Chapter 159
Chapter 35 Night Exploration of the Protoss

Night fell soon, and the three of Ye Ye were also ready to visit the protoss at night.

The location where the Yemen is stationed is not far from the location where the Protoss is stationed, or in other words, it is not far from the Zodiac League and the Protoss, because in order to grasp the movements of both parties, Ye Ye decisively decided to choose the station between the Zodiac League and the Star Spirit. between spirits.

At night, after putting on their night clothes, the three of Ye Ye set off.

Tonight, there is no moon, and the thick dark clouds also cover the starlight, giving people a dignified feeling, as if the dark clouds are condensed from the breath of death.

After a long time, the three of them came to the outside of the Protoss camp with the slight fire in their hands, and blew out the lights.

"Okay, pay attention, check the situation of the guards separately first, gather here after you get a stick of incense!" Ye Ye said in the weeds not far outside the Protoss Camp.

Qin Minglei and Li Bin did not speak, but nodded secretly, and started to investigate.After seeing them leave, Ye Ye put on the mask on his face, and went to investigate.

Feeling the darkness, Ye Ye ran out of the camp, then looked at the situation inside, and was suddenly surprised: Why is it so dark?Rest so early?But even if you rest, there should be a patrolling team!
With doubts in his heart, Ye Ye walked to the gate of the camp softly and slowly, and suddenly he was even more surprised: why is there no sentry at the gate of the camp?Go back and discuss it with them first.

Thinking about it, Ye Ye continued to bow his waist and returned to the weeds.

Ye Ye returned to the weeds and waited for a long time before seeing Qin Minglei and Li Bin return. ,

Li Bin pulled off the covering cloth and said with a puzzled expression: "There is no one! It's like a dead city!"

Qin Minglei also nodded after hearing this, indicating that what he saw was the same as what Li Bin saw.

Ye Ye frowned and said, "Is this a trap? However, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, I went to the tiger mountain! I checked the main entrance just now, and there were no guards, not even soldiers on patrol! We just entered through the main entrance openly. "

After finishing speaking, the three of them did not communicate any more. After a short rest, the three of them walked together and headed towards the star spirit.

Sure enough, there was no one among the Protoss!There were no guards at the door, no patrolling soldiers, and even the torch that was supposed to be lit was extinguished. Qin Minglei touched the torch, and then whispered: "It's cold, and there is no ashes! It looks like it has never been used!"

Ye Ye was even more puzzled after hearing this, and then walked into a tent at random.

The tent was extremely quiet, there was no loud snoring, not even the breathing sound that should have been there!

Ye Ye thought for a while, took out the fire pocket, and after blowing it on, he looked at the situation in the tent and was shocked.In the barracks, there were dozens of people standing there. They closed their eyes and stood there like that, which was very strange.

Qin Minglei and Li Bin also walked into the camp after seeing Ye Yeran get angry, and they were also frightened immediately!Li Bin walked towards those standing people suspiciously, touched his nose carefully with his hand, and then said coldly: "Damn it!"

"This should be a resurrected corpse! But what about them?" Ye Ye said, then walked out of the tent and entered the next tent, where the resurrected corpse was still standing.

The three of them did not give up, and continued to carefully investigate the protoss, but when they entered most of the camp, they gave up exploring and said solemnly: "All of them are resurrected corpses! Could this be their resurrected corpse camp?"

"No, no! Look there!" Ye Ye said, pointing to the middle tent, where a handsome flag was flying.Qin Minglei and Li Bin are not ordinary people, and their eyesight is excellent at night, so they looked over immediately.Li Bin said: "The handsome flags are all here, so how can there be no soldiers?"

Ye Ye shook his head and remained silent.

Suddenly, a gust of gloomy wind blew up, and the three of them got goosebumps from the sudden gloomy wind.

"Haha! This is the big brother's treasured slate! With him, there will be a world." A voice suddenly sounded softly from the coach's tent that Ye Ye was pointing at.

From the voice, Ye Ye and the three knew who that person was, fortunately Yu, fortunately the fourth child!

The three touched over and eavesdropped on Xing Yu's words from the outside.

There was no one else in the commander's camp, except for Xing Yu, who seemed to be holding something in his hand.Moreover, that thing emitted a faint blue light through the tent!
"Oh, it's a pity that you can't carry this thing with you for a long time at night. It's really not safe. But who can steal it at night?" Xing Yu suddenly sighed, then gently opened a box, and put the things in his hand into the box. Inside the box, he locked it with a key and walked out of the tent.

Seeing him walking far away, Ye Ye and the others secretly remembered the direction he was going, and the three entered the camp.

Apart from a few tables and chairs, there was a large gold-plated box in the camp, and the three of them walked towards the box in the dark.Qin Minglei took out a thin wire from his clothes, wrapped his head into a hook shape, inserted it into the lock of the box, and slowly pulled it.

"Crack." The box opened.Qin Minglei is an apprentice of Master Mojindoudou, Xiao Xiaosuo, how can he be blamed?

Ye Ye opened the box, and the blue light emitted again, illuminating the entire tent.

Ye Ye was surprised for a short time before picking up the item in the box, it turned out to be a stone slab!If Ye Ye and the others had watched Boss Xing's actions carefully during the day, they would have discovered that this slate was exactly the one that Boss Xing took out on the ground during the two battles!
The three people who were puzzled looked around the stone slab emitting a faint blue light, but they didn't know what it was.

"Take it away first, then talk!" Ye Ye said decisively, then grabbed the slate and prepared to rush out.They had no choice but to rush, the stone slab gave off a faint blue brilliance, even though the protoss were all resurrected corpses, I don't know if they can move during the day, but Xing Yu just went out just now, if the seven brothers were alarmed, Ye Ye and the three would die no matter how many have to leave it there.

Without saying a word, the three rushed out immediately.However, they didn't see that there were four black winds behind them. The wind was extremely strange. In fact, they had already appeared when Ye Ye was holding the slate, but when the three of Ye Ye rushed out, the news suddenly disappeared. .

Ye Ye and the others who were sprinting to escape as soon as possible didn't know that all the resurrected corpses in every tent of the Protoss had opened their eyes!Red bloodthirsty eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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