Guardian of the Night

Chapter 124 Rewards

Chapter 124 Rewards
Volume [-] Tomb Enchantment

Chapter 1 bounty

"Are you still here? It's been half a year! You still haven't killed me! Actually, I can't figure it out, why did you save me then?" On Yemen Mountain, Ye Ye said calmly.

In front of him was the killer sent by Gu Zihao, Xia Feng.

Xia Feng didn't speak, but instead held the dagger horizontally, and then rushed up again, extremely fast.Ye Ye shook his head and ignored it, then dodged, pulled out Ye Yang, and blocked the dagger.Push hard again to distance Xia Feng.How could Xia Feng give up?He rushed up again, and kicked Ye Ye's head sideways.Ye Ye squatted down slightly, and then raised Ye Yang violently in his hand. Seeing this, Xia Feng immediately lowered the dagger to block Ye Yang who was coming up.However, she was also blown away by the power attached to Yeyang.

Suddenly, a silver thread invisible to the naked eye floated around Ye Ye, fluttering strangely.Then slowly wrapped around Ye Ye's neck.A figure slowly walked out from the darkness, it turned out to be Sun Ye!
"I said, I will use your flesh and blood to heal Master!" After finishing speaking, he pulled his hand violently, the silver thread wrapped around Ye Ye's neck tightened, and Ye Ye's head fell directly to the ground.

Huh... Suddenly Ye Ye stood upright, holding the bed with his hands, panting heavily.

It was all just a dream.Ye Ye shook his head, then got out of bed, picked up a water glass on the table, poured himself a glass of water, and drank slowly.

"The past six months have been so peaceful! Not only the Zodiac, but also the newly-appeared Protoss is also extremely calm! What's wrong? Forget it, don't think about it. This is also good, giving Yemen time to develop!" Ye Ye held a water glass in his hand and muttered to himself faintly.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed past Ye Ye's back without a sound.But Ye Ye noticed the wind brought by that figure flashing behind him!His pupils shrank into needles immediately, and then he dodged a flying shuriken with a flick of his head.Then immediately fell to the ground and rolled aside!
'Snapped'.The water glass in my hand was also broken!Seeing this, the black shadow no longer hid himself, but appeared in front of Ye Ye. It was Xia Feng.She knew that if she didn't hurry up and kill Ye Ye now, the guards would rush in soon, and her plan would come to naught again.

So, she held the dagger back, bowed her body, and jumped out like a cheetah. The dagger in her hand also directly slashed at Ye Ye's throat, but Ye Ye lay down directly, avoiding the fatal blow.

Caifeng rushed too fast, but she was as agile as a cat. She turned around quickly in the air, kicked her feet on the wall, turned around again, and stabbed Ye Ye again with the dagger in her hand, but Ye Ye couldn't dodge in time.

With a click, Xia Feng's dagger was blocked again, but the person who blocked the dagger was not Ye Ye, but Ye Hen!Yehen didn't know when he had appeared in Ye Ye's room.Moreover, people kept coming towards Ye Ye's room.The leader is the person Xia Feng hates the most——Huang Shang!

Seeing that the chance to kill Ye Ye had been lost, Xia Fengxiu frowned, turned around and disappeared!
In the past six months, Xia Feng did not give up on killing Ye Ye, and often carried out such assassinations!Fortunately, there are so many masters in Yemen, Xia Feng has no way to start.

This Xia Feng is also very stubborn, even if she is unsuccessful, she can escape, and then look for opportunities to assassinate.Moreover, no one knew the details of Xia Feng, his whole body was covered under black leather armor, and the lower half of his face was covered by a leather mask!Except for the eyes, I can't see her appearance at all.

"Yezi, are you okay? Is she here again?" Li Bin asked directly after entering the door.Ye Ye nodded silently.

The walking corpse walked to the front and said to Ye Ye in a teasing tone: "I see, she may have fallen in love with you! And you are so kind to Li Yerui, she wants to kill you just to vent her anger!"

"Okay, okay, it's not a big deal, I've been used to it for half a year! Go to bed!" Huang Shangcheng said lazily.After speaking, he walked out first.

Qin Minglei looked at Ye Ye and nodded, and then left!He still holds the bottle in his hand, the bottle containing love Gu!He is still blaming himself, still obsessed with it!
After Qin Minglei left, everyone also left Ye Ye's room.Ye Ye sighed, shrugged his shoulders and went to bed again to continue sleeping.They are used to every mistake Huang Shang said.I am used to Xia Feng's assassination day after day!But anyone who has to experience the assassination of life and death every two days or one day has to get used to it!

Nothing happened overnight.

What Ye Ye said was right, the past six months have been too quiet!Quietly weird!

Zodiac, unexpectedly no longer accepting any entrustment, is tantamount to closing himself off!Never heard from him at all!And the newly established Protoss is also unusually quiet, and has not had any confrontation with the Zodiac League since its establishment!It seems to be developing silently.But indeed, this kind of situation just gave Yemen an opportunity to develop. Yemen has developed very rapidly in the past six months, and there is a faint momentum of confrontation with the old-school Zodiac League and the protoss with huge wealth and countless people!It feels like there are really three legs!
And Ye Xincheng, who was in the reincarnation and didn't wake up, also woke up. After waking up, he kept silent and stayed in the room, neither eating nor drinking, like a living dead!
"Hahahaha! Ye Ye! I didn't expect us to be famous! The Zodiac League has not disappeared for half a year, and this move suddenly made such a big move!" Early in the morning, Li Bin rushed into the room with a piece of red paper in his hand. Ye Ye's room.And his yelling attracted other people!

Ye Ye, who was sleeping soundly, was frightened. He opened his eyes, looked at Li Bin and said lightly, "It's so early in the morning, what's the fuss about? Last night I was tossing around all night! Why don't you let me sleep?"

"Don't complain! Look at this first, I saw this when I went down the mountain to find my master today! You all come to see it too! We are all famous!" Li Bin ignored Ye Ye's complaints and sat down directly to Ye Ye On the bed, spread out the piece of paper in his hand, and then said to the few people who came in from the door.

Ye Ye and the others looked over curiously, and then all laughed.

The piece of paper that Li Bin brought was a wanted warrant!There are portraits of Ye Ye and the others drawn on it!The rewards are [-] and [-] respectively!Ye Ye had [-] and the rest were [-]!It said: The above-mentioned people are evil and crooked!Those who know the news will be rewarded, and those who kill them will be rewarded with their heads as evidence!
And at the bottom of the arrest warrant were two stamps, one was the big seal of the military department, and the other was the seal of the Zodiac League, a five-clawed dragon with a '卍' symbol on the back!It is indeed the logo of the Zodiac League!

"I didn't expect that there was no news from the Zodiac League for half a year, so it turned out to be a collusion with the military? This will be miserable for us! The army will definitely not let us go!" the walking corpse said indifferently.

A few people stopped talking immediately!Quietly looking at the portrait on the arrest warrant, presumably, this arrest warrant issued by the military department has been posted all over the country!

After a while, Ye Ye suddenly said: "Immediately notify, and hold an emergency meeting immediately! I think Huang Daomeng will take action!" As soon as Ye Ye said this, a figure nodded slightly in a blind spot!If Ye Ye could see him, he would be surprised to find that he knew this person!
(End of this chapter)

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