Guardian of the Night

Chapter 139 Eight Days Pass 8

Chapter 139 Eight Heavens Pass II

Chapter 14 Eight Days Pass II
It's too late to say it.When Huang Qin jumped up and used his flying elbow to get to know Li Bin, Li Bin's eyes suddenly became extremely fierce. He didn't dodge, but straightened up the Yemen strange-shaped dagger, held it with both hands, and then saw the moment when Huang Qin fell , stabbed the dagger straight out, then jerked his head to the side, dodging the fatal blow that should have hit his head!
But dust and debris from the crushed floor blocked what had just happened.No one saw all this, they all saw Huang Qin's flying elbow hit Li Bin, Li Bin must die!
After the dust cleared, Scutellaria baicalensis did not get up for a long time.The old man became confused and shouted loudly: "Hey, come back! Are you stupid?" But Scutellaria still didn't respond.

"Stop screaming, he's dead!" Suddenly a voice sounded from under Huang Qin, it turned out to be Li Bin.As soon as the words fell, Li Bin pushed away.

Then slowly stood up.At this time, Li Bin's face was covered with blood slowly leaving along his cheeks, his hands were twisted in a weird way, and the arm bone had been pierced deeply, apparently broken!
Inevitably, the strength of the flying elbow that Huang Qin jumped up just now was more than a thousand catties. Li Bin actually chose to use both hands to raise the dagger to stab out. The elbow hit the ground, and the broken stones kicked up caused him to be ejected.

Li Bin ignored the surprise on the old man's side, but staggered slowly and walked to the side of Ye Ye and the others. He even ignored the burning flame, walked to Ye Ye and the others on the flame, and then lightly Said: "I leave it to you!" After speaking, he fell to the ground and couldn't get up.Yang Hengchao hurriedly stepped forward to check, and after a long time said lightly: "It's okay, the undead corpse king's physique is amazing, and his resilience is very strong, he is already fine, but if the bones of his arm are not connected in time, the bones will be in contact with each other. , so as to recover, otherwise his hand will be useless!" After Yang Hengchao finished speaking, he looked at Ye Ye and said that he had no choice!

Yang Hengchao has grown up in medicine since he was a child, he is invulnerable to all poisons, and his defense is extraordinary. He grew up in medicine and understands natural medicine!

Ye Ye didn't speak, and looked at the group of people in front fiercely. In fact, he didn't hate them, but felt that his judgment was wrong. He blamed Gu Zihao for being too cunning, and blamed himself for being too timid. He didn't believe in Yemen's strength. It was him Li Bin suffered such a serious injury because of his mistakes. They came out of their hometown together. They had never suffered such a serious trauma!Thinking about it, Ye Ye held Ye Yang horizontally, stood up slowly, and walked forward, but was pulled by a strong hand behind him, Ye Ye turned his head indifferently, the owner of that hand was Qin Minglei!
At this moment, Qin Minglei was frighteningly cold, his eyes were red, and his two long fangs were completely exposed: "Let me go!" "Because of the fangs growing out, Qin Minglei said indistinctly, he was able to stay awake even in the state of a corpse king.

Ye Ye gave a embarrassed look, and was about to refuse, but Qin Minglei suddenly roared violently, his eyes turned red, and a faint red brilliance appeared beside him, it was Qin Minglei's evil and corpse aura!Then, surprised by Ye Ye and Yang Hengchao, they took a step slowly, and when he passed by the flame, the flame went out!Unable to bear the evil spirit, it went out.The brilliance disappeared in a flash, and the group of people didn't pay attention at all, they only thought that it was something on Qin Minglei's body that made him angry.

Slowly Qin Minglei walked to the center of the field, stretched out a hand, and pointed his index finger back and forth among the group of people, as if picking an opponent!Afterwards, his hand was pointed at Li Chen who had just shot Li Bin with stones.

Since Qin Minglei entered the Eight Heavens Pass, the murderous intent in his heart has been attracted by something, but he has been able to restrain himself, but when he saw Li Bin being hit by Scutellaria Qin's flying elbow, the murderous intent and anger in his heart soared , The murderous aura was immediately attracted by the attraction, which resulted in the current appearance. Fortunately, because he had maintained the state of killing intent for a long time, he was not controlled by the evil aura to become a machine that only knows how to kill!

"Hmph, Li Chen, he picked you! Go and kill him! Don't be as useless as that son of a bitch, Huang Qin!" Seeing that Qin Minglei picked Li Chen, several people behind Li Chen immediately said.Among them, friendship is all bullshit, and only survival is the most important thing.All people are used.

Li Chen shrugged helplessly, and walked out, holding a handful of stones in his hand!
"Hey, wait, use this!" The old man suddenly stopped Li Chen, and then handed Li Chen a silver sphere, which was unique to the old man, or something invented by the old man. A latent cultivator specializes in researching and developing strange things. It is precisely because of the things he researched that caused Huang Daomeng to suffer a lot, so he was imprisoned here and sentenced to 150 years in prison.But his name is no longer known, because he has always told his old man and refused to tell his real name.

When Li Chen saw the sphere, the corners of his mouth immediately raised, he grabbed it, put it in a pocket on his waist, and then turned around and walked to a place far away from Qin Minglei and said to Qin Minglei, "Since you are going to die! Then I will fulfill you! "After speaking, a stone was thrown out suddenly, the stone was extremely fast, and hit Qin Minglei directly on the head.Suddenly, Qin Minglei's head started to bleed!

