Guardian of the Night

Chapter 118 To the Past 2

Chapter 118

Chapter 46 Back to the past II
"Master, why are you here?" Ye Ye looked at Old Wu and asked suspiciously.

Old Wu walked up to Ye Ye, patted his head lovingly and said, "Silly boy, this is my house, why do you think I'm here? Is your fever still gone?" After finishing speaking, he touched Ye Ye's face with the back of his hand. Forehead: "Not hot! Get up! I have business today!"

When Lao Wu touched Ye Ye's forehead, Ye Ye felt that Lao Wu's hand was cold, with no warmth at all, but it made Ye Ye feel like crying, because Ye Ye had never received such caring love from anyone. take care of.

In doubt, Ye Ye still followed.

After walking out, Ye Ye was even more surprised, the person sitting outside turned out to be Lao Jiang!They are all dead!
"Old Wu, you have to help me now! My father is dead, Zishi died!" Lao Jiang said.

"Your father died at Zishi. Zishi is the time of day and dawn. The grievances in life can't be dissipated. I don't know what will happen to you. I don't ask for a high price. It's only a hundred or ten yuan. !” Old Wu said lightly.

Ye Ye stood aside and listened to them quietly, and suddenly became confused, because everything happened before.Even after Lao Jiang left, Lao Wu's greedy look was exactly the same!
"What's the matter? What's going on? Where am I?" Ye Ye frowned and kept asking himself!Then he suddenly remembered something, ran straight to Lao Wu's bedroom, opened the painting on the wall, and was even more surprised, there was nothing behind the painting!There is no hidden compartment, no Yemen Sutra contained in a black jade box!
"Yezi, what are you doing! Come on, prepare something for me, I taught you many times, you should remember it?" When Ye Ye was wondering, Old Wu suddenly walked in and woke Ye Ye up from his doubts!
"Master, are you going to Lao Jiang's place?" Ye Ye asked lightly.

"Well, the kid is a lot smarter! Come on, pack your things, let's go right away!" After Lao Wu finished speaking, he walked out, leaving Ye Ye alone there.

"What's going on? Is it really possible to do it all over again? Or was it just a dream I had before, a heavy dream? Forget it, this time we must not let Master die!" Thinking like this, Ye Ye thought, some ideas.

Now the only way to determine where this place is is the knowledge of Yemen Corpse Suppressing Technique that he has memorized in his heart!Therefore, what he is going to do now is the simplest phoenix stab!This is also the only reason he can save Old Wu!

For Ye Ye, the production of phoenix thorns is naturally familiar!It will be made soon.Then hide it in your waist!Then he followed Old Wu towards the mourning hall arranged by Old Jiang's house.

"Ye Zi, come and eat a chicken drumstick!" At night, Old Wu said the words Ye Ye had already heard!Ye Ye didn't speak, and looked at Lao Jiang's father's body vigilantly in the mourning hall.

The child's hour is about to pass, and Lao Jiang's father still doesn't make any moves!Ye Ye thought about it and remembered the black cat meat in his hand at that time!Suddenly came to his senses, cat meat, black cat meat, resurrection, zombies!
But without the black cat meat, Father Jiang would not be resurrected!
Immediately, he frowned and became thoughtful, after all, there were too many things that made him feel strange!
While Ye Ye was meditating, the tiles on Lao Jiang's father's mourning hall suddenly loosened, and then a tile fell down, and then a black cat jumped out of the hole in the tile.

Impartiality just fell on Lao Jiang's father!Then jumped down.Suddenly a breeze blew without breath, the flame of the respected and loved candle swayed slightly, and Lao Jiang's father moved his finger!
The hour passed, and Ye Ye looked at the mourning hall again, but there was still no movement, so he immediately felt relieved.Only then did he sit down and go to Lao Wu's side, enjoying a peace that he had never enjoyed before.

"Hehe, Ye boy, you stay here honestly, I'll go in and see the ever-burning lamp!" Old Wu said, got up and walked into the mourning hall.

