Guardian of the Night

Chapter 122 Wake Up

Chapter 122 Wake Up
Chapter 50, wake up

After Ye Ye finished saying that, he thought about it thoughtfully, and finally his eyes fell on Li Yerui's right hand, which he had been holding tightly all the time, to be precise, it was the dagger on his right hand!

Ye Ye smiled bleakly, snatched the dagger from Li Yerui's hand, and then said lightly under Li Bin's surprised eyes: "You said that I was originally poisoned and my whole body turned black and I was in a coma, right?"

Li Bin frowned and nodded vigorously.Ye Ye suddenly laughed when he saw it: "Hahahaha, you are right, this place is fake, everything is fake! Put it to death and reincarnate!" After finishing speaking, he slammed the dagger in Li Bin's surprised eyes. pierced into my heart!
" really hurts! Death is really uncomfortable!" Ye Ye spat out a mouthful of blood and said with a smile.After finishing speaking, he pulled out the dagger vigorously, and suddenly a bunch of hard work came out, and the blood spattered three feet.

"Ye Ye, are you stupid? How could you do this to yourself!" Li Bin panicked when he saw Ye Ye like this, and immediately lifted Ye Ye up and shouted loudly.

Ye Ye handed the bloody dagger to Li Bin, then smiled and said, "Death and reincarnation!" After finishing speaking, he fell limp and died!
Li Bin looked at Ye Ye's body and muttered, "Death and reincarnation? What do you mean? Can you explain clearly before you die?" But Ye Ye couldn't answer him anymore!

Li Yerui ran out immediately after seeing Ye Ye committing suicide.Li Bin was left alone staring at Ye Ye's body in a daze.

Li Bin suddenly closed his eyes, he really didn't understand what it meant!After opening his eyes, he found that Ye Ye's body, which was originally held by him, had also disappeared!He suddenly became anxious, and kept muttering: death and reincarnation...until death and reincarnation...

After a long time, Li Bin said with a look of sudden realization: "That's how it is!" No wonder we all lost our original strength, this is the reason! After finishing speaking, Li Bin smiled bleakly, stabbed the dagger into his heart, and then pulled it out fiercely! Soon after, Li Bin also died!?

"Put it to death and live!" Suddenly, a majestic voice rang in Li Bin's ear. Li Bin was startled, stood up with a bang, and then looked around vigilantly.

"Hey, Junior Brother, you just woke up? You guys can really sleep!" Suddenly a frivolous voice sounded from behind Li Bin.Li Bin looked back and saw that it was Yang Tianhai.And Qin Minglei also sat beside him indifferently, his expression was cold, he didn't know what to think!
Only then did Li Bin touch his cheek, then took out the Yemen odd-shaped dagger, and swiped it hard on his hand, no blood flowed out, the wound healed quickly, and the pain doubled!His strength returned.Is this the real world?Li Bin thought about it, and then immediately looked around, as if he was looking for something.

"Where are you looking for Ye Ye? Here? It's still the same, his whole body is black, the poison is too deep, it's difficult!" Yang Tianhai continued to say frivolously.

Li Bin knew how powerful Yang Tianhai was, so he didn't want to spend more time with him. He just walked to Ye Ye's side lightly, and sighed after seeing Ye Ye's condition.

They have returned to the normal world, but Ye Ye will still die!It's better not to come out and let Ye Ye survive in that environment.

"How did you come out? Where are Elder Ye and the walking corpse?" Li Bin asked Yang Tianhai in a chatty tone.

Yang Tianhai smiled evilly and said: "Isn't it just to die once! It's too simple, and it's too enjoyable. I would be willing to come here again! They are probably still in that world!" Ye Xincheng and the walking corpse in the dry grass on one side.

After hearing this, Li Bin saw that the two were still in a coma, but he didn't care what happened to the others. He only cared about Ye Ye now: "Ming Lei, are you still thinking about it?" Li Bin looked at the person who was still thinking Qin Minglei then asked.

Qin Minglei nodded, but did not answer.

"Hey, you guys want to save Ye Ye? It depends on whether I'm happy or not!" Yang Tianhai said suddenly.

