Guardian of the Night

Chapter 127 Monster Beast

Chapter 127 Monster Beast
Knowing the power of Nuwa Stone, Ye Ye and the others did not dare to delay.The next day, he immediately left Yemen and went down the mountain.

After a short silence and a few people saying goodbye, the four of them embarked on another journey.

"Are we going on like this aimlessly?" It was Qin Minglei, who had always been very cold, who spoke.

After hearing this, Ye Ye shook his head and said, "No, don't worry. Have you forgotten the destination we didn't reach last time? We should be able to get what we want there." Immediately, he realized that Ye Ye's direction turned out to be the headquarters of Huang Daomeng.

However, they did not go to the headquarters of the Zodiac League last time.Instead, they left when Ye Ye was poisoned.This time, he wanted to go to the headquarters of the Zodiac League again and find out where he got the news from.

"But, won't the Zodiac League change its headquarters? I already knew about it last time. Aren't you afraid that we will make trouble again? Although we are not very good, at least making trouble is okay." Li Bin asked after hearing this, rubbing his chin.

Ye Ye suddenly became excited and said: "No, they definitely won't. One, they didn't pay attention to us, Zodiac League always has eyes on the top of the head! Two, it's also the key, I think, there must be someone guarding us there." Something, or because of something, they can't or don't want to leave!" Ye Ye talked eloquently, and he guessed right, Huang Daomeng did have a reason why he couldn't move, or Gu Zihao couldn't leave!It is the paradise that his room leads to!
This Xanadu is very strange, as if it has always existed, l is full of aura, suitable for meditation practice, and what is even more weird is that Xanadu is actually underground!And, the sun is shining!Gu Zihao has studied it for many years and still doesn't know what it is.I only know that the secret here must be huge, and it must be well guarded!Maybe one day the secret will suddenly reveal its truth, or be solved by him!

When Ye Ye said this, several people immediately understood, but they couldn't figure out what would make the world rich and capable people who could fight against the army. , will stay there for something.They didn't know that it was all because of Gu Zihao!
While a few people were talking, they had already arrived in Ningxia.

This time, the few people did not choose to enter the sphere of influence of the Zodiac League in a more low-key manner. After all, they are not only affected by
Wanted, and now I don't know what Huang Daomeng thinks, it's better to keep a low profile!

However, the few people chose the forest from last time again, but when they reached the place where they fought Gu Weng last time, they immediately withdrew and looked for another way. It has become a highly poisonous place, and strangers can't get close to it. Even Yang Hengchao, who has the most abnormal anti-drug ability among several people, can't stand that kind of poison!Several people had to find another way!But the strange thing is that these people have been in the range of the Zodiac League for a long time, but they have not been attacked by any disciples of the Zodiac League, nor have they seen any possible places. It feels as if the Zodiac League has disappeared from the world.The few people who were harmed wanted to find a disciple of the Zodiac League for advice, but there was nothing they could do.

But when they saw a group of disciples of the Zodiac League Spirit Wood Sect walking towards the interior in a panic, they believed that the Zodiac League had not disappeared, but endured it!
"Don't they want to kill us? Didn't they mean killing people and seizing stones?" Yang Hengchao looked at Huang Daomeng's way of ignoring them, and said boringly.Li Bin also played with his fingers and yawned boredly and said: "Oh, I must be fighting against the protoss in secret, yes, we fought for the nuwa stone, but no one was completely defeated, now we have to so!"

After hearing Li Bin's words, Ye Ye thought about the group of disciples of the Spirit Wood Sect who entered in a panic just now, and suddenly thought quickly: Spirit Wood Sect usually doesn't act alone, why are they so panicked?Why have we been in for so long and they haven't acted?Did they really confront the protoss and fail?
Ye Ye turned and rubbed his aching head.This is the sequelae left after the poisoning. Every time I think about something, it hurts after thinking about it for a long time, and the more I think about it, the more it hurts, but my thoughts will become clearer!

But the footsteps of the few people couldn't stop, and they slowly followed the group of Spirit Wood Sect disciples.Soon after, they arrived at the headquarters of the Zodiac League.

A few people were surprised immediately, the Zodiac League is not a sect, it is clearly a huge castle, or a castle that changes the entire mountain into a castle!
The outermost part of the Zodiac League is a thick city wall, which is about ten meters high and two or three meters thick. Even if it is bombarded with shells, it may not be able to move!Groups of patrolling disciples walked past the city wall from time to time.And there was actually a huge dent on the city wall, as if it had been hit by something huge.Looking inside, the whole mountain has been transformed, and there are tall houses everywhere!And the most conspicuous thing is the wide road in the middle, which winds up, and there are eight houses of different shapes on the way!Then on the top, there is a huge courtyard, the courtyard is so high that you can even see its tall wall from the bottom of the mountain!
After Ye Ye saw the construction of the Zodiac League, he was immediately surprised. This is the aura of a big sect. Compared with the Zodiac League, Yemen is really a child!But Ye Ye strengthened Ye Ye's determination even more!It made Ye Ye even more determined to build the Yemen well!
"Who can enter such a Zodiac League?" Li Bin was also surprised, looking at the tall city wall.

"I can't get in at all!" Yang Hengchao answered tacitly.

Ye Ye smiled, put his head in his hands, and then walked aside and said, "Since you can't get in, wait for the opportunity! Anyway, you have to go in, it's just time!" Even so, Ye Ye was serious in his heart. Thinking: "Why is Huang Daomeng so on guard? Could something have happened? What caused the collision marks?"

"Roar..." Suddenly, a huge roar came from behind Ye Ye and the others. installed on the walls of the Zodiac League.

With a bang, it seemed that a huge earthquake had occurred!Dust covered the sky!
After the dust cleared, several people could clearly see what the black shadow was!That black shadow turned out to be a monster with a height of five or six meters, horns on its head, and green scales all over its body, like an enlarged version of a buffalo!Its horns hover like a spiral, exuding a gloomy light, it must be poisonous!His scale armor was completely invulnerable, because Ye Ye saw a group of people on the city wall, no matter whether he used spells or guns, it was useless!Only when a part of the heavy guns hit the monster did clusters of sparks burst out!It can't penetrate its scales at all!
The monster seemed to want to break through the city wall, and kept crashing into the city wall.But he couldn't go up, and the Zodiac League disciples above kept fighting back, and they were not surprised at all, as if they were used to its appearance.

Suddenly Ye Ye's eyes shrank into needles, because he saw a person appearing on the city wall, that person was the leader of the Zodiac League, Gu Zihao!
"So it's because of this reason!" Ye Ye thought with a smile, he already knew the reason why Huang Daomeng forbears!
(End of this chapter)

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