Guardian of the Night

Chapter 126 Huang Shang and the Queen of Ghosts

Chapter 126 Huang Shang and the Queen of Ghosts

Chapter 1 Huang Shang and the Ghost Queen
The letter was quickly delivered to Ye Hen, and after Ye Hen had browsed through it, it was immediately delivered to Huang Shang.

Huang Shang said calmly after reading the letter: "Jiangshan, beauty, have already pursued and obtained them. What do I want now?"

Seeing Huang Shang's appearance, Ye Hen said worriedly, "Your Majesty... you...?" After all, she is in charge of the troops in the Yemen, so I need to discuss with her.”

Ye Hennuozhi.

Not long after, the ghost queen came to Huang Shang's side with faint steps.

"What's going on? Ye Hen said, you have something important to discuss with me?" Asked the ghost queen as soon as she arrived.Huang Shang didn't answer her, but took out the letter and handed it to the ghost queen.

The ghost queen calmly read it and said, "That's all? My people are enough!" Huang Shang sighed and said, "Huh...Zi Ruixin, thousands of years of loneliness, are you used to it?"

"Why are you saying this all of a sudden?" The Ghost Queen asked suspiciously.

Huang Shang didn't answer her, and said to himself: "Thousands of years, my country, rights, beauties, what haven't I got? Why do I still feel empty after a thousand years?"

"That's you... I'm different, I'm pursuing now, I want to think about my people, I only know that Ye Ye will be a big tree, and my people will be protected under his shade ! And, know that too, right?" Gui Houshen replied seriously.Huang Shang nodded: "That's right, I have contacted your king, but why is it him? You are able to stay at Yemen because of him, right?" The ghost queen nodded silently without saying a word.

After Huang Shang saw it, he didn't speak. He walked to the side and looked at the teacup on the table and said, "The more bitter the tea, the more aftertaste it will be. My millennium is too sweet!" After speaking, his face suddenly became extremely serious and he said: "Zi Ruixin! I've had enough of the thousand years of loneliness! Can you..."

"No... Absolutely not! My body and my soul belong to the king!" Before Huang Shang could finish his sentence, the ghost queen objected excitedly.

"Why... Your king has already handed you over to me, and your king can't come back! Do you really want to wait for him? He doesn't even know who he is, let alone that he is your king's." Things! How is it possible!" Huang Shang suddenly lost control of his emotions.

"Huang Shang... I haven't given up waiting for thousands of years! What's more, now there is news about him! You said, the king has already handed me over to you, but why didn't he tell me? I don't know, I only believe in the present. The truth! My king has appeared!" Zi Ruixin closed her eyes, not daring to look at Huang Shang's fiery eyes, and said decisively in her mouth.

Huang Shang suddenly sank down, lowered his head, his long hair covered his cheeks and said coldly: "Then you mean that I'm just dreaming? Then why are you running away from me? Why?"

The ghost queen's body trembled, but she laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, escape from you? Why should I escape from you? We are in the Yemen together, don't you know that men and women are not clear?"

"Hahahaha... Well, well! Well said! Just think I'm dreaming! Hmph, you are my only failure! I'm defeated!" Huang Shang raised his head, said with a frenzied expression, turned and left after speaking.

The ghost queen looked at Huang Shang's leaving back and said lightly: "I'm sorry, I really can't! Ghost clan, you can't marry outside, or you will be cursed!" After finishing speaking, two lines of tears flowed down her cheeks, but Huang Shang could no longer see it!

Huang Shang and the ghost queen, in the Yemen, have always been a topic of conversation!Everyone is guessing them!Everyone understands what Huang Shang means to the ghost queen, but they don't understand it!
Moreover, in the underground cave, after Huang Shang's duel with the ghost king, the ghost king had indeed explained that he had indeed handed over the ghost queen to him!However, the ghost queen didn't believe it, or she had been avoiding it all the time!
After this day, Huang Shang and the ghost never met again, or Huang Shang did not show up!Ye Ye and the others were also ready to go down the mountain, and the only thing they were waiting for now was the news from Yang Hengchao.

And just yesterday, the walking corpses who could no longer bear the loneliness had urged Shang Yang Tianhai to set off first. After all, their direction was the Protoss, so there was nothing to worry about in terms of their strength.

