Guardian of the Night

Chapter 105 Gu Vine 2

Chapter 105 Gu Teng II

Chapter 32 Gu Teng II
"Are you still alive?" Li Bin teased when he saw Gu Weng.

Gu Weng ignored Li Bin, smiled and walked to Ye Ye's side, stretched out his dry hand to touch Ye Ye's face: "Hey... No one will help you now, right?"

Ye Ye smiled harmlessly and pretended to be stupid: "Hey, old man, why are you here? This is the headquarters of the Zodiac League!"

Gu Weng suddenly tore off the hat of his cloak, revealing that disgusting face, and said majestically: "Damn it, you're still laughing? Hmph, wait until you die!" After finishing speaking, he waved his hand, and the man behind him The huge black shadow with red eyes suddenly moved slightly, and several vines stabbed straight at the four of them!

"Roar..." A violent roar came from behind Gu Weng, he looked back, and there was a ghost just like that day behind him!It was Li Bin!Since the last time he transformed, he has been able to take the initiative to transform, but when he transforms back, he sometimes gets dizzy and cannot transform back by himself.

Seeing that ghost, fear appeared in Gu Weng's eyes!But it was quickly eliminated, and they gave up the vines to attack Ye Ye and the other three, but all attacked Li Bin who had turned into a ghost.

With a wave of his sharp claws, Li Bin cut off all the attacking vines!Then quickly attack Gu Weng!

However, when the sharp claws were about to touch Gu Weng, Gu Weng suddenly flew backwards quickly.It was a vine, wrapped around his waist, and quickly retreated.After a while, he was already standing on top of the black shadow.

Li Bin did not catch up, but untied the other three people, and then stood in front of everyone!
"Hmph, you all go to hell!" Gu Weng standing on top of the black shadow suddenly yelled loudly, and after that, the huge black shadow under him moved, it looked very slow, but due to its very It's huge, but it's not slow to move.

The four of them watched the huge black shadow approaching, and the four of them also slowly backed away.Finally, the thing came out of the darkness.

That thing turned out to be a huge vine!Or a monster that can be completely composed of vines!And, isn't it true that some bugs appeared from its huge body, and then disappeared in it again.It is those Gu!

Suddenly, the huge vine monster raised its hand, not so much a hand, but a stick made of vines!The four of them dispersed immediately upon seeing them.

"Pa" the vine monster's hand hit the ground, and with a loud noise, a deep ravine was created on the ground!Such a powerful force, hitting a person, is probably more than just smashing the body to pieces!
After the four of them dodged the attack, they found that several identical arms were hitting them again, and all four of them ran immediately!Behind them, the sound of vines hitting the ground followed one after another!
"This can't work, we have to get close to him, otherwise we will only be beaten!" Yang Hengchao suddenly roared.

After hearing this, Li Bin suddenly stopped his forward steps, squatted down, and then looked at a vine that was hitting him. When the vine was about to hit him, he dodged gently, and then Jump on that vine and run fast!But how could Gu Weng let him succeed, he immediately directed the huge monster to vigorously wave the arm that Li Bin was stepping on and shook it vigorously.

Li Bin, who was on the vine, clasped the vine tightly with his sharp claws, let it shake, and remained still!After getting used to it, he actually used two sharp claws to act directly on the vine.His speed is getting faster and faster.In the end, it kept changing positions with the shaking and fluctuation of the vines!Gradually approached the huge monster.

Seeing this situation, Gu Weng raised the corner of his mouth and snapped his fingers lightly.Afterwards, the vine actually broke, and Li Bin also fell to the ground.

The most amazing thing is that the vine exploded immediately!The huge fluctuation sent Li Bin's body far away, and all the spikes on the vines also sank into Li Bin's body.And the explosive force also exploded his body, black blood is slowly flowing out!
When the four of them saw it, they immediately stopped their movements and avoided the attack of the vines alone.However, suddenly the vision regenerated!All the vines they cut off just now exploded. Unfortunately, they were surrounded by those fallen vines!An explosion occurred around them, and countless vines flew towards them.Yang Hengchao and Qin Minglei protected Ye Ye under their bodies in time, and with their strong defensive power, they managed to resist those flying thorns!But even so, Li Bin and Yang Hengchao had many scars on their backs, and their clothes were also labeled as beggars' clothes.

"Roar..." Li Bin, who had fallen to the side just now, suddenly roared violently, his whole body began to heal, and he squeezed out all the thorns embedded in his body.Not long after, Li Bin panted heavily, and quickly walked towards Gu Weng again.

Seeing this situation, the three of Ye Ye immediately called out to Li Bin, but their voices were suppressed by the sound of countless vine monsters hitting the ground with their arms!There was no way, so the three of them rushed over immediately.

Suddenly, the vine monster retracted all its arms.Grabbed those silver-robed men standing beside it!Those people in silver robes are already dead, they are controlled by Gu Weng!Naturally, he couldn't resist, and was immediately pierced through the stomach by the arm of the vine monster, and in an instant, he was sucked into a mummy!Afterwards, all the broken arms of the vine monster grew back again!Then countless vines continued towards the four people.

Gu Weng was condescending, seeing the four people who kept dodging and embarrassed, he suddenly laughed: "Hahahaha, you also have today? Well, enough fun, you all go to die!" After he finished speaking, he suddenly bit his mouth With the tip of his tongue, he spit out a mouthful of blood towards the vine monster under him.

The vine monster's eyes immediately became redder when it came into contact with Gu Weng's blood!Then he roared violently!All the arms he swung out pierced down into the ground!

Then there was silence, absolute silence!
"Strange, be careful!" The four took the opportunity to gather together.Ye Ye said carefully!Then the four of them walked towards Gu Weng slowly and vigilantly.

Suddenly, the ground shook!Behind them, a huge spike suddenly appeared, stabbing up from the ground.It's the arm of that Guteng monster!If it is nailed, it will be directly strung into candied haws!
"Run!" Ye Ye roared.The four immediately ran quickly.Just two steps away, a huge spike protruded from where they were standing just now!And the spikes came out one by one with them, and the four of them had to push forward!
"Haha, you can go to hell! I'm tired!" Gu Weng said lightly, and sat down.The monster beneath him let out a cry.Suddenly, several spikes popped out from all directions of Ye Ye and the others!Surround the four of them!The four of them immediately struck the thick thorn with their weapons, but there was nothing they could do!Even after being cut with a sharp weapon, the thorns will heal quickly.

Moreover, their feet began to tremble violently!There must be a lot of spikes coming out from below!
The four are in a desperate situation!
Looking at the tall thorns, the four looked at the ground with serious expressions.Wait for that danger to emerge from the ground!

Suddenly, a vine thorn popped out from the middle!The four of them immediately moved away!After that, another one!Gradually, the space where the four of them lived became smaller and smaller!If the next bone spur pops up again, one of the four will always be skewered into candied haws!

The shaking of the ground became stronger and stronger.Ye Ye smiled bleakly and closed his eyes!
But, suddenly, there was an explosion sound from behind them!Blow out a huge hole in the vine thorns behind them!The four of them rushed out immediately without any hesitation!After the four rushed out, they found a group of people standing in front of them!It is the mysterious person and other servants who met Ye Ye and the others in Nuwa's tomb!
(End of this chapter)

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