Guardian of the Night

Chapter 116 Punishment

Chapter 116 Punishment
Chapter 43 Retribution

When Ye Xincheng saw the black shadow, surprise appeared in his eyes, but it disappeared quickly.And smiled disdainfully.Not only him, but even the walking corpse and Yang Tianhai laughed disdainfully.

In a flash, the dagger reached Ye Ye's heart!However, I found that it couldn't get in!It seemed that there was a repulsive force blocking the extremely sharp dagger from the outside.

Seeing such a situation, the black shadow showed a trace of astonishment in his eyes, but he quickly returned to indifference!If one blow fails, immediately dodge and retreat!Quickly disappeared into the darkness again.

Qin Minglei and the others also dismissed the group of people blocking the way, and then immediately ran to Ye Ye's side. After seeing that Ye Ye was safe, they sighed in relief.

"Huh, with that kind of strength, trying to kill the Gu poison that has been accumulated by the Gu man for a lifetime is simply a dream!" The walking corpse said lightly.

It turned out that the black water in Gu Wengna's body turned out to be the poisonous water he had accumulated for countless years, and it was the essence of his life.This poison is very overbearing, as long as it exists, the poisoned person can only die under it.And it is the most cruel death, while making a charred mummy, and then waking up, and then a stick of incense will bear all the pain that one should have endured during the fifteen days of coma, and because the toxicity still exists, the poisoned person will not To die, you can only accept the pain all the time!

However, it was this toxicity that saved Ye Ye's life!
Suddenly, Yang Tianhai walked aside silently and only said lightly: "I'll go to make it easier." Then he walked into the dense forest.

After walking into the dense forest, he casually grabbed a person from a tree!A woman, a woman with a hot body!It was Xia Feng!She was hidden in the environment, invisible to the naked eye.It can be seen how superb her hiding skills are!
Yang Tianhai grabbed her hand, and suddenly said in astonishment: "How could it be? How could there be such a pure and cold heart?"

Xia Feng didn't speak, but the astonishment in his eyes was indispensable. He withdrew his hand with a sloppy sound, then dodged and sank into the environment again.Yang Tianhai just came to his senses at this moment, looked at the front and said softly: "I don't know about your crimes, but I hope you don't make mistakes in the future! Otherwise, God's punishment will come to you!" After finishing speaking, he turned and faced Qin Minglei a few times direction of the person.

After seeing Yang Tianhai coming, Qin Minglei wrapped Ye Ye in a coat, put it on his back, and tied Ye Ye tightly with a rope before taking the next step.Facing them, in addition to the danger, there are also those fighters and explorers who came for the so-called secret treasure.

When a few people walked into the range of the Fuxi clan's tomb, there were many more corpses on the ground. Could it be that those explorers and inverted fighters fought each other to death because of the secret treasure!

"It's too tragic! Could it be that the secret treasure is really so important?" Li Bin looked at the corpses almost all over the ground, as if he had experienced a big battle!
Except for the walking corpse, everyone looked at the scene in amazement and thought in their hearts: "People die for money!"

Suddenly Yang Tianhai snorted coldly, walked up to a corpse, gently pushed the corpse with his feet and said domineeringly: "Sinners, please accept my anger! In this world, only kindness can Alone, the true, the good and the beautiful, will reappear in the world." After he finished speaking, a bluish-black floating cloud floated above his head, covering the sun.Yang Tianhai, who looked harmless just now, turned out to be like the god who dominates all things in the world and is about to punish those mortals who violated his will.

After finishing speaking, Yang Tianhai walked directly into the range of the Fuxi clan's tombs, ignoring Qin Minglei and the others.

His deterrence directly deterred Qin Minglei and the others.I couldn't bear to stop him at all, and watched him walk into one of the tombs. A woman with a snake body and a human head was carved on a stone beside the tomb. Judging from the picture, it should be Nuwa. Clan tomb!

The tomb of the Nuwa clan is not the tomb of Nuwa, what is buried in the tomb of Nuwa is Nuwa, but what is buried in the tomb of Nuwa is the descendants of Nuwa!But in the final analysis, they all belong to the Fuxi family, because in the legend, Nuwa and Fuxi created humans!

Yang Tianhai quickly disappeared in front of everyone.After a few breaths, Qin Minglei finally caught his breath.

"The Punisher... after thousands of years, finally appeared!" Ye Xincheng said with fear in his eyes and trembling body.The walking corpse was even more terrified, and its footsteps were slowly backwards, but suddenly a voice sounded in his ear, and it seemed that only he could hear it, the voice said: "Don't run away, your crime can only be done by you Redeem yourself! Otherwise, you die!" After hearing the voice, the walking corpse looked at the place where Yang Tianhai disappeared in even more horror, then shook his teeth and followed.