Li Bin just glanced at him lightly and said: "Stop joking, if you could save him, you would have saved him long ago! Didn't you? You won't harm us!"

Yang Tianhai suddenly covered his face with one hand and looked at the sky: "Oh my God, are we just so untrustworthy?" After finishing speaking, he took out a black bead that was neither gold nor jade in his other hand, and then Said: "Seeing that you said 'you won't harm us', this thing is for you! Remember, stuff it directly from its mouth, it won't kill you!" After finishing speaking, Yang Tianhai threw the bead to the bead. Li Bin.

Li Bin took the bead and took a closer look. There were two faint words 'Taihao' on the bead!Taihao is another name of Fuxi!
"This is Fuxi Stone? Just such a small bead? Where did you get it?" Li Bin asked excitedly, clutching the bead tightly.

"Oh, believe it or not! I came out of that world first, and then I saw such a thing on the ground! I picked it up, and I didn't expect it to be the Fuxi stone you were looking for!" Yang Tianhai replied lightly. road.

It turned out that Yang Tianhai's reincarnation world was when he was the punisher in his lifetime, and when his clan was attacked by the Zodiac League.In the end, he still chose to blew himself up without hesitation, and soon came out of that world.Then I saw this bead on the ground.However, he concealed a sentence, a sentence written on the ground when he picked up the beads.Of course, he couldn't say that paragraph, because the last sentence of that paragraph was 'If you leak this, you will be hunted down by me'!
Who is it that can make Yang Tianhai, who is a collective of punishers, obey?

But Li Bin still hesitated after hearing this, looked at the bead with the word 'Taihao' in his hand, and then looked at Yang Tianhai who seemed to be at ease.indecision.

Suddenly, a hand snatched the bead in his hand, and before he could react, that hand had already fed the bead into Ye Ye's mouth, and after hitting hard, the bead had already flowed along Ye Ye's mouth. Throat, into the stomach!

The owner of that hand was Qin Minglei. After everything happened last night, he looked at Li Bin and said, "Even if it's fake! We have to believe it!" After hearing this, Li Bin had no choice but to nod helplessly.After that, they sat on the side with peace of mind, and the few people stopped chatting.

At this time, Ye Ye was awake!It's just that he can't control his body and perceive the outside world.

At this moment, Ye Ye was in the pure white world back then, and in front of him was still the beautiful woman, and the woman kept thinking: "Brother, take me to the valley last time, okay? It's so beautiful there! "

Ye Ye experienced this place last time, so he ignored the girl's words, but sat quietly on the ground, watching his nose, nose, mouth, and mouth, meditating, looking like an old god.

Suddenly, the originally quiet, pure white space shook violently.Ye Ye couldn't sit still, and immediately stood up, feeling the violent jolt.Not long after, two big golden characters suddenly appeared in the pure white space: Taihao!
After those two words appeared, the pure white space also returned to calm.

"Brother, go, go!" The girl actually changed her words and said something else.

But Ye Ye didn't care about this, he walked towards the huge golden word 'Taihao' curiously, and when he was approaching, his hand touched the two words, suddenly there was a suction force, he couldn't even react He didn't even react, and was sucked in immediately. After Ye Ye was sucked in, the word disappeared instantly.But the girl suddenly laughed happily, her voice was very sweet like the wind blowing a bell.

After Ye Ye was sucked in, he felt that his world suddenly became chaotic. He saw countless people praising him, and then countless people scolding him... But he still couldn't understand what those people said!

After that, he actually saw everything that happened to him in the past, from meeting Lao Wu to before he fell into a coma.However, before he met Old Wu, he didn't show up at all!After recalling, Ye Ye's eyes suddenly turned black, and he quietly opened his eyes.

Suddenly, Li Bin saw a change in Ye Ye's body. He took a closer look and saw that Ye Ye's skin, which was originally dark because of poisoning, slowly fell off his legs.Poison, solved!Then seeing Ye Ye who opened his eyes and looked at him, he immediately shouted: "Great, Ye Ye woke up! The poison is cured!"

(End of this chapter)

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