Chapter 107
Chapter 34 Nvwa Shows Her Power

"Hahahahaha, that's great, now I'm not afraid of anyone! Thank you for allowing me to gain such power!" Suddenly a hole was cut from the monster's head, and the upper body of Gu Weng was exposed from inside with a smile Said.

After finishing speaking, the vines that grabbed several people shook violently a few times, and then threw Li Bin vigorously towards the ground!

"Roar..." Li Bin wailed in pain.But Gu Weng didn't stop, he grabbed Li Bin who had fallen to the ground again, and then fell down hard again.

"I'm not very familiar with this body yet... It's not comfortable to use! But I'm very happy to have such power! Haha! I really want to thank you all!" Gu Weng said lightly.

"What do you want to do? It's tiring to hang in the air like this!" Yang Hengchao looked at him and said unhappily.

Gu Weng ignored Yang Hengchao's provocation, looked at Ye Ye and said with a smile: "Don't be too hard! In order to thank you, I plan to fuse you into my body! Become a part of my body! Let you watch How can I channel this world!" Gu Weng said very conceitedly.

"Do you want to kill us like them? How ugly!" Yang Hengchao said in a joking tone, pointing at the thousands of corpses below.It seems that there is no dead word, listen to it!And made everyone laugh!Even Qin Minglei smiled!He was looking at Gu Weng angrily, "Kill me? Don't forget, if you kill me, you won't get the other half!"

"Hahahaha, don't worry about it, I said it's fusion! Fusion! It's complete fusion! They? Don't worry, I'll bring them back to life right away!" After that, he opened his mouth, and the one that fused with him The monster made of vines even opened its mouth!After that, countless worms flew out from its huge mouth!To be precise, it is countless Gu!
The Gu flew over the corpses on the ground, lingered a few times, and stabbed their tails towards the eyes of the corpses, and then they sank into the corpses from the eyes. After a few breaths, the corpses crawled up slowly, Then slowly walked towards Ye Ye and the others, and soon surrounded them.

"Haha, you see..." Gu Weng laughed arrogantly as he said.

Ye Ye and the others looked at the corpses controlled by Gu with serious expressions, without saying a word, but the walking corpses suddenly took a step forward, and then punched themselves in the chest fiercely!

Suddenly, a strong blue light came out from his chest, wrapping him up: "Okay! Then I'll see if it's you who die or me who is fused." Saying that, the blue light actually stretched all the vines that bound him !

Seeing his appearance, Gu Weng sighed: "Hey...why do you have to do this? After all, what you spent like that is your own life!"

"Hmph, you don't need to worry about it! Come on!." After speaking, the walking corpse rushed out, the blue light on its body condensed into a flame, and burned all the corpses controlled by Gu that it passed by to ashes!
Seeing this situation, Gu Weng immediately became wary!Use vines to grab a few zombies and beat them towards the walking corpses, but before the zombies hit the walking corpses, they all burned up, and the flame's attachment ability was extremely strong. Above, burn towards the roots of the vines at a very fast speed!
Gu Weng, who merged into the vine monster, frowned, swung another vine with a serious expression, and even tore off the burning vine.

"Roar..." The monster suddenly wailed in pain!The wound that broke off from the root is still holding green liquid.When the liquid touched the ground, it instantly corroded the ground!
Huo Kemu, facing that weird blue flame, Gu Weng has no way at all!

The walking corpse sneered, and continued to move towards Gu Weng quickly.Gu Weng had no choice but to grab those zombies and throw them towards the walking corpses one by one!

But the strength of the walking corpses is not weak. Those zombies that still come over are either avoided by him or burned by the blue flame.Burn to ashes!
The thrown zombies hit the ground, and they actually dented the ground.

And those zombies hit the walking corpse, although they were burned to ashes in an instant, but the force knocked the walking corpse back several times, or delayed his forward speed!

Suddenly, the walking corpse retreated.The flame on his body has become extremely weak.To be consumed like that by Gu Weng!
Seeing this situation, Gu Old laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, it turns out that this is really burning vitality! And even if your vitality is tenacious, it is not a permanent sacrifice!" Gu Old swung another vine , hit the ground, and made a loud "slap".Then Gu continued to say: "Haha, well, you all accept the fate of being fused now! I will let you see a new era come!" After finishing speaking, Gu directly submerged into the monster's head Among the Ministry!
After that, the monster suddenly opened its huge mouth and sent Ye Ye and the others over.

"Walking corpse, hurry up, burn the vines that bind us!" Suddenly, Ye Ye roared loudly.Just now he carefully watched the confrontation between the walking corpse and the Gu Weng, the Gu Weng was really afraid of fire, he thought about it and had an idea in his mind, so he shouted loudly.

The walking corpse jumped up without hesitation, and then burned off the vines binding the four of them one by one with the faint blue flames on its body!

"Walking corpse, quick, carry me on your back!" Ye Ye just yelled when he fell to the ground, ignoring the vines that grabbed over his head again.Then looking at the walking corpse hesitantly, he continued: "Don't worry about me, your flames shouldn't hurt me! Minglei, you guys are waiting here, and you will face the coming crisis at any time!" He said, from the treasure bag He took out something and held it tightly in his hand.

Hearing Ye Ye's words, the walking corpse was not a hesitant person, so he walked up to Ye Ye's side and beat his chest vigorously. The flames burned violently again, but he also spat out a mouthful of blood. .After the flame burned the pulled vine, he immediately picked up Ye Ye and carried it on his back!
Immediately, the walking corpse became suspicious.The ghost fire that can burn everything is useless to Ye Ye at all, and when he first touched Ye Ye's body, the ghost flame on his body burned even more violently.Moreover, the flame even protected Ye Ye.What surprised him even more was that he didn't feel any burden at all!Immediately smiled and rushed towards Gu Weng.

In Ye Ye's hand, he was holding on to the Nuwa stone of the fire element!
Seeing this situation, Gu Weng immediately repeated his tricks!Continue to grab the corpse controlled by his Gu and throw it at the walking corpse and Ye Ye!

However, the flame became very solid!The zombies that were thrown over were completely useless, and they were burned to ashes before they touched the walking corpses!The power is much greater than before!

Seeing this situation, the walking corpse immediately quickened its pace!Charge towards Gu Weng.Soon, he reached Gu Weng's feet!
However, after the Gu Weng and the vine monster are fused, how can it be easy to provoke!Seeing that the old tricks were useless, and the flames were too fierce, Gu Weng suddenly became heartbroken!
He actually tore off several thick vines at the same time!The vine monster suddenly let out a painful cry!The sound travels so far!

Just when several people were confused about what Gu Weng was going to do.The vision suddenly appeared!
A lot of blood flowed out from the roots of those vines that were forcibly torn off by Gu Weng!The walking corpse and Ye Ye couldn't dodge in time, and were immediately hit by a huge drop of blood!Suddenly, blue smoke rose from their bodies!
The blood didn't flow out much, after a few drops, it stopped!But where the walking corpse and Ye Ye were standing, green smoke was still rising, and the smoke was gradually turning black!
"Hahahaha, fire defeats wood, water defeats fire! Haha, go to hell!" Gu Weng's voice came from the huge vine monster!

However, before his laughter was over, the green smoke suddenly disappeared, as if it had been evaporated!
That's right, evaporation!Because, the blue flames burned on the body of the walking corpse again, and the flames were higher than before, more than one meter high!
(End of this chapter)

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