Qin Minglei and the others didn't know what happened, but they knew that the only way to save Ye Ye was the walking corpse, so the three had no choice but to step forward and walked into the tomb of the Nuwa tribe.

But Ye Xincheng was still terrified in his heart, he knew very well how powerful the punisher was thousands of years ago.Thousands of years ago, although the punishers were a phalanx of justice, they were able to detect the bad things you did, and defined the meaning of crime in their ethnic group. According to their words, there will be a lump on the head of the person they see. Fog, the fog will change color because of what you have done, if it turns black, you will be killed by the punishers!And they don't care who the target is, as long as the fog above that person's head turns black, death will usher in.

It was because of this that their group of punishers was exterminated.However, thousands of years ago, when all the capable people in the world wiped them out together, they were surprised to find that once any one of them died, their strength would increase by one point. His opponent could only watch helplessly as a person was massacred by the last punisher!

Fortunately, seeing that he was the only one left, the punisher suddenly became angry and exploded to death!But what I didn't expect was that he turned around and said that he really didn't die and has been hidden in the world, until now he was resurrected!He knew the self-destruct, he and Gu Zihao were the only survivors!Which one blew itself up and flattened the ground!Countless creatures were devoured.

Yexin City participated in that siege and saw the terror of the Punisher Clan! , Just now, when Yang Tianhai disappeared, a sentence rang in his ear that made him even more terrified. It said: "Betrayed vows and contributions to the world, give up little love for the sake of big love or continue to be confused? Life or death In front of you!"

In fact, he knew that these words were just tricks of the Punisher!Punishers would use such auditory hallucinations to drive people into a desperate situation before killing people!Then kill again!

However, Ye Xincheng knew that the punisher was the only one left that year, the one who had gathered the entire group of punishers.God-like existence!

But Ye Xincheng sighed helplessly, he had something to do in his heart, so he followed suit.

The tomb passage seems to be forever inseparable from black.This is especially true in the tomb of the Nuwa clan.But it may be that someone entered before, and the few people did not encounter any danger when they entered.

Suddenly, Zong Zong and Qin Minglei, who entered first, heard a commotion in front of them.So he quickened his pace and walked over.

"Hmph, it's up to you? You want to punish me just because of you? Then my life, Wang Liu, is not in vain?" A person said with his hands behind his back.

Yang Tianhai smiled with that harmless expression and said: "Killing, robbing, cannibalism, your crimes are enough to make the world sick, you don't even deserve to go to hell!" Six people walked over.

This Wang Liu is also a ruthless character. He was originally the leader of a cottage. Before he founded the cottage, he was also a person who was proficient in ventilating water and exploring acupoints, and he had quite a variety of experiences.

But he himself is extremely conceited, thinking that the world is invincible, and thinking that everything he has experienced is already the most terrifying thing in the world.So, when he saw Yang Tianhai walking towards him, he smiled jokingly. The tall man actually looked at Yang Tianhai with condescending and disdainful eyes.

Yang Tianhai approached him and said lightly: "I don't know how to repent! You should enjoy death instead. Some butterflies die before turning into butterflies. You are not a butterfly, you are just a dirty moth!" He rushed towards Wang Liu at a fast speed.But that speed was as slow as a snail in the eyes of everyone present.Even Wang Liu didn't even think about dodging, but directly raised his chest.I want to block it with my well-trained horizontal kung fu.Yang Tianhai didn't care about his arrogance, but twisted his waist violently in mid-air, and lightly touched Wang Liu with his palm.

Yang Tianhai's voice touched Wang Liu's chest, but there was no sound.Wang Liu also laughed loudly: "Damn, why haven't you eaten yet? Why don't you beat the mosquitoes for me?" As soon as he finished speaking, his eyebrows frowned!Then fell straight down.After that, his stomach began to sink slowly, and then red blood slowly flowed out from his eyes, ears, nose, and even his lower body.And the blood that flows out is full of tiny pieces of meat!

Yang Tianhai's seemingly light blow actually shattered Wang Liu's internal organs!It's really dead in the cocoon!

After doing all this, Yang Tianhai raised his head and clapped his hands lightly: "All of you, accept the punishment!"

(The unexpected appearance of the Punisher is just to draw out the excitement below. Do you want to know what it is? Please continue to look forward to it!)

(End of this chapter)

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