Guardian of the Night

Chapter 123 A New Beginning

Chapter 123 A New Beginning

Chapter 51 A New Beginning

Ye Ye's body complexion slowly returned to normal.But he couldn't talk or walk because the poison temporarily paralyzed his nerves.

A day later, the walking corpse slowly woke up.With a smile on his face, he was very excited: "It turns out that it is such a pleasure to die with the person I want to kill!" What he experienced in the world of reincarnation was a dispute with the Gu. , and then went to war, but in the end, the walking corpse used the power of exhausting life, tore Gu Weng to pieces, and then died himself.This is the world of reincarnation.

"Hey, Ye Ye, the head is also awake? Good news! You found Fuxi Stone? Haha, he can't speak now, right?" The zombie just woke up and missed.

"How do you know?" Li Bin asked suspiciously.The walking corpse laughed and said, "You just admired that Fuxi stone and stuffed it in, right? You guys, you're missing a medicine!"

After everyone listened, their attention was immediately attracted.The walking corpse said indifferently: "Can Yeyang lend me to use it! Don't worry, I won't be greedy for this treasure. Besides, with such a master here, how dare I be presumptuous?" The walking corpse said and looked at Yang Tianhai.

Ye Ye thought for a while, took off Ye Yang who had been tied to his leg, and handed it over to the walking corpse.The walking corpse turned out to be Ye Yang, and he immediately exclaimed: "Sure enough, it is only made of one hundred and eight pieces of strange iron, and it can be combined into all weapons in the world! Divine weapon! A masterpiece!" After finishing speaking, the walking corpse looked at it again. Look, and then pulled away his clothes, revealing half of the ghost bead emitting a faint blue light.In the end, Ye Yang was chopped down fiercely.

"Ah!..." Ye Yang touched the Ghost Orb, and the walking corpse cried out in pain.That's the heart of a walking corpse!The walking corpse gently threw Ye Yang to the ground, and a small piece of blue stone landed with Ye Yang.It is the ghost pearl.

The walking corpse actually used its own heart as medicine to save Ye Ye!

"Okay, that's enough! After soaking it in rootless water or dew, take it together with that small piece of ghost pearl." Walking Corpse said while wearing his clothes weakly.

After hearing the words of the walking corpse, Li Bin immediately picked up a container that could hold water to look for dew. After all, rootless water needs rain, but it is impossible to find it now.At this moment, he has completely believed in walking corpses, because who would cut off a bit of his heart for no reason and use it as medicine?

"Why do you want to do this?" Qin Minglei looked at the walking corpse and said with a hint of surprise on his face.

The walking corpse smiled and said: "You helped me kill the person I wanted to kill the most, and I owe you, of course I have to pay you back! Now it's all paid off!" Qin Minglei didn't speak after hearing this, and looked at Zou with complicated eyes. corpse.

In the forest, dew is very easy to find. Soon, Li Bin found half a bottle, and then threw the small corner of the ghost pearl into it. After half an hour, Ye Ye swallowed it together with the stone.

"Haha, I found out that Ye Ye is no longer a human being. Who would eat rocks without incident?" Yang Tianhai said suddenly.

Ye Ye smiled, but didn't speak!Suddenly, he felt that a huge change was taking place in his body!The pain, the overwhelming pain, came from the body.He suddenly rolled all over the floor.Especially the throat and limbs, as if on fire!
Li Bin stepped forward, held Ye Ye down, and looked at the walking corpse angrily: "How could this happen?"

The walking corpse said lightly: "It's normal, wait for him to scream. It will be fine!" After finishing speaking, he continued to close his eyes and rest.

really,.Not long after, Ye Ye suddenly cried out in pain, and then a puff of black smoke came out of his mouth, and the pain disappeared soon after!
Only then did Ye Ye say with a cold face all over his body: "Thank you. As you said, we are even!" After hearing this, Zou Zong opened his eyes and smiled.

"Li Bin, is what you said in the world of reincarnation true? The protoss really wants to fight against the zodiac? That saves our efforts! However, we still have to meet the night gate first, after all, there are too many things to continue!" Ye Ye said after waking up.

Li Bin nodded fiercely, and then said: "Yes, that's right! In this way, our Yemen will be much easier. But, which side should we help? Which side of them is stronger than us, and which side will get the fruits of victory Not good news for us!"

"Why do we need to help? We, ourselves, will also improve Yemen's strength. At that time, the Three Kingdoms will be staged again!" Ye Ye said excitedly, and after finishing speaking, he glanced at the few people here and continued: "Yang Tianhai, you But you can’t run away, your master and your brothers and sisters are all in our Yemen, and you are also half of the Yemen!” Yang Tianhai shrugged helplessly after hearing this.

"Walking corpse, where can you go? Let's go back to Yemen together!" Ye Ye looked at the walking corpse and said calmly.

The walking corpse also shrugged and said, "You Yemen can accept me? I'm very glad that Yang Tianhai didn't kill me now." Everyone knew what he was talking about. He was talking about what he did in Nuwa's tomb. What they did almost caused Shen Qing and Shen Mo to die.

"That was in the past. Now, since you can sacrifice your life to save me, they will definitely accept you! In this environment, where do you want to go? Go out and be recruited by the protoss, and then you still refuse, and then they want to There is no way to get rid of you, after all, you can't have multiple enemies! Or, to be killed directly by the people of Zodiac? Think it through!" Ye Ye retorted.

The walking corpse has also been confused about this question, and he doesn't know what will happen in the direct retreat, but he still said stubbornly: "But my ability is to control the dead, even if you all accept me, you will accept my ability ?”

Ye Ye immediately laughed when he heard it: "There are so many dead people in the world, how many can you control?"

The walking corpse must have burst into laughter, "Okay, okay! I'm going! But you can't restrict my freedom!"

Ye Ye nodded and didn't speak. He knew that Yemen's strength and the addition of Zombie and Yang Tianhai made him instantly stronger!
But at this moment, a silver thread invisible to the naked eye suddenly floated in the air!A person silently appeared behind them!

"Hand over the 'Pill of Medicine King' or die!" This person is Sun Ye!In order to save the master's life, Sun Ye.After finishing speaking, the silver thread floating in the air suddenly moved and moved towards Ye Ye's arm.He wanted to cut off Ye Ye's arm directly.

However, with a 'click', a black dagger appeared in front of Ye Ye's arm, blocking the silver thread!Ye Ye turned around and saw that the owner of the dagger was a woman with a curvy figure in black leather armor!It was Xia Feng who was sent by Gu Zihao to kill Ye Ye!

" mine!" Xia Feng held the dagger backwards, and then slipped away the silver thread wrapped around the dagger and said coldly.

Only now did Yang Tianhai stand up and say, "I've said it all, what you want is not here!"

"Then why, why did he recover from the poisoning?" Sun also had a look of disbelief!Obviously, he only saw Ye Ye's reply, but he didn't see it!
"Forget it, let's go, I said no, what do you think you can do when I'm here?!" Yang Tianhai shrugged and said with his head in his hands.When Sun Ye heard this, he snorted coldly, and then said: "I will get it, I know the medicine is on your body, and getting your flesh and blood can still save my master!" After speaking, he turned and left.

"Master Ye, you are mine! Your life can only be resolved by me!" After Xia Feng finished speaking, she disappeared!

Ye Ye sighed and didn't speak, he knew that all this was a new beginning!
(End of this chapter)

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