Guardian of the Night

Chapter 138 Eight Days Pass 8

Chapter 138 Eight Heavens Pass One
Chapter 13 Eight Days Pass One
In the early morning of the second day, Ye Ye and the others quietly came down the mountain road without waking anyone up.The guards at the foot of the mountain let them go as if they didn't see them.

"That feeling came again! It seems that someone is watching me somewhere!" As soon as I walked outside the first house, the feeling of being watched came again.Li Bin took a deep breath and said.

Ye Ye walked up without saying a word. At this moment, he was very depressed, feeling that something was calling him, right here, in the 'Eight Heaven Pass' of the Zodiac League, something was calling him.But he didn't know what it was.

Ye Ye didn't speak, walked slowly to the door, and gently pushed open the seemingly heavy wooden door. He didn't use any force, but pushed it open!It seemed that someone inside kept the door open.

Without speaking, the four of them walked in directly.

After the four of them entered, the door suddenly closed silently.What's more, the four of them discovered in confusion that there was no lock or handle on the other side of the door!Just a bare door!

This door was actually specially designed by Huang Daomeng to imprison those strong men!It can only be opened from the outside, and cannot be opened from the inside at all. Besides, the door looks thicker, but everything else is very plain. In fact, the material of this door is really impervious to water and fire. The inside is made of fine iron, and the outside is wrapped with a layer of Xuanmu is extremely strong, otherwise how could he imprison those strong men?
"You can't go out, Li Bin, fire." Ye Ye said lightly.Li Bin immediately took out the fireworks and prepared to light them.

But before the fireworks in Li Bin's hand could be ignited, the room suddenly lit up, and the eyes of the four couldn't get used to it, so they quickly covered their eyes.

"Haha, it's you? Kill you and you can go out! I thought someone was so capable, but it turned out to be just a group of little dolls." Suddenly, a sound like iron scraping sounded.

When Ye Ye and the others gradually became familiar with the light, a group of people had already appeared in front of them.One of the old men looked at them with a cane and said, "You guys, come up and die! I have been here for more than 30 years, and I can finally go out." Said the person who practiced full masking.There were a few people behind them, all looking at them with disdain and helplessness.

This 'Eight Heaven Pass' is actually the prison of Huang Daomeng!Here are the strong men who fought against the Zodiac League or after the Zodiac League wiped out other sects.Zodiac League has imprisoned them for hundreds of years, or even countless.

Take the old man and the burly man just now, both of them are the most heinous people to the Zodiac League, and they will be imprisoned for 150 years and 90 years respectively!

Such a period of detention can only detain people until they die!However, Gu Zihao had already notified them in advance: as long as one of them is killed, the ten-year sentence can be offset, and if Ye Ye is killed, the 50-year sentence can be offset!

50 years, two hundred springs, summers, autumns and winters!Who wouldn't?That's why they were so excited when they saw Ye Ye and the others come in.

"Who are you?" Ye Ye said without fear, taking a step forward.

"It doesn't matter who we are! What matters is that you all have to die!" The boss said lightly.Ye Ye and the others were not in his eyes at all in his expression.After finishing speaking, he turned his head away to the burly gorilla beside him, signaling to let him go first, and the people behind him suddenly showed dissatisfied expressions, but they dared not say anything.This old man's prestige among this group of people is not low!
When the 'gorilla' saw it, he stepped forward and said loudly: "I haven't eaten human flesh in 30 years! Who is Ye Ye? Stand up, I like to eat tender meat!"

Ye Ye frowned when he heard this, and thought suspiciously: "How do they know which of us is the youngest? Could it be..." Thinking, he said lightly: "How do they know which of us is the youngest? I think, Gu Zihao just wants to kill us!" Everything was awakened by a sentence after entering!
When the four of Qin Minglei thought about it, they immediately understood!Immediately, I felt angry, but I had no choice but to fall into someone else's trap and couldn't get out.

"Calm down, look at him, he must be of the power type! Let's temporarily divide them into three types. From the appearance, the old man should be from the magic department, while the strong man seems to be from the power type." It's something, the people after the two of them should not be good at strength! Maybe it's speed or speaking! Only in this way can we have a chance!" Ye Ye calmly analyzed.

"Hey, have you finished discussing? I'm asking you, who is Ye Ye?" The big man seemed impatient to wait, and he roared loudly at Ye Ye and the others, and then squeezed his fists together.

Ye Ye looked at him indifferently, ignored him and continued: "Well, Li Bin, you go first! Remember, hold him back, and then look for an opportunity to strike a fatal blow!" After hearing this, Li Bin pulled out the Yemen odd-shaped dagger and nodded. .Then step forward.

"Hey, what kind of eyes do you have! Wait a minute, I must eat your heart!" He looked at Li Bin and continued, "You are Ye Ye? Haha, die!" After finishing speaking, he rushed out, Like a human tank!
When Li Bin saw it, he quickly moved away, trying to keep a distance from him.Been looking for a gap in this attack.

