Guardian of the Night

Chapter 119 To the Past 3

Chapter 119

Chapter 47 Back to the past [-]
The voice that sounded outside the door was Gu Ling!
Hearing that voice, Old Wu was very excited!Immediately put down the cattail fan in his hand, ran to the door, opened the door, and shouted kindly: "Gu Ling! Haha, he's not dead yet! Just in time, come in! Eat fish today! Ye Zi, come out to meet the guests!"

Ye Ye walked out according to his words, and when Gu Ling saw Ye Ye, he frowned and said, "I haven't seen you for many years, Brother Wu also has a child! Hey, it's a pity that I'm still alone! But..." Gu Ling wanted to say stop.

Old Wu, Wu Mingdao saw this and said, "Gu Ling, it's okay for you to speak up!" Ye Ye suddenly felt that something was wrong!
"This child, I'm afraid it's not clean! Although the features are pretty, but the Yintang is black, the palms are peeled, and there is doubt in the eyes, it's very fierce!" Gu Ling pretended to say, but he was completely convinced by Old Wu, and asked anxiously : "Then how can it be cleared?"

Gu Ling hesitated for a moment, and made a gesture of wiping his neck!He wanted to kill Ye Ye!
Ye Ye looked at Old Wu, he knew that it was impossible for Old Wu to kill him!Old Wu also hesitated, and after pondering for a long time, he said, "This is the only way? What will happen if I don't?"

Gu Ling nodded resolutely and said: "There is no other way, if you don't get rid of him, then disaster will come! Not only you, but the whole town will suffer disaster!" But Gu Ling thought: " Hmph, kid. I blame you for being unlucky, my corpse king is still short of a boy's blood sacrifice!"

Old Wu continued to bury his head in contemplation, hesitating, and after a long time, the ancient spirit couldn't wait: "Brother Wu, since you are so reluctant, let me help you!" After speaking, he drew out a long knife and pointed at Ye go at night.

Ye Ye was not afraid, but kept looking at Old Wu who was still hesitating!

At this time, suddenly a person ran in from outside the door again, it was Li Bin.He came in and didn't see the scene clearly, so he shouted anxiously: "Yezi, it happened, it happened, they really came!" What Li Bin was talking about was the group of zombies.Li Bin is not afraid, but how can people feel at ease if things happen again?
"What's coming?" Old Wu asked suspiciously.

Li Bin blurted out: "Zombies, those zombies are here!" Old Wu laughed loudly after hearing this: "Zombies? Could it be that you fought them for [-] rounds and then escaped? Haha!"

"Brother Wu, I leave this place to you! I'll go and see! Maybe it's true? Remember, he must get rid of it. If what this person said is true, then this is the first disaster he brought !” After Gu Ling finished speaking, he turned and left.

"Hey, Gu Ling! How can you believe the words of the braggart king?" Before Old Wu finished speaking, Gu Ling had disappeared from sight.

Gu Ling kept rushing towards Yizhuang outside the town, he was worried, worried that the corpse king would break free and lead a group of corpses into chaos!As soon as he ran out of the town, his worries were fulfilled, and the corpses rioted!

Without hesitation, he directly took out the bell and other magic tools, and began to try his best to control the zombies, but with the leadership of the corpse king, the group of zombies no longer obeyed the command of the ancient spirit, and surrounded the ancient spirit in an instant!Then, in the senseless resistance of the ancient spirits, they devoured their original masters alive!
After that, under the leadership of the corpse king, the group of corpses continued to think about the town.

At this time, at Old Wu's home.

"Master, please believe me, all this was brought by the ancient spirit! It's not my fault! Please go and hide with me? The corpses are really coming soon!" Ye Ye looked still hesitating Old Wu said.

"Silly boy, do you think I really believe the words of that ancient spirit? Haha, you are my apprentice, you will be a teacher for a day and a father for the rest of your life. I can also be your father. If a tiger does not eat its own child, I will kill you? But , I don't believe what Li Bin said, what kind of corpses, what kind of zombies! That doesn't exist!" Old Wu looked at Ye Ye gently and said.

