Guardian of the Night

Chapter 160 Two corpses, fight!

Chapter 160 Two corpses, fight!

Chapter 36 Two corpses, fight!
Just when Ye Ye and the others were thinking about taking the mysterious stone slab and leaving the protoss, which seemed to be the camp of the death camp, none of them saw the four gusts of wind following them, and the open space in each tent. The resurrected corpse with bloodthirsty eyes!

If any of them could closely observe the situation after Boss Xing laid down the stone slab during the daytime battle, he would see the four winds, which appeared on the battlefield, but disappeared in a flash, no one saw them!
Ye Ye and the three who were not in love were still running desperately.Suddenly, they stretched out a hand from the left side, and that hand came out directly through the camp tent, and firmly grasped Qin Minglei's arm. Qin Minglei was slightly startled, without the slightest hesitation, he immediately drew out his dagger, and slashed at that arm fiercely. , the arm was cut off, and the three continued to run.

But, suddenly, all the tents in front of them shook violently, and the three of them had to stop, observing what would happen.

Among those tents, countless arms suddenly tore open the cloth tents, and they shook in the open space, surrounded by arms, which looked very frightening.

"Roar!" There were bursts of inhuman roars, and then the tent was torn apart inch by inch, and countless resurrected corpses swarmed out.They had no weapons in their hands, so they raised their hands and grabbed Ye Ye and the others.The three immediately took out their weapons and fought back.All three of them have seen such a scene, even a more terrifying scene than this, so they can organize a better counterattack. In their hearts now, those resurrected corpses are only thicker than the zombies controlled by Gu. Just a few.

However, among the group of resurrected corpses, bursts of light of different colors gradually flickered, and the three of Ye Ye knew that it was the resurrected corpses releasing auxiliary spells.

Grey, earth-like thick defense, gold, metal-like sharp attack, green, damaged recovery...etc.There were more and more resurrected corpses blessed by the magic soldier's auxiliary technique, and the three of them gradually couldn't bear it anymore, so they had to form horns and rotate each other to defend.However, no one knows that this kind of defense will not last long in this sea of ​​corpses!

Since it was now dark, the four of them could only see clearly within ten meters.If it was daytime, they would see four huge black human-shaped Yin winds hovering above their heads.However, all the resurrected corpses also swarmed towards the three of Ye Ye who seemed to be shrouded in a dark wind.

"Da da da da." Suddenly, bursts of hectic and chaotic hoofbeats sounded from around.Then in an instant, Ye Ye and the others rushed up to resurrect the corpse of the cavalry.

The corpse of the revived cavalry was also born. He controlled a resurrected horse and jumped high, regardless of whether there were other resurrected corpses below. The three of Ye Ye left.

This move, the three of them couldn't parry it at all, it was too late to say it, and then it was too fast, the three of them made the same move.The three of them squatted down immediately when they saw the cavalry jumping up, and cut off the legs of the resurrected corpse with the sharp weapon in their hands. That ruthless blow smashed Huashan Mountain.

However, even though they avoided the attack of the resurrected corpses of the cavalry, they were surrounded by the resurrected infantry. Moreover, the three of them were separated and could not cooperate to form horns to resist the attack again.Immediately, all three of them were covered with scars. After going on like this for a while, they will still die, and the death will be worse than before!
Although Ye Ye was injured, it wasn't serious, but he didn't care about those injuries. While he could barely resist, he thought about it: "Why, these resurrected corpses moved without anyone's control? It's because I took this slate." Thinking, Ye Ye touched the slate on his chest.

Ye Ye didn't know that, in fact, this stone slab was the eye of the ancient Yin God Formation, and those human-shaped Yin Feng...
"Hiss." Ye Ye, who was distracted while thinking about things, suddenly had his arm cut fiercely by the resurrected zombies with a small dagger, and these resurrected corpses had already taken up weapons at some point.Suddenly, the attack power increased dramatically!
The three of Ye Ye set off at Yin time, and it is now close to Mao time.It's almost dawn.But the three of them are still barely resisting, and they are getting weaker and weaker!Gradually unable to resist.

"Roar!" Suddenly, there was a violent and angry howl, which even temporarily stunned all the resurrected corpses.

"Roar!" There was another sound, but it must have been a bit sharper than the sound just now.

Ye Ye took the opportunity to turn around and saw that the roar was actually coming from Li Bin and Qin Minglei.Qin Minglei, who had resisted for a long time, was covered in wounds and bleeding profusely.However, there was a wound on Li Bin's body that healed very slowly!
At this time, there was not any resurrected corpse beside the two of them.Qin Minglei, covered in blood, glowed red as if he had just been reborn from the ashes, with an angry face, with long fangs protruding from his mouth, howling towards the sky.But Qin Minglei was on the contrary, he was covered in black stripes, so weird that he even echoed Qin Minglei's angry howls.

The two of them turned into corpses!

What is even more surprising is that the angry howls of the two of them actually suppressed the resurrected corpse!Although only temporarily.However, at least Ye Ye had been given time to react. Without thinking too much, Ye Ye broke through several resurrected corpses in succession and reached Qin Minglei and Li Bin.

At this time, the scene was very silent.The moon didn't know it was appropriate to reveal it.Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, causing Ye Ye's hair on the temples to shake slightly.After the breeze passed, the resurrected corpse seemed to wake up suddenly, and howled at the same time.There were so many resurrected corpses, it overwhelmed the pressure caused by Qin Minglei and the two of them!
"Clap!" Two consecutive horseshoes sounded, and a resurrected cavalry corpse suddenly jumped high, and repeated the old trick, smashing Huashan.

Ye Ye turned around, but it was too late to dodge.

The corners of Li Bin's mouth suddenly rose slightly, and when the saber was about to hit them from above and below, he suddenly swung his fist and hit the resurrected cavalry corpse in the air fiercely.No, that's not right, it should be hitting the saber in the dead hand of the resurrected cavalry.

With a sound of "buzz", the Saber flew out in response to the fist. , But Li Bin's offensive did not end like this.

After Li Bin swung his right fist, his left fist was a fierce straight punch, hitting the chest of the horse under the corpse of the revived cavalry.

"Crack." There was a toothache sound of bone fracture, and Ye Ye fixed his eyes to see that Li Bin's left arm bone had been broken and stabbed out from the crutch.However, he shook his left hand as if nothing happened.Extremely weird!

On the other hand, the corpse of the revived cavalry was actually punched down from mid-air by Li Bin.Falling to the ground, Qin Minglei took action at this moment, with a Yemen odd-shaped dagger in his hand, dancing vigorously.Without giving the resurrected cavalry corpse any chance, it had already been dismembered.

At this time, the dawn was getting brighter, and Qin Minglei and Li Bin howled to the sky at the same time after doing all that.It seemed to be a demonstration, but Ye Ye couldn't understand it.In fact, the two howled because they sensed the four cloudy winds in the air!

The cloudy winds in the sky have a lot of origins, but they are composed of the ancient Yin God Formation.How could they be so threatened by two people.Suddenly, they disappeared at the same time.Ye Ye raised his head suspiciously, but naturally he saw nothing, only the sun in the east was about to rise.

At this moment, the slate in Ye Ye's arms suddenly emitted a huge downward pulling force, Ye Ye couldn't hold it back, and took out the slate and put it on the ground.

"Roar!" Ye Yegang put down the stone slab, and the revived corpses howled again at the same time!
(End of this chapter)

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