Guardian of the Night

Chapter 102 Calm down

Chapter 102 Calm down
Chapter 36 Calm down

After the transformation, Li Bin's body color is not as strange as that of a ghost, it is still the skin color of an ordinary person!He yelled at Gu Zihao violently, and rushed up.When rushing forward, a small whirlwind appeared behind him, and his speed actually caused a whirlwind!
Gu Zihao watched Li Bin rushing towards him indifferently, and blocked the eight swords in both hands directly in front of him.With a click, the two made contact!Li Bin's sharp claws were directly blocked by Gu Zihao.Afterwards, Gu Zihao suddenly pushed the eight swords lightly, then retracted his hand, tore off the sword curtain, then swung his head, and the ninth sword in his mouth was directly drawn towards Li Bin!
Li Bin didn't dodge, and directly exposed his chest!The sharp sword directly scratched his chest!He roared in pain, and without stopping the movement of his hands, he swung his claws to grab Gu Zihao's head!
Suddenly, Gu Zihao squatted down with his hands behind his back. After Li Bin's claws passed by, he jumped up. The sword also swung eight swords at the same time, hitting Li Bin's chest at the same time, and then jumped directly into the air. When he came down, he bent his knees and went directly to Li Bin's head.

Li Bin saw the knee and came directly towards his head.He didn't hesitate at all!He squatted down directly, and then exposed his back, with three sharp bone spurs facing Gu Zihao straight.

When Gu Zihao saw those three sharp bone spurs, he stopped his knee strike abruptly, then lightly tapped on Qin Libin's back, and jumped aside.

"Roar..." Li Bin roared violently again, and rushed towards Gu Zihao again.However, his attack method seems to be very simple, except for using sharp claws or using that mouth to bite, there is no skill at all!

After this contact, Gu Zihao suddenly felt disappointed, and couldn't help but strengthen his murderous aura, and then the nine swords pointed at Li Bin at the same time.After Li Bin rushed over, he stabbed Li Bin directly at an extremely fast speed.In less than a breath, the eight swords stabbed out at the same time, and the swords remained on Li Bin's body alive.If you carefully observe the positions of the eight swords, you will be surprised to find that the eight swords have stabbed Li Bin's acupuncture points in an orderly manner!

Li Bin couldn't move for a moment, and maintained the appearance of waving his paws and rushing forward just now, and he was frozen in place!
The murderous aura continued to spread!Suppress Ye Ye and Yang Hengchao!Yang Hengchao's eyes were already red, and soon, he would be unable to restrain his murderous aura, and let the murderous aura enter his body, so that he would be maddened by the murderous aura!
After a few breaths, Gu Zihao calmly drew out eight swords and held them with both hands!Slowly walked towards Ye Ye and Yang Hengchao.After the sword was drawn, Li Bin crashed to the end, but he didn't die, because his wound was slowly healing!And after Gu Zihao took two steps, Li Bin suddenly yelled violently again.

Gu Zihao turned his head lightly, looked at Li Bin with a suspicious look, and said, "Huh? You're not dead like this? Yes, but you shouldn't be moving. I'll deal with you later!" After finishing speaking, he continued to walk towards Ye Ye and the two of them. and go.

In the murderous aura, there was a slight fluctuation suddenly!Feng Yi, who was murderous but not suppressed, suddenly felt a wave of fluctuation, looked in one direction, moved his footsteps a little, but thought of Gu Zihao's order, stopped immediately, and continued to look at Gu Zihao expressionlessly.

I don't know if Gu Zihao was too conceited, or if he didn't notice the fluctuation, he didn't stop, but still walked slowly towards Ye Ye and the two.

Ye Ye looked at Gu Zihao calmly and said indifferently, "Now it's just the two of us!" After speaking, he looked at Yang Hengchao, who was covering his head in pain.Yang Hengchao has already been murdered!

" you know you're afraid? It's too late!" With a sword in his mouth, he spoke vaguely.Gu Zihao didn't stop, and continued walking towards Ye Ye.

Ye Ye didn't speak any more, but kept looking at Gu Zihao.

After a few breaths, Gu Zihao finally stood in front of Ye Ye: "Boy, you are really good! Unfortunately, you went the wrong way!" After saying that, he raised the four swords in his right hand!
"The way, I walk by myself! How can I decide whether I am wrong or right?" Ye Ye looked at the approaching sword blade and said lightly.

"Uh..." Gu Zihao suddenly groaned in pain, and stopped the movement of his hands.Then he slowly looked down, and it turned out to be Yang Hengchao. 】

His fist was sticking to Gu Zihao's stomach: "Heart Fist, Cun Mang!" As soon as he finished speaking, a person rushed up from behind Gu Zihao. Li Bin transformed from behind the body!A long bone spur grew out of his huge fist. Taking advantage of the slow timing of Gu Zihao's attack, the fist hit Gu Zihao's back.The bone spur also came out through the body!

