Guardian of the Night

Chapter 108 Nuwa Eliminates Demons

Chapter 108 Nuwa Eliminates Demons
Chapter 35 Nuwa Slays Demons

Seeing the flame, Gu Weng finally became frightened.He immediately disappeared into the vine monster, and then controlled the vine to draw towards the walking corpse!However, the vines were all burned to ashes!
The zombie snorted coldly, jumped up directly, then stepped on the monster's thigh, and jumped up again with its strength.The place he stepped on actually burned alive.The walking corpse is also very powerful, and it is still so fast with Ye Ye on its back.

Gu Weng panicked, so he had to repeat the old trick, making wounds on his body and bleeding out, although it was useless against the flames on the walking corpse, but at least it could buy him a period of time!
After a few times, although Zong Zong and Ye Ye were dripped with countless blood, their speed still did not decrease!Jump straight towards the monster's head!
"Roar..." The monster suddenly roared, and then opened its bloody mouth, and countless sub-gu flew out from its mouth, covering the sky and covering the earth, and all of them immediately surrounded the walking corpses in mid-air, and they didn't come close. The walking corpses exploded in groups not far from the walking corpses. Although this did no harm to the walking corpses and Ye Ye, it effectively blocked the walking corpses' vision!

Suddenly, there were several violent explosions among the countless explosions, and the explosion actually blew up the walking corpse.

After the walking corpse stood still, it was discovered that a zombie had been caught on all the vines of the vine monster controlled by Gu Weng, and it could be thrown at the walking corpse at any time!

"It's useless! What you owe me today, just pay me back today!" The walking corpse said, jumping up again.

"Whether it works or not, you have to try it!" Gu Weng's voice became much weaker!After finishing speaking, he used vines to smash dozens of zombies towards the walking corpses in mid-air.

The walking corpse snorted coldly and ignored it!But suddenly, all the zombies exploded not far from him!That flame can block the physical impact, but it can't block the invisible air wave!Immediately, the walking corpse was blown down again!And spit out a mouthful of black blood.He was so shocked that he became internally injured!Fortunately, Ye Ye was behind him and didn't suffer any injuries, because the impact was all resisted by the walking corpse!

Looking at the zombies that were lifted up, the walking corpse stopped being reckless and walked slowly.Waiting for the moment to attack!
But if he doesn't attack, it doesn't mean Gu Old will not attack. Seeing that the group of explosions were effective, Gu Old immediately grabbed more than a dozen zombies and threw them at the walking corpses again, and they still exploded not far from him, where the flames could not burn stand up!The impact sent the walking corpse flying again, and even Ye Ye fell from the walking corpse.

As soon as Ye Ye left, the flames on the corpse's body were extinguished immediately!But such a blue flame burned on Ye Ye's body!It was actually transferred to Ye Ye's body!

Seeing this situation, Gu Weng laughed wildly. He felt that the balance of victory was tilted towards him again, so he grabbed more than a dozen zombies and threw them at Ye Ye and the walking corpses. If this group explosion was successful, Lan Yan would be lost. Protecting the walking corpses will cause them to be blown to death, but Ye Ye will still be blown to death by the waves even though he is protected by flames!

Seeing that the zombies were already approaching the two of them. "Boom" sounded the usual muffled sound of group explosions.But Ye Ye and the walking corpse are fine!Because, at the critical moment, the three of Qin Minglei who had been waiting around for an opportunity rushed over, and the three of them tied the city wall to block the corpse explosion!

The blood mist exploded and covered Gu Weng's vision, and he couldn't see clearly what was going on inside.When the blood mist dissipated, there was no one in the range after the corpse exploded!

He immediately looked around.Suddenly, three figures rushed towards him!One of them is the ghost he fears——Li Bin!Gu Weng panicked, he knew that the corpse explosion was useless to the three of them, so he waved the vines, hoping to draw the three of them down!
After several hardships, the three of them were finally suppressed.However, before he could catch his breath, his back suddenly felt cold!He immediately turned his head and saw a blue flame flying straight towards him!
That person is Ye Ye!They took advantage of the blood mist covering their vision after the corpse exploded, and then Qin Minglei, Li Bin and Yang Hengchao acted as an attraction to attract the Gu Weng's attention, then carried the corpse on his back, and went around behind the Gu Weng!In the end, taking advantage of the opportunity when Gu Weng's attention was attracted, the walking corpse threw Ye Ye out forcefully.

That's why the situation just now happened!The vine monster's huge body was not agile, and it turned around very slowly. Gu Weng immediately commanded countless vines to grab the zombies and throw them at Ye Ye, repeating the old trick again!