"Hey, fuck you, stop and let me kill you! Otherwise, I will eat you up later, and if you stop, I will consider leaving you with a finger or something!" After several rounds, the strong man seemed to be killed Li Bin kept dodging and making his heart tremble, and suddenly roared.

Li Bin ignored him, but continued to dodge the strong man's iron fist.The strong man was not fast, so he had to chase after Li Bin and kept waving his iron fist.

However, a vision suddenly appeared, Li Bin's right foot suddenly slumped, and a small puff of dust appeared from Li Bin's leg, and then disappeared.Li Bin immediately half-kneeled on the ground, and the strong man's iron fist just arrived, knocking Li Bin flying.Limp on the ground, unaware of the situation.

"Hahahaha, want you to hide?" The strong man roared, then rushed up, jumped up, and stood on his elbows, ready to give Li Bin a fatal blow!However, Li Bin suddenly opened his eyes and rolled away from the range of the strong man's flying elbows. The strong man's attack immediately hit the ground, and the floor was smashed by him, and gravel flew everywhere!

Li Bin stood up slowly, frowning, panting desperately.From the looks of it, that blow did cause him quite a bit of damage.Fortunately, he has a special physique and can recover quickly from injuries.

"Boy, I don't know if it's you who have been beaten or my punches have been rusted after 30 years of useless! Come again! I will eat your meat!" The strong man smiled instead of anger, and then licked the hair Farewell to the back, revealing that terrifying face like a hell Shura!
His face was full of scars, including knife wounds, burns, and even poisoned black flesh!What's more, his chin has a corner, and his teeth are uneven, just like a Shura.The way he smiled was even more frightening: "Haha, boy, you are still young to fight with me! What kind of battle did I not encounter 30 years ago?" Yes, he has indeed experienced all types of battles However, he is none other than Huangqin, the all-powerful warrior 30 years ago, a combat madman born for fighting!He has experienced countless battles in his life, and his existence seems to be born to challenge more strong men in the future. Once in a duel, he killed several sect leaders affiliated with the Zodiac League, and rumored that he would kill the Zodiac League!So he was wanted by Gu Zihao, and finally it was reported that he was attacked by countless spells and died. Unexpectedly, he did not die, but appeared in the "Eight Heaven Pass" of the Zodiac League!

Scutellaria Qin smiled, and then continued to charge up. Li Bin wanted to hide, but his right foot slammed again and he couldn't move!But Li Bin would not make the same mistake twice, he rolled on the spot, dodging the iron fist of the mighty force.

Ye Ye and the others saw Li Bin rolled aside and stood up quickly. Ye Ye yelled in the direction of the old man: "You guys are sneak attacking!" That's right, they were sneak attacking. Ye Ye saw Li Bin just now Lame became suspicious, until just now he realized that there was a person standing behind the old man, and it was that person who hit Li Bin's leg with a hidden weapon, causing Li Bin to be lame.

The old man burst out laughing when he heard it, and said, "Haha, have I ever told you about one-on-one? Haha! Li Chen, wait until we go out and your hidden weapon technique can continue to flourish! Haha!" Then After the old man finished speaking, an unusually short man walked out from behind him. He was holding several stones in his hands. It was he who hit Li Bin's feet with the stones and then the stones bounced away.His hidden weapon technique is indeed exquisite.This person was also a person who had shaken the rivers and lakes many years ago. He was Sun Ye's uncle. The Southern Pirates searched for several years but failed to find him. He was also imprisoned in the Zodiac League.

"You..." Ye Ye and the others immediately became angry when they heard it. Qin Minglei and Yang Hengchao wanted to rush up, but they were stopped by Ye Ye again. Ye Ye suppressed the anger in his heart and said, "If we go up to help together, then you are Aren't we going to go together too?"

"Hahahaha" the old man laughed: "Smart! You are so smart, baby, we just want to see you dying haha! It's useless to resist, you can only watch your companions die one by one." This group of people, in During the many years of detention, he has become abnormal.

"What if we questioned and went forward and killed you together?" Ye Ye said coldly, and he pulled Ye Yang out and held Ye Yang tightly.

The old man was suddenly enlightened and said: "Oh, yes! Why didn't I expect that he looks old! Thank you for reminding me!" After the old man finished speaking, he took out a piece of black paper from his body , then started chanting a spell, and then flung it out violently, the spell ignited on the ground, and immediately a wall of fire burned in front of Ye Ye and the others, blocking the way forward: "This way you can't do it! Haha, Huang Qin, he It's yours! Go ahead! You can eat the meat or eat it all!"

After receiving the old man's order, Scutellaria Qin's attack became more violent, and Li Bin barely avoided it.However, Li Chen was still making trouble behind his back with a stone, and Li Bin couldn't move again!I was hit by an iron fist several times and fell to the ground!And the strong man Huangqin's flying elbow was used again, jumping from the sky, a fatal blow!
(Today, the kitten will update the [-] update, to make up for yesterday’s lack of update. I hope everyone will continue to support it.)
(End of this chapter)

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