Kato Megumi, the spark dolls of the six Otto brothers did not respond at all. Now they, except for the golden light on the surface, are like ordinary exquisite toys.

But Megumi Kato seemed to have guessed something, looking at the six dolls in front of her, she stretched out her hand and grabbed one of the spark dolls.

Lin Tian, ​​who was fighting in the sky at this moment, of course knew that something had left his body.

Although he didn't know what was going on, Lin Tian could feel that if he continued to delay, something that he had no way to recover would happen.

As a result, Lin Tian gritted his teeth and instantly released all the suppression of the rays of light in his body.

In just a split second, Lin Tian's transformed Lei Jiedo grew more than ten times from his original size.

With a huge body several hundred meters away, Zaki, who was caught off guard on the other side, was thrown flying in an instant.

"You little brat! Now that you've reached this point, don't regret it!" Looking at Reggie, who was hundreds of meters tall, Zaki's body suddenly burst into black and blood-red lightning bolts. In the blink of an eye, the postures of the two became equal again. As for the strength...

Facing Zaki who was rushing towards him, Lin Tian lightly raised a hand to block Zaki's kick. Once he held his hand, Zaki had no way to break free.

And at this moment, Lin Tian felt that a wave of energy that was not too strong began to rise from the ground.

On the ground, Kato Megumi was tightly holding Seven's spark puppet in his hand, and the faint golden light quickly enveloped Kato Megumi, and the Seven puppet in her hand was getting weaker and weaker. Slowly, the Seven puppet completely It disappeared into Kato Megumi's hands, leaving only Kato Megumi wrapped in golden light and the other five spark dolls.

Raising her head, Kato Megumi saw the huge figure above the sky at a glance. At that moment, Kato Megumi did not hesitate at all. She reached out her hand again and held Tai Luo's spark doll that was closest to Seven's body on the other side.

But the next moment, Kato Megumi groaned in pain.Unlike the spark doll that was fused with Seven before, Megumi Kato, who came into contact with Tai Luo's spark doll again, only felt another force rushing into his body, and two strong energies rushed into his body. The constant flow in the body made Kato Megumi's pretty face full of pain.

But when Kato Megumi looked up and saw the figure above the sky, Kato Megumi held back his feeling. The next moment, before the fusion of the Taro Spark doll in his hand was completed, Kato Megumi stretched out his hand to hold it Another spark puppet closest to him - Sophie.

 Amount ⊙?⊙!Fell asleep! ! !
  so speechless...

  Cough cough, ask again, has anyone joined the group?
(End of this chapter)

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