Guardian of the Night

Chapter 104 Gu Mang

Chapter 104 Gu Mang
Chapter 31 Gu vines

After Ye Ye finished saying that, Qin Minglei suddenly looked at Ye Ye with fanatical eyes: "Ye Zi, what do you say? This is my business! Don't worry about it!"

Ye Ye laughed: "Haha, Ming Lei, it's not only your relatives who died, but also my relatives!! It's Li Bin's relatives, we are brothers, and of course Yang Hengchao's brothers too!"

Ye Ye's words blocked what Qin Minglei wanted to say in his chest, and he stopped talking immediately!Look at the three of them quietly!

Ye Ye smiled and stretched out his right hand: "Come on! Let's take revenge!" After Ye Ye finished speaking, Li Bin's hand first covered Ye Ye's hand!Followed by Yang Hengchao!

Qin Minglei looked at the fiery eyes of the three and hesitated for a moment!He said dismally: "Okay! If you die, don't look for me!" After finishing speaking, he also covered his hands.

"Okay, today, we will take revenge on the Zodiac League!" Ye Ye said excitedly.It caused the other three to look at Ye Ye enthusiastically.Ye continued: "Because there are only four of us! We can only take revenge quietly. Taking advantage of Gu Zihao's injury, let's start making trouble! For those who died for us!"

"Ang!" Qin Minglei and the three listened to Ye Ye's words.With a loud roar, the sound pierced the sky!

The night passed quickly, and after the four of them had a good rest, they headed north!

But in the Zodiac League at this time, Gu Zihao was lying on the bed with a face like gold paper, and Feng Yi stood quietly beside him!
"Don't you want to kill me? Isn't now the time?" Gu Zihao who was lying on the bed said lightly.

"I said, I will use what you taught me to kill you!" Feng Yi said with his back to Gu Zihao.

"Hahahaha..." Gu Zihao suddenly laughed: "You will miss this only chance! I advise you to kill me now!"

Feng Yi stood quietly beside Gu Zihao's bed without saying a word, and didn't say another word!

"Feng Yi, don't regret it! Go, turn the bottle on my desk to the left!" Gu Zihao looked at Feng Yi and revealed his secret: the secret road leading to that paradise!
Feng Yi thought for a while, and carried out Gu Zihao's order!
'Crack' After Feng Yi twisted the vase, the floor on his left suddenly moved, and then the secret passage appeared.

"Don't be nervous, come, help me up. Then go along the secret path." Gu Zihao said.Feng Yi walked to him, helped him up, and walked towards the secret path.After the two entered the secret passage, the secret passage was automatically closed!

Not long after they left, Feng Yi helped Gu Zihao to that paradise!Suddenly, the accident and beauty of the outdoor peach garden shocked him!
"Don't get excited, don't you want to catch up with me? Let's practice here from now on!" After saying this, Gu Zihao seemed to have aged many years suddenly, and suddenly became decadent.Then point to a direction and ask Feng Yi to take him there!

Feng Yi supported him and went in the direction he pointed, and saw the three tombs soon after!He fixed his eyes and found that Gu Zihao's name was engraved on it, so he looked at Gu Zihao strangely.

Gu Zihao looked at the three tombs indifferently: "Go, don't go out, but don't let anyone in, now you know how to get in! It's good for you to come in and practice. By the way, don't let others know that we are like this Come back." After saying that, he staggered towards the tomb.

Feng Yi, and then slowly walked backwards!

After Feng Yi left, Gu Zihao looked at the tomb and said calmly, "Mr. Wan, Xincheng. I think I will come to accompany you soon, but before I come, I will fulfill our wish at that time no matter what!" said When finished, he sat down, looked at his nose with his eyes, and his heart with his nose, and quickly fell into meditation. .

And in that woods, the four of them were still groping forward!After passing those silver-robed men, the four became even more silent. They knew that their opponent was the powerful Zodiac League!Although this revenge must be reported!But the opponent is too strong, and the four of them have to fight every step of the way!

The four of them were walking, and suddenly, Qin Minglei stopped, looking around vigilantly!

"What's the matter? Minglei?" Li Bin asked vigilantly when he saw Qin Minglei's appearance. "There is something ahead." Qin Minglei replied, and then pointed in a direction.