When Ye Ye heard Old Wu's words, he always felt so familiar!But thinking that the child's time had passed and there would be no more danger, he relaxed and ate the chicken on the table with peace of mind!
However, suddenly there was a scream in the mourning hall, Ye Ye's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately stood up and ran to the door of the mourning hall, but he saw that in the mourning hall, Old Wu was knocked away by Lao Jiang's father, and his head hit the table, Passed out.But old Jiang's father went towards Ye Ye, Ye Ye immediately chose to turn around, and then took out the phoenix thorn that was not on his waist!

The cat, startled by Old Wu's cry just now, ran out towards the outside!However, when Ye Ye turned around, he kicked it.

Ye Ye was caught by the cat, staggered, couldn't stand on his feet, and then slipped, knocking over the table with chicken and wine, and he also fell down.

And Lao Jiang's father also took advantage of the situation to grab Ye Ye, grabbed Ye Ye's neck, and suddenly cut off Ye Ye's connection with the air with a huge force!Ye Ye was in a daze and wanted to break old Jiang's father's hand, but that withered hand had a strange force, and he couldn't break it at all!Ye Ye could only kick his feet in a daze, then touched his waist again, and took out a phoenix thorn.But he dared not stab it.

Because he suddenly remembered that if Lao Jiang's father was subdued in this way, then Lao Jiang's father would still not let go of his hand, and he would still die!That's how Old Wu died back then!

The air in the lung cavity has become less and less, and the dizziness is coming.

Just when Ye Ye was about to fail, Ye Ye suddenly felt the huge force on his neck disappear. He opened his eyes and saw that Li Bin was in front of him!And Li Bin held a kitchen knife in his hand.It was he who cut off Lao Jiang's father's hand with a kitchen knife, and then opened that iron-clawed hand!

Ye Ye coughed, and said after recovering, "Li Bin? Why are you here?"

Li Bin said suspiciously: "I don't know, I don't know where this is! If I hadn't seen you take out the phoenix thorn just now, I don't think I would have saved you! Because I am worried that this place is just an illusion!"

Ye Ye looked at the ground in confusion and said lightly: "Since Lao Jiang's father is resurrected! Then they are not far away!" Li Bin's eyes shrank into needles when he heard it!He knew what Ye Ye was talking about, the 'they' Ye Ye was talking about were the group of corpses!

The two of them didn't speak after that, but took advantage of the night to carry Lao Jiang's father into the coffin!It's hard to see that he broke his hand!After finishing everything, Ye Ye shook Old Wu awake!

"Yezi. Lao Jiang's father died just now and wanted to bite me!" No matter how courageous Lao Wu was, he was still an ordinary person, and he said in horror immediately after waking up.

"Where is Lao Jiang's father? Isn't he lying down somewhere? Master, I think you are drunk!" Ye Ye decided to deceive Lao Wu.

"Oh oh oh, I'm drunk! Hey? Li Bin? Why are you here?" Old Wu thought for a while before realizing the existence of Li Bin!
"It's nothing, I'll come and take a look!" Li Bin said and turned to leave.

Ye Ye thought for a while, stood up and said, "Okay, master, let's go home in three days! I don't like this place!"

Old Wu rubbed the bleeding wound that was bumped just now, and when he heard Ye Ye's words, he became excited immediately, ignoring the pain of the wound, he hit Ye Ye's head with his hand and said, "What did you say, brat? Inherit my mantle! If you don't like it, you have to like it!"

Ye Ye touched the place where Old Wu beat him, and smiled comfortably.But soon frowned again, he wasn't sure this was the real world!Or he can't tell which one is the real world!

Three days passed quickly.Old Wu and Ye Ye also returned home.

While Ye Ye was cooking, there was a knock on the door suddenly, and a voice came from outside the door: "Wu Daoming is there!" With a simple sentence, Ye Ye was worried that it would happen again!

Everything went according to the original route.

(Long live the People's Republic of China! Long live the People's Republic of China!!! Our pride, our pride, we are proud of being Chinese, we are proud of being Chinese!)

(End of this chapter)

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