Guardian of the Night

Chapter 178 Xia Feng

Chapter 178 Xia Feng
Chapter 54 Xiafeng

After Ye Ye set up the virtual tomb of the ghost king, he knelt down for a while, then got up and looked at the sky, and did not speak again.For him, the ghost king is both his master and his friend, and they have dominated a body together, and their relationship is quite deep, and the ghost king also died because of him.

After a long time, Ye Ye turned and left without saying a word, heading towards the camp where Zixuan had set up, even though he knew that going back at this time would certainly attract suspicion, after all, he still had blood on his head, and his whole body was covered in pain. Dirt rolled on the ground.However, Ye Ye had no choice, because today, Qin Minglei and Li Bin, who were on the fast track, would come with the people from Yemen.

"What? Ye Ye is missing? Quick, send someone to look for him immediately." Zixuan jumped up and said excitedly after learning the news of Ye Ye's disappearance.The wound on his face from his left forehead to his right chin also became red because of his agitation.He knew that if Ye Ye left, he would lose his support. After all, the opponent he knew as far as he knew was impossible for him to deal with.

"Yes, General." The person who was arranged by Zixuan to monitor Ye Ye immediately said respectfully.

However, the curtain of the tent they were in was suddenly pulled open, and a faint voice said from the door: "No, I'm back." It was Ye Ye.

Zixuan looked at Ye Ye: the blood on his head was congealed, and his body was covered in mud.Immediately said in horror: "Where did you go? What's going on?"

Ye Ye smiled and said: "I went to do some things. General Zixuan, should you find me some clothes and let me take a shower. Do you want me to face my Yemen people like this? "Ye Ye deliberately changed the subject and avoided answering.Ye Ye knew that the Zixuan who had been in the officialdom these years was no longer the Zixuan Ye Ye knew at the beginning, he had been poisoned by the officialdom.

Zixuan frowned. When would someone dare to talk to him like this, but it was difficult to explain because of Ye Ye's request, so he said: "Well, if you don't want to say it, just go and wash it and change it. Clean clothes, I'll send someone to do it all."

Ye Ye nodded, turned and left, but didn't see the murderous intent in Zixuan's eyes the moment he turned around!
After grooming, Ye Ye came to Zixuan's tent again. At this time, Ye Ye was normal except for the slight swelling around the wound on his head hidden under the hair.

"General, they should be arriving soon, right?" Ye Ye asked.Zixuan nodded and said: "Well, my spies have already reported their whereabouts, and it is estimated that they will soon enter the sphere of influence."

Ye Ye nodded, bowed slightly and said, "Then I'll go out to meet them. They will be heroes in the future, and the enemy we face." Ye Ye's words hinted at the strength of the enemy Zixuan and the others faced, and also implied that Xuan went out with him to greet him as a sign of welcome.

Although Zixuan has tens of thousands of people who are unwilling, when has he personally greeted anyone who has always been aloof?But even so, Zixuan still nodded with a smile, stood up and followed Ye Ye out.But he thought viciously in his heart: Hmph, after you finish the matter, I will make you look good again!Ye Ye, you have to pay back what you owe me!Thinking about it, Zixuan stared at Ye Ye, and that vague killing intent flashed past.

The two walked outside the camp, waiting for the arrival of the Yemen brigade.After a long time, I heard the deafening sound of the engine, and the people from Yemen arrived.

Seeing the car approaching, Ye Ye and Zixuan immediately stepped forward.Ye Ye didn't have time to say hello, but Zixuan went up to greet him, smiled and stretched out his hand to Li Bin who had just got off the car, and said, "Li Bin, haha, long time no see, you guys! Brothers from Yemen, everyone, hurry up and enter the camp. Good wine and good meat have been prepared for everyone, everyone enjoy it to the fullest, but we don’t have any women here! Haha.” Zixuan’s words were very suitable, and the distance between him and them was invisible.