But Ye Ye's speed in the air suddenly accelerated, and the blue flame was also a little stronger!He passed through the corpse explosion directly, the flames directly burned the remains of the corpse explosion, and he rushed past the wave at an extremely fast speed.Unscathed!
The root of all this comes from the Nuwa stone. At this time, Ye Ye held the fire-type Nuwa stone in his left hand, and the wind-type Nuwa stone in his right hand. The wind helps the fire!And increased speed!This is how to break through the corpse explosion!
Gu Weng panicked and frantically waved the vines to attack, but it was of no use to Ye Ye, so he had to watch Ye Ye fly towards him helplessly.He had no choice but to hide among the monsters.

But the monster suddenly kept commanding, and even opened its bloody mouth, trying to swallow Ye Ye directly.Ye Ye couldn't dodge in time, and was actually swallowed!
"Yes, why am I so stupid? Gu vine's body is full of poisonous water, if you enter it, you will definitely die." Gu Weng immediately felt relieved.

When Qin Minglei and the others below saw Ye Ye being swallowed, they became anxious and rushed towards the vine monster again.But he was still blocked by countless vines.There is no way.

Several people suddenly became anxious, but there was nothing they could do!I had no choice but to attack again and again, failing again and again!
Suddenly, green smoke rose from the vine monster's body!The vine monster also wailed in pain.

Then, the vine monster burst into flames, wailing, and waving the vines in pain and thrashing around!Several people retreated immediately!
After a few breaths, Qin Minglei and the others saw the vine monster suddenly stop, his huge body was burning violently!They didn't know what happened, maybe it was Ye Ye's sacrifice!
A feeling of grief and indignation suddenly rose from the hearts of the three of them!
But the three of them had no time to be sad, suddenly, all the corpses controlled by Gu Weng exploded next to each other!Hundreds of zombies, how powerful the explosion will be!Fortunately, when the three of them saw the first zombie explode independently, they punched a big hole under themselves and hid themselves.

boom!A huge explosion came out!, shaking the ground!Like a meteorite hitting the earth.

After the explosion, the three stood up and saw that there was no grass in the area of ​​hundreds of meters, and a layer of land disappeared!The power is astounding!

But the most treacherous thing is that the huge body of the vine monster is still burning!Moreover, from its huge body, a white light body slowly flew out!I don't know what it is.

Those white light bodies flew into the air, and then formed a huge face, the three of them looked at it intently, it was Gu Weng's disgusting face!
That face didn't exist for a long time, after about a few breaths, it disappeared into nothingness!

At this time, in the headquarters of the Zodiac League, Gu Zihao who was cultivating and recuperating suddenly opened his eyes: "Gu is dead!"

After the giant face disappeared, the three of them slowly approached the corpse of the vine monster that was not damaged in the violent explosion and was still burning. Due to the weirdness of the incident, the three of them had to be on guard.

"Crack..." After the three of them approached the burning vine monster, suddenly, there was a small cracking sound from inside. They were all very human, so they could hear it clearly!
The three of them immediately leaned over carefully.Suddenly, a small hole was opened in the belly of the burning vine monster, and it gradually became bigger, and then a black thing fell out of it!A black thing burning with blue flames!
be a person!
The three of them fixed their eyes and saw that it was Ye Ye who had been swallowed!

At this time, Ye Ye's whole body was black, and he looked like he was poisoned, he didn't know whether he was alive or dead!
It turned out that after Ye Ye was swallowed, he was faced with countless poisonous water. Although the flames could block non-physical attacks, they could not be regarded as poisonous attacks. Although all the poisonous water evaporated, the poisonous water turned into Poisonous gas, Ye Ye absorbed a lot of poisonous gas in the sealed environment, and this is the reason for the current situation!

"Ye wake up!" Li Bin wanted to go up to see Ye Ye's situation, but was stopped by Yang Hengchao: "Don't go, he must be poisoned like that! We will find a way to take him away! Otherwise, We will die here too!" After speaking, Yang Hengchao pointed to the vine monster that was still burning, and the cracked hole was slowly emitting a faint black smoke!
A few people no longer hesitate!Li Bin found a severed vine, tied Ye Ye carefully, and pulled him away.

"Hey, you three, help me!" Suddenly a voice came from behind them!

The three of them turned their heads and saw that it was the walking corpse!

"Go, ignore him! It's important to save Ye Ye first!" Qin Minglei said flatly.

"Ingratitude? Who saved you just now? And I have a way to save him, otherwise, he will die!" The walking corpse said lightly.

The three had no choice but to let Qin Minglei carry him on his back, and they left the forest together!
The burning vine monster has been burning and emitting poisonous smoke, but the poisonous smoke is so weird that it is only within a hundred meters of it and cannot be dispelled!

Many years later, that area has become a dead zone, anyone who enters will die!
(End of this chapter)

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