Guardian of the Night

Chapter 106 The enemy of the enemy

Chapter 106 The enemy of the enemy

Gu Weng was not too surprised when he saw the mysterious person. He condescendingly looked at the people below and said, "You are not dead yet? What a fate! Just tell me where the other half is! Maybe I can let you go." Let me pass you this time! Forget it, I'll take a break, you guys talk first, it's best to do as I said!"

The mysterious man was still wearing a cloak and hat, covering himself tightly. He ignored Gu Weng's words, and instead said to Ye Ye: "Ye Ye, right? Let's cooperate!?"

Ye Ye frowned and thought for a while and said, "Why? Don't you want to kill us?" "Forget it, that's over, let's cooperate?" the mysterious man said calmly.

"Forget it, I don't like what my partner's name is, and I don't know what he looks like! But thank you for saving your life just now!" Ye Ye said lightly.

The mysterious man smiled and took off the cloak hat: "What's my name? It's already in the past. Call me walking corpse now!"

The appearance of the walking corpse is also very frightening, his face has no flesh at all, like a mummy, but it has a pair of smart eyes, it really deserves to be called a walking corpse!
"Hmph, good!" Ye Ye pointed to Gu Weng above the vine monster and continued: "Then the first time we cooperate will be him!"

The walking corpse looked over and smiled, and said lightly: "The wood product of the Ghost Orb! Hmph, it's a pity that his Ghost Orb is only half! Don't you know how to use fire?"

One sentence suddenly woke up the four people who had been dodging in a panic. "How do you know? Ghost Orb? What?" Yang Hengchao asked suspiciously.

"How do I know that I have my own way? Can't my partners have their own secrets? Isn't it?" He looked at Li Bin who had turned into a ghost, and then continued: "Ghost Orbs are monsters. The resurrection of the dead! And possesses terrifying abilities!"

"Ghost Orb? What is it?" Yang Hengchao asked suspiciously.

The walking corpse ignored Yang Hengchao's question, instead, he took two steps forward and said to Gu Weng, "Gu Weng, don't you want the other half of the Ghost Orb? Come and get it!" He tore off his cloak, and he There is a hole in the heart of the body, there is no heart inside, and some of them turned out to be a bead emitting a faint blue light, and after a while, several blood lines flowed from the bead!

When Gu Weng saw the bead, he gave a suspicious 'Huh'!The walking corpse smiled and continued: "That's right, it's connected to me! It's my heart now!"

"Oh? That's fine! Kill you, and then get the beads. Then use my people to invade your body, and then I will know how you can fuse! After getting your half-bead, I will kill you Don't be afraid anymore!" Gu Weng suddenly became excited.Immediately command the vine monster to attack the mysterious man!
Seeing the huge vine arm getting closer, the mysterious man didn't even dodge, but said lightly, "If I die, he will shatter too!" After finishing speaking, the vine arm suddenly fell within ten centimeters of his head The place stopped!

Gu Weng actually vomited blood, after all, it is inevitable to forcibly withdraw his strength to retaliate!And the vine monster under him also screamed!The red light in his eyes has faded a lot!

"Hmph, so he is really important to you! Haha!" Walking Corpse said, he turned and walked towards Ye Ye and said to Ye Ye: "His weaknesses are fire and me! Hehe, take good care of it!" His The implication is that I am willing to cooperate and give up my own safety!

Ye Ye and the others didn't say much, they took out their weapons and rushed towards the huge vine monster!Gu Weng naturally refused to let them get close and directed the monster to slap the four of them with countless arms, but when he was about to hit Ye Ye and the others, the walking corpse appeared in front of the man, Gu Weng For the other half of the ghost orb on the walking corpse, he had to forcibly withdraw his power and let himself retaliate!
After several times, several people finally got close to the monster.

"Don't be so arrogant, do you really think that I dare not kill you? Don't force me!" Gu Weng said fiercely. After speaking, he bit the tip of his tongue again and sprayed a mouthful of blood arrows on the vine monster. On top of that, after the monster came into contact with the blood, it immediately became alive again, and the red light in its eyes even deepened a bit!

"Child, kill! Kill them all!" Gu Weng suddenly became weak and collapsed on the monster's head!
"Roar..." The vine monster roared, and then suddenly stretched out all the countless vines on its body, turning into a hedgehog, making it impossible for Ye Ye and the others to get close!The protruding vines stretched all the way, without knowing where to go.

After a few breaths, screams suddenly came from all around, and the screams were getting closer!Ye Ye and the others followed the sound and looked closely, and there was a person bound to the extending vines!It should be the people living around!
"No, save people quickly!" Ye Ye's compassionate heart overflowed again, and the four of them rushed out immediately after saying that.But it was stopped by the monster's vines!Immediately unable to advance or retreat!I had no choice but to watch those vines tie up the people above, insert them through the eyes, and then suck them into mummy!
After a long time, hundreds of corpses that had been sucked into mummies fell down in the air!And the vine monster also roared violently, and then countless vines overwhelming the sky formed a huge net, and shot directly at Ye Ye and the others!But I don't want to shoot a few people to death, but to catch them!
Several people suddenly became busy.The walking corpse suddenly blew a whistle, and all his servants who had been staying aside suddenly rushed forward, and all the corpses exploded in an instant!Vigorously blowing a hole out of that giant net!Several people also immediately dodged under the hole, thinking that they would not be bound by the giant net!

The huge net slammed onto the ground with a bang, stirring up countless dust!The few people happened to be under the hole that was blown out, so they were safe. Otherwise, if they were fanned by the giant net, they would not die, but they would be half dead, and naturally they would not be able to escape the fate of being caught!
But before they could catch their breath, they suddenly found themselves unable to move!Looking down, their footsteps were slowly entangled by those vines!Those vines were impressively growing from the edge of the blasted hole!A few people were about to struggle, but those vines seemed to have life, and suddenly accelerated the speed of winding!In less than a breath, it was wrapped around the waists of several people!
Then, the huge net was closed suddenly, quickly wrapping several people tightly.Even after the transformation, Li Bin couldn't get rid of the entanglement!The few people could only watch helplessly as they were slowly lifted into the air, facing the monster!

At this moment, a few people could clearly see the appearance of the monster. The monster's entire body was made of vines. After a closer look, it turned out that his appearance was [-]% resembling that of a human!

"Haha, thank you so much! My child, you are so cute, you actually used thousands of people to get angry and fuse us together!" Suddenly the monster opened its mouth to speak!That voice... turned out to be Gu Weng's voice!
(Tomorrow is Monday, a brand new start! Kitty resumes two updates, apologies to everyone! ——)
(End of this chapter)

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