Guardian of the Night

Chapter 117 to the past

Chapter 117 Go Back To The Past
Chapter 45 Back to the past

Punishers are powerful, and thousands of years ago, after the Punisher clan was exterminated, all the power belonged to one person, and that person was even more invincible.However, when the power of all punishers is unified, their souls are also unified.Therefore, the spiritual sea of ​​the remaining punisher is very fragile.Can't stand the mental shock.

And just now, the yelling of that savage-like monster pierced Yang Tianhai, the reborn punisher, like a needle, and that's why he looked so vulnerable.

That cry not only shook Yang Tianhai's spiritual sea, but also blurred the spirits of everyone present.Taking advantage of this opportunity, a black shadow flashed at a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye.There was a flash of black light among the crowd, and Yang Tianhai bowed his body, and then a stream of blood burst out directly.This was not over yet, the huge savage suddenly exploded with a speed that didn't match his size, jumped behind Yang Tianhai, and then hit Yang Tianhai's arched back with a counter-elbow.Yang Tianhai fell directly to the ground, but the giant did not give up. After hitting Yang Tianhai to the ground, he jumped up again, raised his arms, and went towards Yang Tianhai's neck.

On the other side, the screaming monster holding the wooden stick didn't stop.

With a bang, countless dust was stirred up, covering everyone's sight, and they didn't know what was going on inside.

These tomb guards were all the strongest people before the extermination of each clan thousands of years ago. They used witchcraft to imprison their souls in their bodies.

"Quick, step back slowly." Although they didn't know what was going on inside, they saw those monsters defeating Yang Tianhai so violently, and now that his life and death were unknown, they immediately panicked and backed away.

The dust gradually dispersed, and everyone looked at the scene inside while retreating.Yang Tianhai actually disappeared!And the giant fell to the ground!what happened?And, suddenly, the head of the screaming monster was cut off, and the screaming stopped abruptly!

The remaining thirteen tomb guard monsters of different shapes looked around vigilantly when they saw this scene, but their vigilance seemed to be useless at all, and they could only watch helplessly as their partners were killed one by one!Killed by the weird!
The sun ran out from the clouds, and a burst of sunlight shone in the canyon of this huge group of tombs.Suddenly, a silver light flashed in everyone's eyes, and a thin silk thread was floating in the air.

"I said, I saved you, should you also help me get what I want?" Suddenly a voice came from the dark tomb, and then two people walked out from it, one of whom was the one who was attacked just now. Yang Tianhai.And the person behind him is Sun Ye!Grandson of the Southern Pirates!

Sun Ye's hand moved and moved randomly, and the silk thread in the air disappeared instantly.

Yang Tianhai snorted coldly: "Hmph, if evil befalls you, I will still kill you! Everything you want is here!"

Sun Ye was surprised when he heard it and said loudly: "What, no longer here? How is it possible?" Yang Tianhai's words not only surprised Sun Ye, but also shocked everyone present for the legendary "King of Medicine Pill" to revive the dead. The Dao Dou Zhe who came was also surprised, and the people in the canyon suddenly started talking about it.But there are many voices who don't believe it.

"Hmph, think about it, with so many of you, you should have explored to the bottom of the tomb just now, right? Is there anything you want? Hmph, you have all been deceived here!" Yang Tianhai said lightly.His attention had been on the 13 tomb-keepers still standing there.

Hearing what Yang Tianhai said, those people immediately hesitated.

In the crowd, a person suddenly rolled his eyes twice and shouted loudly: "It's Zodiac, no one will treat us like this except them! They want to kill us all!"

"Yes, that's right! Only Zodiac did this! I did it with them! Do you think it's great to be the only one in the family?" The man's words just now ignited a fire!Suddenly angry voices came from everywhere.

But they seem to have forgotten that besides humans, there are also thirteen monsters, tomb guard monsters.

Suddenly, a person's head was pierced straight through. The murderer was a thin monster with a black dagger in his hand, his hair tied behind his head like a braid, and two sharp horns on his head.

After it finished all this, it gave a provocative cry, and then disappeared in front of everyone again.

