Chapter 121

Ye Ye saw that the two of them did not speak, he was still thinking about the 'reincarnation' of the thirteen grave guards before they died, he kept asking himself: "This is an illusion? But why is it so real?"

Li Bin saw Ye Ye's worry, walked up to him and said calmly, "It's okay, at worst we'll go through it all over again! Maybe we'll go out someday?"

"No, I won't go out, no matter whether it's an illusion or a real place, I won't go out. Since Ye Ye's masters are all resurrected, then Caifeng and Yin Lin are all resurrected! This time, I want to protect them! Go find Caifeng..." After saying that, Qin Minglei became excited.

"Hey, what about your little brothers?" Li Bin walked to him and grabbed his arm and asked.

Qin Minglei didn't speak, but touched his neck.kill!
"Qin Minglei, do you know? When my master died, I could only watch him die!" Ye Ye suddenly looked up at Qin Minglei and said.

"No, I have the strength now to protect her!" Qin Minglei said.Ye Ye sighed: "Okay, we will accompany you, but don't get too excited no matter what you see! Now, let's deal with them first!" Ye Ye actually agreed, because he figured it out, rather than staying like this Instead of fantasizing, look for answers.

Afterwards, Qin Minglei gathered all the zombies in the town, piled up firewood, and set fire to it, burning it clean!

Three days later, the three of them appeared in the town where they had met Qin Minglei.

"Caifeng, I'm back!" As soon as he arrived in the city, Qin Minglei immediately ran towards Caifeng's residence.When I opened the door, I found it was empty!
After Ye Ye and Li Bin followed in, Ye Ye said calmly: "According to the time, it should be before Li Dafu robbed him of being a concubine. Now it's another accident!"

Just as Ye Ye finished speaking, an old man suddenly walked by the door. He looked at the three of Ye Ye and walked over and said, "You three brothers, are you looking for Miss Caifeng?"

When Qin Minglei heard this, he immediately ran to the old man's side: "Old man, tell me quickly, where has she gone?" He was very emotional.

The old man sighed: "Hey, Miss Caifeng has a hard life! Waiting for her lover, but he won't return! As a result, she was robbed to be a concubine! Li Dafu in the east of the city was robbed to be a concubine!"

The original time was changed again!

When Qin Minglei heard this, he became furious and immediately went to Li Dafu's house.Ye Ye and Li Bin were worried that something might happen to him, so they followed him.

"Li Dafu, open the door!" Qin Minglei rushed to the door of Li Dafu's house, and without saying a word, directly slammed the door with his fist.

The door opened, and there stood an old man inside, who was Li Dafu's housekeeper.

Qin Minglei didn't care who opened the door, he ran directly to Ying Caifeng's room according to the route he remembered, and pushed the door open!Ye Ye and the two have been following behind.

The room was unlocked, and the door was pushed open with great force. The situation inside stunned the three of them!
In the room, Li Dafu was standing aside and smiling happily, while Ying Caifeng was tied to the bed, three men were pressing on him, and the humiliation was going on!
The loud sound of the door being pushed open drew the attention of the busy people in the room.

When Li Dafu saw the three of them, he said angrily, "Who are you? Don't you know it's illegal to break into a private house?" Ye Ye and the others ignored Li Dafu's call.

With red eyes, Qin Minglei walked slowly to Ying Caifeng, then grabbed several people who were pressing on her, and hugged Ying Caifeng.

"Brother Minglei!...! I..." The moment Ying Caifeng saw Qin Minglei, the tears that had already dried up broke down again, and she wanted to say something but her throat was choked.

"Don't talk, I don't blame you!" Qin Minglei didn't mind, but he was blaming himself for not being able to protect his lover.

"But...hehe, it's great to see you for the last time!" Ying Caifeng said lightly. "What nonsense are you talking about? I'm back, we're going to get married right now!" Qin Minglei said excitedly, hugging Ying Caifeng tightly.

"Where do you want to go?" Li Bin grabbed Li Dafu who was about to slip away.

"I... I'm anxious!" Li Dafu immediately became worried after seeing Qin Minglei grabbing away the three beggars he found, and then knowing that this person was Qin Minglei.want to slip away.But he was caught by Li Bin.

Li Bin ignored Li Dafu, but walked out slowly, and Ye Ye closed the door behind him.

In the room, Qin Minglei kept hugging Ying Caifeng tightly and kept saying things like 'I'm sorry, I'm late'!
But Ying Caifeng kept smiling faintly, hugged Qin Minglei tightly and said, "Don't be too sad! After I die, I will be reincarnated. People are always reincarnated! From reincarnation to death!" Ying Caifeng Caifeng said strange things.

Qin Minglei said lightly: "Caifeng, I really don't mind. I want to marry you and have a son with you. We still have a lot of time to spend together! I'm not going anywhere, just stay with you!"

Qin Minglei was talking, but he didn't notice that Ying Caifeng's expression gradually weakened.And the breath is like a gossamer!After that, the hand that was holding Qin Minglei also dropped down.

"Caifeng, are you listening?" Qin Minglei suddenly asked, but Ying Caifeng didn't answer him.He looked at Ying Caifeng curiously, but found that Ying Caifeng's eyes had been closed.Moreover, there are already black spots on the face.

Take poison! '

It turned out that Ying Caifeng had taken poison before, and wanted to use death to escape the tragedy of being humiliated!

"Ah..." Qin Minglei suddenly screamed violently, and then gently placed Ying Caifeng on the bed.After that, he rushed out of the room crazily, and grabbed Li Dafu's neck: "I want you to pay with blood!" After speaking, he snapped and pinched his neck.

After doing all this, he slowly walked back to the room.Didn't notice.A thin body rushed towards him, a silver light flashed in his hand, and a dagger directly sank into Qin Minglei's heart.

It's Li Yerui!It turned out to be Li Yerui.

Qin Minglei looked at the dagger stuck in his heart, and then fell straight down.Blood flowed all over the place.

"It actually penetrated the corpse king's defense?: Li Bin immediately ran to Qin Minglei's side and hugged Qin Minglei's head and said

Ye Ye walked over slowly and said, "No, he's not the corpse king anymore!" After speaking, he squeezed Li Yerui's hand tightly and let her bite! Then he closed his eyes and burst into tears.

Another close relative died in front of him and was killed by his close relatives!
However, before Ye Ye could be sad, Li Bin suddenly said, "Ming Lei is gone!" Ye Ye opened his eyes immediately when he heard that, and sure enough, apart from a pile of red blood, there was no Qin Ming Lei's body on the ground.

"Reincarnation, reincarnation. Put it to death and reincarnation!" Ye Ye suddenly realized.

(End of this chapter)

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