Qin Minglei roared angrily, then rushed forward, the Yemen odd-shaped dagger in his hand had become a real machete, and he swung it violently, but he didn't expect that although Li Chen was short in stature, his legs But the speed is extremely fast, dodging Qin Minglei's attack every time!And he can still free his hand to shoot Qin Minglei with stones.

Qin Minglei failed to hit the attack repeatedly, his mood suddenly became irritable, his mind lost a little more, his evil spirit became more outward, and his mind gradually became unconscious, but the attack in his hand became more fierce. Forced to retreat steadily.

Suddenly, the dagger in Qin Minglei's hand was thrown out violently, forcing Li Chen to retreat a few meters, then Qin Minglei hugged his head in pain and howled.But Li Chen, who had retreated four or five meters away, became happy, the distance was just right for him, and his opponent didn't know why he didn't attack anymore.So he picked up the stone in his hand and shot towards Qin Minglei. When the stone in his hand was almost exhausted, he performed his superb concealed weapon skill again. He actually only used three stones and shot them back and forth. A rope was tied to his hand, and it would bounce back after being thrown out, and his hand kept moving, the three stones were shot out, bounced on the wall, bounced back, shot out, and bounced back again!Qin Minglei kept crying and howling with his headache in his arms.Li Chen's stones almost hit his head, and blood flowed profusely.

In fact, it wasn't that Qin Minglei didn't attack or defend, but that he wanted to keep a trace of clarity in his heart. He didn't want to be controlled by the evil spirit, so he fought back, but he didn't want to be the target of others.

"Okay, stop playing! Solve it! Don't cause trouble!" The old man suddenly said, Li Chen immediately grabbed the three stones, and then took out three small silver balls. shot out.

The bead immediately turned into a strand of silver and flew towards Qin Minglei. After touching Qin Minglei, a violent explosion suddenly occurred, turning into a wave of blazing heat that engulfed Qin Minglei.

That bead, developed by the old man, is called Silver Thunder, and when it is thrown out, it will explode violently, and it will burn a violent silver flame, which will incinerate everything.Hence the name.

"Haha, I didn't expect that such a good person would die without a scum left!" The old man seemed very confident in Yin Lei, and laughed arrogantly.But Ye Ye and Yang Hengchao didn't seem to be too worried, they just looked at the flame lightly.

Suddenly, the flames dissipated, and the old man's laughter stopped abruptly.Because he saw that after the flames dissipated, Qin Minglei was still standing there peacefully, the red glow on his body flashed out.

"Did I look foolish? No! He should just have something on his body." Seeing everything in surprise, the old man suddenly thought of the power of brilliance on a group of people, and couldn't help being frightened, but quickly rejected the idea , and immediately yelled at Li Chen: "Quick, kill him!"

Li Chen didn't see the red light, but he was surprised that Qin Minglei survived under the power of Yinlei and was unscathed!But he continued to throw out the silver thunder in his hand, and suddenly the silver flames rose one after another, engulfing the more than one meter range where Qin Minglei was standing.

Li Chen's hand speed was very fast, and he finished shooting the silver laser in a short time, but after the flames dissipated, Qin Minglei was still standing in front of him unscathed, and he suddenly panicked.

Li Chen is actually nothing more than a horse boy in these eight days. This eight days is actually a small society, in which strength speaks for itself, and the weak are naturally squeezed by the strong.Moreover, Li Chen has always been very confident in his shooting. He often boasted that even if he is not an opponent of others, at least he is not bad, but he did not expect that his shooting skills have not killed the person in front of him for so long. Moreover, he also used the silver thunder given by the old man.

But he just didn't believe in his shooting skills, he took out the three stones again, and performed the ejection and recovery again.

"Roar." Qin Minglei roared violently, ignoring Li Chen, the red glow on his body lit up as it was burned into pieces, and along with the fragments of clothes falling down was a glass bottle and a charred worm.It was the bottle containing Yin Lin's love Gu.

"Roar!" Qin Minglei roared violently again, with his head raised and his eyes slowly flowing out two drops of deep red blood!The corpse king cried, and what he cried was hard work.

"Stop it, stop it, don't force him anymore!" The old man saw some clues, and immediately shouted at Li Chen.But Li Chen, who was in a state of madness, didn't listen to his words, and instead shot the stones even faster.

"Roar!" Qin Minglei lowered his head slowly, looked at Li Chen indifferently, and then flung out the Yemen strange-shaped dagger in his hand, and the dagger flew towards Li Chen with a trace of red light. That speed was even faster than the stone in Li Chen's hand.

There was no suspense, Li Chen was naturally pierced by the dagger, and he was dead!After the dagger pierced through Li Chen, it didn't stop but spread straight out, and stuck on the opposite wall, leaving only a short handle outside.

"Hurry up, hurry up! We are not their opponents! Let's find helpers!" The old man finally saw clearly the red light on Qin Minglei's body and immediately drove the crowd. That person has the aura that he has always been afraid of and the brilliance that occasionally looms, and that brilliance belongs to them to him!And they are.
Qin Minglei didn't chase them, but stood there sternly. After they had all escaped, he slowly squatted down, looked at the charred love Gu on the ground, and roared violently.

(End of this chapter)

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