Guardian of the Night

Chapter 140 Eight Days Pass 8

Chapter 140 Eight Heavens Pass III

Chapter 15 Eight Days Pass II
After the old men fled, Ye Ye observed their escape route, but was surprised to find that they all ran straight into the wall and then disappeared.They were puzzled immediately, but they didn't have doubts for too long, because the person they cared about was right in front of them, and they didn't know the situation.

"Don't panic, he may be controlled by murderous intent now, let's go slowly!" Ye Ye said, holding Yang Hengchao who was about to step forward.Unexpectedly, his words were actually heard by Qin Minglei. Qin Minglei stood up slowly, looked at Ye Ye, and started to speak. He said, "Ye Ye, I'm fine! Don't worry!" After finishing speaking, he looked at Ye Ye again. Looking at the scorched Mother Gu in his hand, his eyes were filled with sadness.

When Ye Ye heard what he said, they immediately felt relieved: "Fortunately, the murderous aura didn't control him! Let's take a look at Li Bin first, and see if there is any way to connect his bones!"

Actually no, it's not that Qin Minglei wasn't under control, on the contrary, he was already under control, otherwise how could he have thrown such a powerful dagger to kill Li Chen?However, just when the murderous aura was controlling him, he happened to see the scorched mother Gu on the ground, and pulled him back from his trance, and regained control of his body, otherwise, when the old man and everyone ran away just now, , he has already caught up.

"No way, we lack materials here, and there is no way to erect his bones." Yang Hengchao looked at Li Bin's injured hands and said in embarrassment.

Ye Ye was silent for a while after hearing this!Qin Minglei walked over at this moment, and at some point there were two rags in his hands. Judging from the fabric and color, it seemed to be the fabric on Li Chen's clothes just now. Seeing him coming, Ye Ye and the two were puzzled. look at him.

But Qin Minglei wrapped the mother Gu with cloth very calmly, and then gave Yang Hengchao another piece of cloth before he said coldly: "My brother, he won't be so fragile, just use this to wrap him up! "

"But, if it's not done properly, then Li Bin's hand will be useless!" Yang Hengchao said in embarrassment, but he couldn't help but take the cloth strip, and then slowly symmetrical Li Bin's arm bones, using the cloth strip hard He bandaged his arms tightly, and then he picked up Li Bin and carried him on his back.

"Let's go! Let's keep going!" Ye Ye looked at Li Bin's injury, then at Qin Minglei's mental state, and blamed himself again. It was his son and daughter's mistakes in thinking and choices that caused the two of them to behave like this. what!However, there was no way, they had no way out and could only move on.

While walking, Ye Ye took out a note from the treasure bag, unfolded it, and said doubtfully, "According to Feng Yi's note, the opponent for this first level should only be that strong man, Scutellaria Qin, why? So much more! I think Gu Zihao must have informed them to deal with us and even kill us! I'm sorry, I made you do this!" Ye Ye squeezed the dagger in his hand and continued: "But, no matter what , we have already entered, we have to continue, just now I saw them all crash into that wall, and then disappeared, presumably, that is the secret entrance to the next level." After speaking, Ye Ye turned around, but only saw Yang Hengchao looked at him with trusting eyes, but Qin Minglei walked up to Huangqin's corpse with the cloth bag wrapped in the mother's gu, pushed Huangqin's body away, and then placed the mother's gu on the spot where Li Bin avoided just now. In the small hole made by the deadly flying elbow, the mother Gu was finally covered up with the surrounding gravel, which was regarded as a simple grave. After doing all this, Qin Minglei said lightly: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be selfish. You brought it! Yin Lin, you can stay here in peace!" After speaking, he stood up and smiled at Ye Ye, with incomparable hatred in his eyes!

He didn't blame Ye Ye, he only blamed himself for not being strong enough, which caused Yin Lin's entire group to be wiped out, and the murderer was unknown. He used to think that the murderer was Feng Yi's Shenxingmen, but he quietly asked Feng Yi, Feng Yi Yi said that he would not kill civilians for no reason.So he only blames himself for not being strong enough to protect the one he loves!