The three of Ye Ye immediately walked towards the direction Qin Minglei pointed at.Then poke a bunch of weeds!Inside lay a person impressively, to be exact, it was a human corpse, a woman's corpse, or even more accurately, the naked corpse of a skinned woman!
"Eh? This... This woman should have died not long ago, and the cause of death should be here..." Yang Hengchao pointed to the neck of the female corpse.He and Ye Ye were squatting beside the female corpse and watching quietly, not feeling sick at all.

"But what have you seen that can completely peel off human skin like this? And look at her eyes..." Ye Ye pointed to the eyes of the female corpse.

Yang Hengchao looked carefully, and suddenly exclaimed: "Hole? There's a hole!" After finishing speaking, he put his finger in through the eye hole.

Seeing such a scene, Li Bin retched immediately, and hurried to the side!Stop watching them study that female corpse!But Qin Minglei didn't change at all, watching quietly, all he wanted to know was the result!

Yang Hengchao kept pressing his finger in the hole in the female corpse's eye, and soon he stretched it out, and then smelled the flesh on his finger: "This is the fatal wound. This directly leads to the brain!"

Ye Ye looked at the female corpse, the skin was peeled off, the flesh and blood were covered with mud, after hearing what Yang Hengchao said, he sighed, then stood up: "Forget it, don't worry about it for now!" After finishing speaking, he was about to turn around leave.

However, he suddenly grabbed Ye Ye's ankle!Ye Ye staggered and almost fell to the ground!He turned his head abruptly, only to find that the one grabbing his ankle was the skinned female corpse!
Seeing this, Qin Minglei immediately pulled out the Yemen odd-shaped dagger, and chopped off the female corpse's hand with one dagger.Then stab the head of the female corpse!

"Wait!" Ye Ye immediately stopped Qin Minglei, and Qin Minglei's dagger stopped abruptly.Ye Ye squatted down curiously, then tore off the hand on the ankle, and then he turned the female corpse over!
Horrified!The back of the female corpse was actually connected to a vine!The vine penetrated from the back of the female corpse!At the same time as Ye Ye turned over, the female corpse's mouth suddenly opened, and a vine pierced straight towards Ye Ye!
Qin Minglei cut off the vine with quick eyesight and quick hands.

"Hee..." The vine was cut off, and there was a sound that seemed to be in pain!After a cry, there were rustling sounds around the four of them!
"Ah..." Li Bin, who was smoking a cigarette to relieve his nausea, suddenly called out.Then he fell straight to the ground.It turned out that there was a vine wrapped around his ankle.And pull him deep into the jungle!Fortunately, Li Bin reacted quickly. He arched his body and drew out his dagger, cutting off the vines wrapped around his footsteps, and then he was freed.

However, before Li Bin could catch his breath, two vines reappeared from both sides of him and entangled his hands at the same time.Keep him from using a dagger!And at the same time, a vine quickly came towards Li Bin, its sharp head pointed straight at Li Bin's eyes, one of the most vulnerable places in human beings!And Ye Ye and the others were also entangled by vines, unable to get out to rescue Li Bin!

But who is Li Bin?How can you be stumped by such a situation!He actually kicked his feet, bounced off the ground, and then followed by the power of the two vines wrapped around his hands, he turned around in the air, avoiding the fatal blow!
But the flying vines suddenly wrapped Li Bin's body tightly.Li Bin couldn't move for a moment!
Although the three of Ye Ye had weapons, after all, there were too many vines, and the three of them were tightly entangled.Not long after, countless vines tied the four of them tightly, leaving only their heads outside!

Originally, all four of them had a way to break free, but they felt that the vine didn't mean to kill them!Simply let them be tied up, maybe this will lead to the reason why these vines suddenly mutate and attack people!
"Hahahaha..." Suddenly a wretched laughter sounded from the depths of the dense forest.And slowly came a person!

The four turned their heads and saw that the man was their acquaintance!It was Gu Weng who hadn't seen him for a long time.And behind him, more than a dozen people wearing silver robes suddenly walked out, they were the ones who were killed by the four people just now!
What was even more surprising was that behind him, a huge black shadow was slowly moving, and a pair of red pupils could be seen clearly even in the daytime!
(The kitten's hand is scalded, I hope everyone forgives the kitten's speed! The kitten will guarantee the speed in the future!")
(End of this chapter)

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