Guardian of the Night

Chapter 125 Many Questions

Chapter 125 Many Questions
Not long after, everyone with positions in the Yemen came to the meeting hall!

After looking around, Ye Ye took out the arrest warrant with the pictures of Ye Ye and the others and said, "Zhuang Daomeng has been silent for half a year, and he made such a big move."

The few people in the seat fell silent after looking at the arrest warrant.Only Zombie and Yang Tianhai remained normal.The walking corpse said lightly: "Don't you think it's weird?"

Ye Ye rubbed his chin and said, "It's really weird! Why don't you tell me your opinion first?" Their meeting is not decided by one person, everything is decided through discussion!Whoever has a favorable opinion will listen to it. However, as the head of the sect, Ye Ye naturally has the initiative, and of course this initiative is restricted by the Queen of Ghosts and Huang Shang.

The walking corpse stood up, and said with a foolish look: "The first is why the military doesn't come to arrest or destroy us by itself, but puts up a wanted order and let the heroes of the world come to kill us? The second is why the zodiac Only for a few of you? Could it be that the Protoss is not worthy of his attention? Strange three, what have the Zodiac League and the Protoss group been doing in the past six months? All of these are problems!" The walking corpse has already regarded Yemen as his home , the people in Yemen also accepted him!

After listening to the analysis of the walking corpse, everyone present became thoughtful!The walking corpse is right, there are too many questions!

"No, I think, it's not that the military department doesn't want to send troops to suppress us! It's just that it's not easy to come forward for some reasons! But what factors, I'm not sure! Also! We must investigate clearly What the hell are the Zodiac League and the Protoss group doing these days? Why are they so forbearing! Also, half a year ago, in the tomb of the Fuxi clan, what were they looking for? Is it really Huang Daomeng?" Ye Ye eloquently expressed his doubts.

Huang Shangcheng said in a lazy way: "What the hell! Since the army doesn't come, they won't come, and if they come, they will kill each other! If you want to know why they forbear for half a year, then go and investigate! Why are you sitting here for a meeting? !"

The ghost queen smiled faintly: "That's right, Ye Ye, do whatever you want! Don't worry, with us here, Yemen is absolutely safe! Army? We also have one!" The army she was talking about was her people, and the countless ghost!

When the two said this, everyone's attention was on Ye Ye.And Ye Ye looked contemplative, and said after a long time: "I have no idea at all! I have to do this! After a few days, I will go down the mountain, and then try to find a way to understand the situation of the outside world, hoping to find out about the Zodiac League and the Protoss. The purpose of the group!" Ye Ye said, looking at the people sitting.Ready to assign work.

Before Ye Ye could speak, the walking corpse said first: "Master Ye! I rarely call you that! Please, let me go down the mountain with you! I'm about to die of suffocation!" Everyone burst out laughing.Indeed, Yemen has been almost isolated from the world for the past six months!Life is boring!

Ye Ye nodded and said, "Do I dare not let you go? I said that your freedom will not be restricted, but you have survived the past six months!" Ye Ye agreed!

"Okay, you guys discuss it, anyway, I can't go down! I want to go out, but I don't need it now!" Huang Shang stood up and said, after talking, looking at the ghost, the tenderness in his eyes flashed away!
After that, Huang Shang and the ghost queen left one after another!And Yehen didn't go down the mountain, and said goodbye!Only Ye Ye, Qin Minglei, Li Bin, Yang Hengchao, Walking Corpse, and Yang Tianhai were left.Ye Ye shrugged his shoulders and said lightly: "Need to say? Let's go together! However, Yang Hengchao, can you contact the people in the military department through your previous network, and get some words from them, so that we can have some Eyebrows? Then Zombie, Yang Tianhai, you two should pay attention to the protoss team! Let's divide the work!"

After hearing this, the walking corpse immediately objected: "No, absolutely not! I won't be with him, and I have to follow his command!" After speaking, he suddenly felt a chill on his back, turned his head, and saw Yang Tianhai didn't know what to do. Shi Shi stood behind him and said coldly: "Don't listen to my command, as long as you don't get separated from me and don't disrupt the plan! And our plan is that there is no plan!" | Suffocated, speechless.

"Okay, that's it! Let's start after a while. During this time, we will wait for news from you, Yang Hengchao! Remember, hurry up!" Ye Ye looked at Yang Hengchao and said seriously. After all, the only clue may be from He can only find out there. "Then, let's go down the mountain to find Senior Shen Qing! There may be news from him too! We have been isolated from the outside world for too long!" After speaking, Ye Ye looked at several people and sighed.

The night gate has been closed for the past six months.Always develop!Don't let any news get out!However, the disadvantages brought about by this have only now been revealed.

"Master? Here is a letter from you!" The few people had just finished their discussion when a voice suddenly sounded from outside the conference hall.

"Letter? What letter? I don't think I have any friends outside!" Ye Ye thought suspiciously, then walked out of the meeting room, and took a letter from a disciple outside the door!
The cover of the letter did not indicate who sent it, it only had Ye Ye's name on it!
anonymous letter!
Ye Ye opened the letter and immediately started to read it. Several people gathered around curiously to read the letter.

The letter wrote: "Ye Ye, thanks to the help many years ago and the forgiveness of my father! Now, I know that you are in trouble, and I am here to greet you. If you have any difficulties, please come to me! At present, in my relationship and opposition Under the circumstances, the military department did not send any troops to suppress you, but I hope you can find a solution as soon as possible! After all, I can’t last too long! I haven’t seen you for many years, is it the same? I hope I will come to visit some days ago.”

The signature is, Zixuan!

"Zixuan? How did we forget him?" Ye Ye suddenly said loudly.

Li Bin frowned and asked suspiciously, "Zixuan? Which Zixuan?"

Ye Ye immediately explained: "Do you remember when we came out of the well and met an army?" Li Bin thought for a while, and then suddenly realized: "It's the general Zixuan whom we helped him remove? !"

Ye Ye nodded and laughed and said: "It turns out that he helped the military to not send troops for the time being! We have to hurry, you have seen the contents of the letter, he can only temporarily organize the dispatch of troops! If the army really sends troops Come here, then even if we are not afraid of Yemen, we will suffer heavy losses!" After speaking, Ye Ye called the disciple who delivered the letter just now, and asked him to hand over the letter to Elder Yehen and the two guests.

Afterwards, Ye Ye looked at the sky in bewilderment, and sighed, too many questions weighed on his heart, making him uncomfortable!But it all has to be unraveled!He didn't know what he was doing for, but he knew that if he didn't do this, countless people would die because of him!
(End of this chapter)

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