"Kill them, kill them!" Everyone was already in anger, but what the monster did immediately aroused everyone's anger.

"Zodiac, you have repeatedly persecuted us. Are we wrong? What have we robbed? We are just living! It is our own life! In the past, Zodiac oppressed us, and we endured it! But since the night gate appeared, It's our chance to confront Zodiac! Let's form an organization, we must vent our anger to Zodiac in an organized and purposeful way!" Suddenly a person came out from the crowd and said excitedly.This person is the fourth child of the Protoss organization!

Some people light the fire, and naturally some people add firewood!Immediately, his words were supported by everyone.He struck while the iron was hot and said: "We are short of everything now, and everyone knows me. I am the fourth head of the Protoss. Don't worry about money. Now, let's fight out, and then discuss this matter. After we go out, If you want to leave, we will definitely not make things difficult for you! Come on, everyone!" After finishing speaking, the fourth child grabbed a few of his confidants and prepared to rush forward.

However, a silk thread slowly floated in front of him.He looked up, and it was Sun Ye who blocked his way!Sun Ye said lightly: "If you want to get out, get out, go out and slowly build up your organization, and he and I have to clean up these things."

After finishing speaking, he ignored them and rushed out with Yang Tianhai.He rushed straight towards the remaining thirteen monsters.

For those monsters, without a partner who can attack mentally, Yang Tianhai is an invincible existence for them.The thirteen of them looked at each other, and then looked in the direction of Qin Minglei and the others.There was determination in their eyes at the same time.Then they started chanting together, and everyone present could understand what they chanted.Because they actually said two words at the same time: reincarnation!
After saying those two words, they all suddenly turned into fly ash!Even the two dead savage monsters were all turned into fly ash.Fly!And Ye Ye's fingers, which had been carried on Qin Minglei's back all this time, also moved suddenly!
But everyone waited nervously for a long time, but nothing happened.

"Brother Sun Ye, do you want to join us? Take revenge on the Zodiac League together?" the fourth child of the Protoss said suddenly.

Sun Ye smiled lightly, and wrapped his arms with a silver thread directly on his hand wearing the South Sea shark skin: "Li Mingsheng, don't do this to me, it won't work!" After finishing speaking, he turned around and said Looking at Yang Tianhai, he said lightly: "Remember, you owe me something!"

Yang Tianhai didn't speak, but smiled faintly!However, the four masters of the Protoss named Li Mingsheng said: "Then we will go now. If you need any help in the future, please come to Prosper to find us!" This person is very tactful!
Sun Ye didn't pay attention to him, he smiled and left, taking many people with him.

At this time, Qin Minglei carried Ye Ye on his back and walked to Yang Tianhai's side and said, "Is that thing really not here? That Ye Ye...?"

"That thing isn't there, but that thing is..." Yang Tianhai said lightly, extremely mysterious!

"What do you mean?...Uh..." Before Yang Hengchao finished speaking, he felt dizzy and passed out.

"Yang Hengchao, what's the matter? What's the matter?..." Seeing Yang Hengchao fainted, Li Bin immediately supported him, but immediately he also felt extremely dizzy and passed out.

Not long after, even Yang Tianhai fainted, and not long after, he fell to the ground too!

It turned out that those thirteen tomb guards used their immortal lives as the price to trigger the original power of heaven and earth...

at this time.Ye Ye slowly opened his eyes, and softly called the names of Qin Minglei and the others, but no one answered. He observed the surrounding environment, and immediately sat up, because he realized that he was staying in the old master's house right now. In Wu's house, he was sleeping on the bed he slept on.Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps coming from outside the house, Ye Ye immediately became vigilant, and touched Ye Yang who had been tied to his leg from behind, but there was nothing, even the treasure bag that was always on his body was completely missing!
"Yezi, what's the matter? Don't you cook yet?" The door opened, and a voice of reproach sounded.After Ye Ye reached out his hand to block the sunlight and saw the man clearly, he immediately shouted excitedly: "Master!"

(The kitten will write it carefully)

(End of this chapter)

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