Chapter 115
At this time, in the tombs of the Fuxi clan, countless people are trying their best to explore. There are many people and great strength. These adventurers or inverted fighters have to form a team in order to obtain the treasure. Such a team looks very united on the outside, but Once you see the treasure, you may turn back immediately. Often in this, the person who killed you may be the person who blocked the knife the last moment.

"This Youchao clan has already been visited last time, so be careful." A group of people entered the tomb of Youchao clan that Qin Minglei and Li Bin entered last time, but they saw the traces left by Qin Minglei and the others last time , Immediately be on guard.

Sure enough, shortly after these people entered, in the dark tomb passage, suddenly there was an extra person.But they didn't find out.

"Uh..." A faint groan suddenly came from the back of the crowd.A stream of blood shot straight to the wall.

"Hey, Qiangzi, are you okay?" The person in front of him turned around and asked calmly.The man didn't speak, just raised his right hand and shook it.Seeing him like this, the man turned his head and continued on his way.As soon as he turned around, the man suddenly went down.Then was dragged aside.After that, it fell into darkness again.

"Isn't this so peaceful? Could it be that this is one of the ten dangerous places in the legendary 'Tomb of the Fuxi Clan'?" one of the group said jokingly.

"Be careful and highlight your tricks. This is the tomb of the Fuxi clan, not a poor tomb in the deep mountains and old forests. Don't think that if you meet zongzi, you will have endless food!" The leader said majesticly after hearing this.

"Hey, I said, Sun Ye. Everyone forms a team, and you are only the temporary captain. What are you doing!" There was dissatisfaction in the team!And gradually beeped.

That person is Sun Ye, the chief disciple of Hainan Pirates.His master Sun Neng was old and critically ill.He was brought up by his master since he was a child, and he and his master depended on each other as an orphan. His master's life was in danger. He just heard that there was a "Yaowang Pill" that could turn his bones back to life, so he was naturally excited. He came here from a long distance, just to get 'Pharmaceutical Pill' to save the master's life!
Sun also heard his team members say that, and he didn't get angry, but said lightly: "Since you are on the same team as me, you have to listen to me! Otherwise, it will be like that..." Before he finished speaking, just now The person who contradicted him at the exit immediately fell straight down.There is no wound on the body.But if you observe carefully, you will find a small drop of blood on the man's forehead.It was the Hainan Pirates' Secret Technique 'Dragon Beard' that killed it.

The dragon's beard is a tiny silk. That silk is not ordinary silk, but the former snow ginseng that Daomen has been feeding for more than a thousand years.Ke Ruo Ke Gang, extremely insidious.If it is used well, it is impossible to see whether there has been an attack, and the opponent is already dead.

Seeing the person who contradicted him fell to the ground inexplicably, everyone was dumbfounded.They knew Sun was also powerful.They are not opponents, what they originally thought was to be a team with Sun Ye to ensure safety, and when they got the treasure, everyone killed Dun Ye together, and then divided the treasure!
But after the farce just now, everyone had to re-evaluate Sun Ye's strength, and some people even thought of quitting!
When everyone was walking forward, one of them suddenly deliberately slowed down a few steps, and when someone walked in front of him, he suddenly turned and left.

"That grandson is really powerful, and Wang Yun is also a very powerful character, and he was instantly killed like that!" After the man left the team, he immediately ran out of the tomb along the way he came from.

But what he didn't realize was that since he left the team, a black shadow followed him!The black shadow flashed past him very quickly.

"Who? Who are you? Sun Ye? I just want to save my life. I don't want the treasure. The treasure belongs to you. I just want to go out now.!" Said lightly.He didn't dare to yell loudly, he was afraid that it was caused by his hallucinations, and the yelling would attract the group of people.In the fighting world, leaving the team is equal to betrayal, death!
After he finished speaking, the black shadow disappeared!He took a breath and moved on.However, suddenly that black shadow appeared on his right again!It is still a flash!

People who can come here are people who have experienced ghosts, gods and demons, so they naturally have a strong inner quality.He immediately stopped rushing forward.Instead, he stopped, stuck his torch in the ground, took out his weapon and said, "That good man? Please come out, don't be suspicious! Come out and let us show you!" No one answered him.

"Coward!" He said disdainfully, then walked to the torch, grabbed the torch and set off again.The black shadow suddenly appeared behind him and followed him gently, but he didn't notice it!
The black shadow turned out to be like a phantom, without a body, and surrounded the man like a snake.The man didn't notice either.

Suddenly the man stopped and did not move again.After counting breaths, his head, body, and lower limbs were divided into three sections!It was strangled by that black shadow!
After the black shadow strangled the man, he fell into darkness again and headed towards the tomb. His target should be those people!
At this time, beside Ye Ye Ye and the others, Qin Minglei and the others kept on their way, and finally arrived at the tomb of the Fuxi clan.

"It's almost there, let's take a rest now! Go in your best state!" Li Bin said lightly, and sat down on the ground first after speaking.

They sat down without saying anything.

"Brother, why do you have to go in? Just for him?" Yang Tianhai's words have not stopped these two days, and he kept asking questions.

Qin Minglei said lightly: "Just for him!" Still cold.

"Oh... Junior Brother, why did you join Yemen? Could it be because of him too?" Yang Tianhai asked with a harmless expression.

Li Bin said impatiently: "I said, you've had enough! You're not tired! Everything we do is for him!"

After Yang Tianhai heard this, he didn't ask any more questions.Instead, he looked at Ye Ye who was in a coma after being poisoned and blackened with weird eyes, and the corners of his mouth twitched strangely.

"Hey, the people in front, do you want to go in too? Go back, we have taken over this place!" While they were resting, suddenly a group of people appeared in front of them.

Qin Minglei and the others immediately stood up.Without saying a word, he rushed up directly.In the past few days, a lot of such things happened, all of them were rebels, and they all went for the secret treasure rumored to appear in the tomb of the Fuxi clan.

In the past two days, several people have also been stopped several times, so they stopped talking nonsense to them, and rushed up to fight them.

But when they were trembling with that group of inverted fights, a faint black figure appeared from behind them!The black figure jumped out, and suddenly a black glow flashed in his hand, which turned out to be a black dagger.Go directly to Ye Ye.That person was none other than Xia Feng, the killer sent by Gu Zihao!
At this moment, Qin Minglei, Li Bin, and Yang Hengchao are fighting fiercely outside.Ye Xin City was also far away from Ye Ye, so it was impossible to save him.And the walking corpse shouldn't save Ye Ye!Yang Tianhai didn't care about it as if he didn't see it!

Ye Ye, who was dying of poisoning, was even more critical!
(End of this chapter)

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