Guardian of the Night

Chapter 101 Mad King

Chapter 101 Mad King
Chapter 35 Mad King

Seeing Gu Zihao's vigilance, Ye Ye raised his lips, and then the three of them rushed out at the same time.

"Is it really a bluff?" Gu Zihao thought for a while, frowned, and then quickly put aside his distracting thoughts!Swing the sword and go up!
The four immediately fought together.But the lack of strength cannot be made up for!Although the three of them attacked fiercely, Yang Hengchao blocked the main attack, Ye Ye the main attack, and Li Bin assisted Ye Ye in the attack!But after all, there is an absolute balance character missing among them - Qin Minglei!Attack and defense are also much weaker!
Moreover, Gu Zihao fired all six swords!The attacks are superimposed in geometric multiples!The three quickly fell down.

However, Li Bin suddenly looked at Ye Ye and nodded slightly, and then took advantage of Gu Zihao's sword, and slammed it up, hugging Gu Zihao with his body!Make him unable to use it!Ye Ye took the opportunity to stab it with the phoenix thorn in his hand.

"Hmph!" Gu Zihao suddenly snorted coldly, and his body spun around, which was the same as the 'Five Swords, Spinning' move just now! "The strong whirlwind directly swept Li Bin away, and countless thin black blood lines burst out of his body!
When Ye Ye saw it, his heart skipped a beat and he gritted his teeth!The phoenix thorn in his hand didn't stop.Straight towards Gu Zihao's neutral position!
But when he was about to stab, a sword suddenly appeared from a strange angle!Cut off the phoenix thorn in Ye Ye's hand.Then he slashed straight at Ye Ye.Fortunately, Yang Hengchao blocked the sword with his fist!
The two immediately retreated to Li Bin's side, watching Li Bin heal his wounds in pain!At this time, Li Bin's whole body was covered with linear wounds, and some black blood was slowly flowing out!

The two looked at Gu Zihao, only to find that there was another sword in Gu Zihao's hand!Seven Swords! ! !
The two swallowed their saliva, and watched nervously as Gu Zihao juggled the seven swords like a dense sword net!Cover him completely!
They knew that they were no match for him at all!

Ye Ye helped Li Bin who was in pain and said: "You are very powerful, we are not your opponent! But I remember what you said just now? You told Li Bin that two swords are enough! But now you use seven swords! Is it illegal?"

Gu Zihao burst out laughing when he heard it: "Hahahaha, boy, are you trying to play tricks? You were given the right to live just now! It's gone now! You die!" Gu Zihao said, holding the Seven Swords in his hands, At this time, a sword was clamped between every finger of his hand!Left three right four!It looks like metal iron claws!
"Okay, we didn't want to live! You want a stone, right?" Ye Ye said as he touched the Nuwa stone!Then he looked at Gu Zihao and continued, "I have enough strength to destroy them before I die! You don't want to get anything!" Ye Ye threatened Gu Zihao!

"Oh? Boy, are you threatening me?" Gu Zihao said flatly. "What do you think?" Ye Ye replied, taking out Yeyang, and combining them into a small dagger, then took out the red Nuwa stone, and scraped it with Yeyang.Suddenly there was a piercing sound.

The Nuwa stone is not too hard, and it was scraped off a layer by the sharp Yeyang blade!
"Stop, give me the stone, and I'll let you go, okay?" Gu Zihao became nervous!
In fact, there is a Nuwa stone on Gu Zihao's body, which is gray!It should be soil type!He has studied it for many years, so he naturally knows the usefulness of Nuwa stone and the shortcomings of Nuwa stone, and he has a secret that no one can know!Naturally, he couldn't bear Ye Ye to destroy the Nuwa stone!
Ye Ye sighed and said, "Oh? You want it? That's fine! But you have to let us go!"

At this moment, Gu Zihao was only worried that Nu Wa Shi would immediately agree.

"Okay, I have two here. I'll give it to you twice, and this time I'll give you this first!" Ye Ye put away the red fire-element nuwa stone.Then he took out another cyan Nuwa stone from the treasure bag.He threw it directly at Gu Zihao.

Gu Zihao stuck his sword on the ground, caught the Nvwa stone, and began to observe, but as soon as he saw the appearance of the Nvwa stone clearly, he immediately shouted: "Fake! No good." He thought Ye Yesan People want to run away.

But Ye Ye and the others did not run away, but rushed towards Gu Zihao directly and quickly!Gu Zihao's seven swords were all stuck on the ground at this time, and it was too late to pull them out!The good thing is that the left and right hands shake at the same time, and two swords are shaken out!Directly confronted the three of them!Gu Zihao, who wields two swords, is no match for the trio!We are losing ground!

"Hmph, good! Boy!" As he said that, Gu Zihao ignored the attacks of the three and rushed directly towards the place where his sword was inserted.Li Bin's Yemen strange-shaped dagger slashed at his body, and there was a sound of metal collisions, which was extremely crisp!And the phoenix thorn in Ye Ye's hand was directly broken!No harm at all!Only when Yang Hengchao's fine iron glove hit him did he cause any damage!

But at this moment, Gu Zihao ran to Jian's side, picked up the sword, and killed the three people who made him feel embarrassed!
Gu Zihao's strength was so strong that he managed to break through from the three of them.Throw a sword high into the sky.Then he rolled over and quickly grabbed the sword on the ground.Then the rolling stopped, he squatted on the ground, jumped up with a flick, and bit the thrown sword in mid-air!Afterwards, he squatted on the ground with a sharp edge, and slowly stood up.

Under Gu Zihao's iron mask, his eyes had lost their flirtatiousness, and instead showed endless anger.He looked at the three of them calmly.A murderous aura burst out instantly!

Did not speak and could not speak.He rushed directly towards the three of Ye Ye!Nine swords swung together!Under the light of the fire, there was a faint red glow!

"Sucking blood? So, that's what it means! It turns out that just firing nine swords together means sucking blood!" Feng Yi, who had been watching the battle from the sidelines, took two steps back and said in horror, feeling the murderous aura that seemed to be devouring everything.

The murderous intent continues to spread!Gu Zihao walked towards the three of them slowly step by step.The three of Ye Ye didn't dare to move at all!
Gu Zihao stopped five steps away from the three of Ye Ye, then bent down and rushed towards the three of them like a chariot.With four swords in each hand, they knocked the three of them back!Then he turned sideways, jumped up, jumped directly into the three of them, and immediately stabbed the three of them at the same time!
Under that powerful killing intent, the three of them were completely suppressed, and they couldn't even raise the consciousness of resistance!

Under such depression, Li Bin suddenly wailed in pain, then threw out the Yemen odd-shaped dagger, and then covered his head in pain!It seems very painful!And on the hand he was holding his head, black nails slowly appeared!It looks like a berserk!

Gu Zihao looked at all this in amazement, maybe he didn't know what happened to Li Bin, but he was also attracted by that mutation!He strengthened the release of killing intent, and looked at Li Bin again with a playful feeling.

After the killing intent strengthened, Li Bin appeared even more painful!Yelled furiously!
Ye Ye and Yang Hengchao were bearing more and more killing intent, and looked at Li Bin worriedly!

After a long time, Li Bin suddenly stopped yelling, let go of his hand slowly, and raised his head!At this moment, Li Bin had long fangs growing out of his mouth!And flowing black liquid.

After Li Bin stood up, he looked at Gu Zihao in front of him lightly, then leaned forward slightly: "Hey!" He roared loudly.After roaring, three sharp spikes appeared from his back!
If the ghost queen were here, she would definitely exclaim, Li Bin is just like her!After transformation, the same!
(End of this chapter)

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