Huang Shang stayed in the room alone and did not go out.What's ridiculous is that the city next door to him is Ye Xin City, where he locked himself up!
There was a note in front of him, on which it was written in block letters: "Ask what love is in the world, and it is only a promise between life and death!" Huang Shang has already fallen into it, unable to extricate himself!Thousands of years of loneliness burst out at the moment after meeting a ghost!Then burn, a flame of love burns!However, it was completely extinguished by the resolute refusal of the Queen of Ghosts.From extremely hot to extremely cold, the huge temperature difference caused cracks in Huang Shang's heart that he thought was solid!

As night came, Huang Shang and Ye Xincheng were still sitting on the ground, looking at the ground!I don't know what to think.

------Dividing line--------------------

"Hey, no one brought water! It's a pity that I travel day and night, eat and sleep in the open!" Suddenly, a voice sounded from the gate of Yemen. It was Yang Hengchao who went down the mountain to find news.

Hearing this voice, Ye Ye immediately ran to the door, opened the door himself, and brought a bowl of water: "The door opened, and the water also came. Tell me, what's going on?"

Yang Hengchao took the water, drank it in one gulp, and walked directly inside, saying as he walked, "Let me sit and talk!"

Only then did everyone walk into the night gate together with him, and then all gathered in the meeting hall.

Yang Hengchao took a few breaths, and after taking a rest, he said with a serious expression, "Ye Ye, how many do you have?"

After hearing this, Ye Ye frowned and said in doubt, "What? How many do I have?" Yang Hengchao shook his head and continued to ask, "How many Nuwa stones do you have!"

When Ye Ye heard this, he reached for the treasure bag and took out three nuwa stones: "That's three!"

Yang Hengchao sighed: "Huh... that's the reason!"

"Hey, make it clear! What is it? I don't understand!" Li Bin didn't understand at all!
Yang Hengchao said with a serious expression: "The Yellow Daomeng wanted you because of your Nvwa stone! As for how he knew you had the Nvwa stone, I think it must have been half a year ago when you fought Gu Weng. Right! The Zodiac League knew what you had in your hand, so they contacted the military headquarters. They didn’t want the army to suppress us.! Rather, they hoped that they had a reasonable reason to kill us! Kill people and seize stones!”

Ye Ye frowned when he heard it!Only he knows how powerful this Nuwa stone is, it's the remnants left when Nuwa mended the sky!But Ye Ye continued to ask: "Then do you know, what did the Zodiac League and the Protoss Group do for half a year?"

"I said it all because of the Nvwa stone! It seems that a huge matter is involved, and no matter how much you inquire about it, you can't find out about it! Even the special operations team doesn't know, they are a group specially formed to deal with supernatural things! "Yang Hengchao said.

Ye Ye nodded for a moment, then looked at the three nuwa stones in his hand, and suddenly realized!It turned out that they were looking for the rest of the Nuwa stones!After all, the power of this Nuwa stone is too great, as we can tell from the flame in the final battle with Gu Weng last time!

"You guys, go! Nuwa stone! It's not a gadget!" A voice suddenly sounded from behind them, and when they turned around, it turned out to be Huang Shang who had been in a depressed state!

Huang Shang walked into the meeting hall, looked at the ghost queen, and continued: "I know how powerful Nuwa Stone is! Thousands of years ago, I was almost wiped out by it! Fortunately, the user's strength was insufficient at the time. , was backlashed by the power of the nuwa stone, and blew up!"

Hearing this, Ye Hen immediately reacted and said, "Could it be that person you're talking about?" Huang Shang nodded!Then seeing other people's doubts, he continued: "At that time, the Yemen hadn't been established yet! It wasn't long before I founded the country! My national teacher at that time used means to gather all the nuwa stones, causing chaos, and I was almost killed Even the army is vulnerable! It is worthy of destroying the country! Also, there are five nuwa stones, not one! And the attributes are the attributes of the five elements! After all, only the five elements can fill the gaps in the world!"

Hearing what Huang Shang said, several people were suddenly surprised!It can destroy a country!What an unthinkable thing!No wonder, the Zodiac League and the Protoss Group have been holding back their search!

"Let's set off as soon as possible! First look for news about the Nuwa stone! I have three here, one is from the tomb of Nuwa, and the other two were brought out from the ground by the two of you!! There should be two more! You must get it before them!" Ye Ye said excitedly.But I didn't see the ghost queen's hesitant look!

(End of this chapter)

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