Ye Ye frowned and said, "Master, please go out with me and have a look, and you will know!" Ye Ye decided to take Old Wu to Widow Li's house first!After all, when the accident happened, Widow Li was the safest place.Of course, that is if the trajectory of the matter follows the original route, but both of them have forgotten that things seem to have changed a little!

Old Wu said impatiently: "Okay, I'll go with you! Really, Widow Li's house, right? By the way, I collected the money from last time, and she borrowed 2 yuan from me and didn't pay it back! "After that, he walked out with Ye Ye. ,

Widow Li's house is not far from the gate of the town, so she can see the situation outside the town at a glance!After the three of Ye Ye arrived at Widow Li's house, Old Wu said, "Widow Li, you owed me the money last time, should you pay it back now?"

"Oh, it's Master Wu! See if you can delay it for a few days, money is tight these two days!" Widow Li said in embarrassment.

"Bang bang..." Suddenly there was an eager knock on the door.

"Oh, what day is it today! Someone is here again!" Widow Li muttered dissatisfiedly, and then went out to open the door.

Ye Ye thought for a while and shouted loudly: "Don't open the door..." Before he finished speaking, the door opened.There is a group of zombies outside the door!They rushed in from outside the door, tore the widow into pieces, and scattered the flesh and internal organs on the ground!
"Ah!..." Only then did Old Wu become frightened, staying where he was at a loss!
"What's going on? It should be safe here!" Ye Ye thought suspiciously, but he couldn't help thinking about the current situation!He grabbed Old Wu who was stunned by fright and ran into the house, then closed the door tightly!

"Yezi, what's going on? Look!" Li Bin said suspiciously, and then raised his hand, red blood was flowing on his arm!He is the undead corpse king, without life or death, without blood and flesh!

Ye Ye rubbed his aching head and said, "I don't know, the matter has completely lost its original track!" Old Wu listened curiously to their conversation and asked tremblingly, "What's going on?"

"Master, you believe it now!" Ye Ye didn't answer him.

"How do I get out? How do I get out? There are no conditions here now! There is nothing, how do I get out? How do I get out!" Li Binli's weirdness became agitated.

Ye Ye smiled and said: "You don't need to go out, we can stay here and hide!" Ye Ye's words attracted Li Bin's attention, and then Ye Ye continued: "Forget about it, there is a secret door at the door It should be no problem to hide below!"

Li Bin suddenly realized that they could hide in the cellar and wait for the opportunity to go out! "But, how do we get out now?" There are zombies outside the door, we have lost our strength now, it is impossible to get out by force! "Li Bin said, looking at the wound that was still bleeding slightly.

"Wait for me to think about it!" Ye Ye continued to rub his temples and thought about it.

Suddenly, the door of this room was knocked violently. It should be that the zombies outside sensed their existence!Don't think too much about the situation, because the door should be forcibly pushed open soon.

Old Wu recovered from his panic, sighed, then walked to Ye Ye's side, stroked Ye Ye's head caressingly and said, "What if I am used to lure them away?"

One word awakened Ye Ye who was in deep thought, and Ye Ye immediately objected: "No, absolutely not! Master, absolutely"

"Listen to me..." Before Ye Ye finished speaking, he was interrupted by Old Wu: "Ye Zi, the situation is critical now, don't act like a son and daughter. It's settled like this. Anyway, I have already stepped into the coffin with half a leg, it doesn't matter Already!" Said and was about to rush out.But Ye Ye grabbed him.

"Master!...I don't want it, I don't want it!" Old Wu didn't say anything, he pulled Ye Ye away and handed it to Li Bin who was beside him: "Wait a minute, you guys hurry up and enter the cellar!" Down the latch!
(I won't write too much about the past plot, I will be able to go back soon, and then new things will happen!)

(End of this chapter)

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