The three of them carried Li Bin on their backs and walked quickly to the wall. Ye Ye touched the cold wall and said doubtfully, "This wall is a real wall. How did they get in?" Yang Hengchao also felt the wall in great confusion.

Qin Minglei smiled, and said: "Since they go in, we can go in too." After speaking, he was able to hit the wall directly, and Ye Ye and the two couldn't stop them at all.

But suddenly, Qin Minglei went straight into the wall.Ye Ye and the other two followed Qin Minglei's lead and ran into it.

The wall is actually just a blindfold, or a real blindfold. The wall is called the wall of life and death. Only by hitting hard can you pass through it, otherwise even if you break the wall, you will not be able to reach the destination.The wall of life and death was made many years ago by an elder named Supreme in the Zodiac League, using the supreme method of the universe and five elements plus various materials, but after the elder died, the method of making the wall disappeared.

After passing through the wall, the three of Ye Ye appeared in a long corridor, walked along the corridor, and at the end was a long upward staircase. After climbing up the stairs, Ye Ye and the others appeared in another one and the one just now. Among the rooms that are exactly the same, the only difference is that the people in this room are different.From the looks of it, they went up to one floor, and on this floor, the feeling of being called in Ye Ye's heart became more serious.

"It's them!" After the four of Ye Ye appeared, the old man's unpleasant voice sounded again, and at this time he no longer had the arrogant look just now, but a completely respectful look. It seemed that he had found a helper.

"Oh?" The person in front of the old man looked at Ye Ye and the others suspiciously, and then said to the old man with disdain: "Thank you, old man. I thought I would die here! I didn't expect that I could go out. The four of them Personally, 140 years! I have been imprisoned for 20 years, and I can go out in another 150 years. I didn’t expect you to reduce me by 140 years! Now, you can die!” As soon as the words fell, the old man immediately showed a terrified expression , and then pleaded: "Saiben, you can't do this! We are friends, right? How can you do this? Don't forget, if the people above know what's wrong with me, they can't let you go! You." Before finishing speaking, His head has been scratched by one hand!
The owner of the hand is the Saiben in his mouth.After Saiben pinched the old man's head, he licked the red and white thing on his hand, and said with a majestic face: "Don't you know that I hate long-winded words the most, have you seen it? Then die with him !” Saiben finished speaking, looking at several people who came up with the old man.Those people suddenly begged for mercy and shouted that they didn't see anything.But only the dead can't speak, and they were all killed by Saben.

Saiben, 20 years ago, was imprisoned in the Eight Heavens Pass. Before that, he was a murderous maniac, and no one could figure out his character!No one knows how strong he is, because almost everyone who knows is dead!When he was imprisoned, he only underestimated the enemy. Later, he was ambushed and restrained, and then he was arrested, but he could never get out again.

After Saiben killed the old man and his party, he arched his back, turned to the direction of Ye Ye and the others and said, "Next, it's you guys, right?" As he spoke, he licked the red and white things on his hands again!
And Ye Ye and the others watched Nana Saiben kill them so easily, and they immediately realized that this person was not at the same level as Li Chen and Huang Qin just now.Suddenly vigilant, Yang Hengchao put Li Bin down, and then made a fighting posture.

Unexpectedly, Qin Minglei walked up alone again, looked at Sai Ben and said coldly: "Get out of the way, don't let me go out, or you will die!" After speaking, the red glow on Qin Minglei's body suddenly appeared!He was able to control the red light formed by the murderous aura,

Seeing the red glow on Qin Minglei's body, Sai Ben immediately put away his contempt: "Stop!"

(This is to make up for yesterday, there should be 7D numbers! Today continues the second update, before 10:[-] pm and before [-]:[-] pm.)
(End of this chapter)

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