Zixuan and Ye Ye were also old acquaintances, but Ye Ye and Qin Minglei had met before, and only Li Bin, Zixuan said so.

When Li Bin saw that it was Zixuan, he extended his hand and shook hands with Zixuan before saying, "General Zixuan, you've aged a lot! Haha."

"Youngest? I'm still young! Come on in and rest, then eat and drink to your heart's content!" Zixuan patted Li Bin on the back and sent Li Bin in.

However, Li Bin walked up to Ye Ye and whispered in his ear, "Ye Ye, there are guests!" Ye Ye looked at Li Bin suspiciously when he heard that, Li Bin smiled helplessly, pointed his hand, and the crowd immediately dispersed. In the crowd of disciples, there was actually a woman mixed in!A woman with a hot figure and an overwhelming power.

Ye Ye walked up to the woman in surprise, and said softly, "Xia Feng? Why did you come with them?"

"It's not like I can't forget you, my Master Ye!" Although Xia Feng's voice was extremely charming, but his face was cold, he said while cuddling up to Ye Ye.Before Ye Ye had time to dodge, Xia Feng grabbed his hand and sent it away, but it was a note.

Ye Ye clenched his fists cleverly, and said, "So that's how it is! Haha, come on, go in and rest!" Ye Ye didn't know what Xia Feng wanted to do. Although he was puzzled in his heart, he sang the play with Xia Feng. .

After hearing this, Xia Feng walked to Li Bin with a cold smile on her mouth, waiting to enter the barracks with Li Bin.

During this process, Zixuan kept staring at Xia Feng: there is such a beautiful woman in the world.That kid Ye Ye is very lucky, but unfortunately, all of this belongs to me!Zixuan watched Xia Feng pass by, and a gust of fragrant wind made him feel relaxed and happy, but the killing intent in his heart became more and more serious.

"General Zixuan, how come you want us to go in by ourselves?" Li Bin's voice suddenly sounded.Waking up the pensive Zixuan, he smiled apologetically, and quickly took the lead into the barracks.

In the barracks, Zixuan prepared delicious wine and food to entertain everyone in the Yemen, and nothing happened during the process, only Xia Feng.Ye Ye really didn't understand what Xia Feng wanted to do. Ye Ye didn't have time to read the note, but put it in the treasure bag. Beside Ye Ye, they kept pouring wine and picking up vegetables, and the people in the army who watched were blowing their noses and staring.After all, the army is full of men, hungry men, and Xia Feng is so hot and charming, so it is natural.

Ye Ye was not deceived by Xia Feng's pretentiousness, he knew that under Xia Feng's flattery, his eyes were still so cold.

Time passed quickly, everyone finished eating and was tired from traveling all night, Zixuan immediately ordered his servants to prepare empty tents to house them.And Ye Ye also took advantage of the gap to read the note Xia Feng secretly handed over: Tonight at midnight, see you under the headless tree two miles east.

Ye Ye was puzzled, how could this confidant of the leader of the Zodiac League come to the enemy's side alone, and was so 'close'!Before reading the note, Ye Ye shook his hand slightly, and traces of black flames loomed, burning the note to ashes in an instant, and disappeared without a trace.

At night, Ye Ye repeated his old tricks, but Zixuan arranged another secret sentry. The vigilant Ye Ye dodged cleverly and headed towards the small forest two miles to the east.

Two miles, not too far.Soon, Ye Ye arrived, and then looked for the headless tree mentioned in the note, looked around, Ye Ye suddenly laughed, because he saw a tree in the woods that had been forcibly cut off crown.It must be Xia Feng's work.

Ye Ye walked over, and Ye Ye also appeared from behind the tree.

"What's the matter? Tell me!" Seeing Xia Feng, Ye Ye immediately turned to the topic.

Xia Feng's voice returned to ice-cold, looked at Ye Ye and said lightly: "Have you seen that baby?"

(There hasn’t been a second update for a long time. This chapter is just for what will happen, it may be a bit boring, I hope you like it!)
(End of this chapter)

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