Gu Zihao looked at the bone spur passing through his body in disbelief, and gently touched the wound!However, all this is not over yet!Suddenly a person jumped out from one side, his eyes were red, his fangs were exposed, and he held a Yemen odd-shaped dagger in his hand!It was Qin Minglei who left after falling out with the three of them just now!

Qin Minglei jumped out high, and then swung the Yemen odd-shaped dagger!If Gu Zihao's head was really chopped off, Gu Zihao would die even if he wore a steel mask!
However, suddenly a sword flew over from one side with great force, shaking the dagger in Qin Minglei's hand, and deflecting the dagger that was supposed to hit Gu Zihao's head, and passing by Gu Zihao's head!The person who threw the sword was Feng Yi who was watching from the sidelines.He knew that Gu Zihao could only die by his hands!That's why Gu Zihao was saved.

Who is Gu Zihao?The underestimation of the enemy from the beginning to the end just now, and the fact that he was in a daze at the moment of life and death, turned over the big taboo!At the moment of life and death just now, he immediately reacted, when Qin Minglei's dagger passed by, he immediately endured the pain, swung the eight swords in his hand at the same time, and spun!

"Nine swords, spin?" Feng Yi suddenly exclaimed loudly: "Nine swords can also spin? Could it be that I am really inferior to him? From the eight swords to seal the gods just now! Now the nine swords spin! This is amazing They are all magical skills!"

"No, this is not Nine Swords Spinning, but Nine Dragon Dance!" Just as Feng Yi was exclaiming, Gu Zihao had reached his side without knowing it, and said calmly.

If Feng Yi hadn't seen a penetrating wound on Gu Zihao's body, he would never have believed that he had just arrived at his side from a distance of several hundred meters in an instant.Feng Yi looked back, and there was an identical Gu Zihao spinning around in the place where Gu Zihao was surrounded by Ye Ye and the others just now!Moreover, the blade kept blowing out the wind blade, and the shape of the wind blade turned out to be the shape of a dragon's head, which is very spectacular!

"Go, don't be surprised! Go back first!" Gu Zihao seemed to be very weak, and left directly.Feng Yi had no choice but to follow behind in surprise.

After a long time, the four Ye Ye discovered a serious problem!They were slashed by Gu Zihao's sword without any harm!The four of them stopped and watched "Gu Zihao" spinning silently.

After a long time, the four of them finally confirmed that there was no harm. Qin Minglei swung his dagger and slashed at the spinning "Gu Zihao".After hitting the target, Gu Zihao suddenly disappeared, and even the magnificent dragon-headed wind blade just now disappeared.

Ye Ye suddenly looked around vigilantly, and then suddenly realized: "I was fooled, this turned out to be an illusion! Compared with Gu Zihao just now, he was already at the end of his strength! That's why he had to make such a bad move!"

Yang Hengchao suddenly punched Qin Minglei very suddenly: "You still know how to come back? Huh?"

Unexpectedly, instead of being angry, Qin Minglei smiled slightly: "Let Ye Ye explain to you."

Ye Ye heard it and looked at Li Bin, who knew that Li Bin was still in a ghost state, unable to speak, and roared in a low voice, so he shrugged slightly and told the whole story!
It turned out that this was a bitter scheme planned by the three of Ye Ye!As early as when he entered the forest, Qin Minglei already felt a powerful approach, so the three of them quietly discussed and decided to do this, and to hide Yang Hengchao!They let Li Bin and Qin Minglei deliberately quarrel and then showed infighting, Qin Minglei was pissed off!Let the powerful think that their strength has weakened again, making them angry and contemptuous!Then, Qin Minglei hid not far away, ready to support at any time.But there were too many variables, for example, that powerful person turned out to be the leader of the Zodiac League, Gu Zihao!Li Bin was deformed by the murderous aura entering his body halfway.

After hearing this, Yang Hengchao immediately said angrily: "Okay, you didn't tell me! Hmph!"

"Hey hey hey...Yang Hengchao, don't be angry! We didn't do it on purpose! After all, only someone who doesn't know can play a supporting role well! But you can really cooperate, just now you pretended to be murderous and lost your strength, and then suddenly Attack, the acting is really good! Hahahaha."

After hearing this, Yang Hengchao said depressedly: "Master, are you washing me or praising me? Please tell me about such things in the future! Otherwise, don't blame me for falling out!" laughed.

Overall, a huge win for them this time!Ye Ye used his opponent's contempt to force a wise leader of the Zodiac Alliance to underestimate the enemy!And Ye Ye's calmness when he encountered danger, and his calmness when facing the blade, have fully witnessed that Ye Ye has matured.

(End of this chapter)

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