Guardian of the Night

Chapter 179 Crisis Infiltration

Chapter 179 Crisis Infiltration
Chapter 56 Crisis Infiltration

born?The baby in the meteorite is called Tiansheng?That was Murong Spy's name.

The corner of Tiansheng's mouth twitched and he looked at Murong Yi and said, "It's better to find my heart first. If I have a heart, it will be easier to find my father. I can't give it to you in the world, but if you keep helping me like this, I think my father will definitely give it to you." I will promise you the whole world!"

When Murong spy heard it, he felt unhappy immediately. After all, Tiansheng changed his words. From "I promise you the whole world" at that time to now "my father promises you the whole world." However, Murong spy didn't show it. She lost that kind of tenderness: "Anything is fine! Then what do you plan to do next! I plan to be a hands-off housekeeper, just waiting for my whole world!"

Tiansheng showed a naughty smile and said: "I plan to go out to play, after all, this world is still too strange to me!"

"I'll go with you, and I'll take care of you!" Murong Ji had already regarded Tiansheng as his son, and was worried about Tiantian's comfort.After all, Tian Sheng has his blood flowing in his body!

Tiansheng stood up, looked into the distance and said: "No need, you still have things to do, I can do it by myself, I won't go far, there must be things to do now. Don't you feel relieved when I go out by myself Is it?" After finishing speaking, a dark shadow flashed by Tiansheng's side.Murong spy felt the tyrannical strength exuded by that black shadow. He was the most powerful of those evolved evil spirits, and was kept by his side by nature as his personal guard.Murong spy smiled, let go of the stone in his heart, nodded and stopped talking.

"By the way, choosing a day is worse than hitting the day! I'm leaving today, and immediately! Haha, I can't wait to see you." Before he finished speaking, Tiansheng laughed happily.While smiling, he left the tent.

Murong spy looked at the back of Tian Sheng's departure, did not stop him, smiled, and smiled so kindly.

And on Ye Ye's side.Ye Ye followed the soldier back to the camp. Zixuan didn't ask Ye Ye where he was going, but just smiled and said to Ye Ye: "Young man, let's talk about love, and find the time and place. This is the army, spread the word." How should I explain to my subordinates? Be careful next time!"

Ye Ye nodded and said nothing, but he became puzzled: What exactly is Zixuan going to do? Why did he send someone to watch me?Thinking about it, Ye Ye made a bow, and then went back to rest in his tent that had been cut in two.

On the second day, Zixuan still didn't tell Ye Ye what they were going to do, but asked them to check in the army, which was quite boring.However, Ye Ye took advantage of these gaps and kept sorting out his thoughts.

Night falls, at the outpost of the army camp.

"Oh, the weather is getting colder, and I don't know when I can go back this time. I miss going to the war zone then, it's so boring here!" Soldier A said holding a gun.

Another soldier B nodded and said: "Yeah, I don't know when I can go back, I really miss my warm bed!"

"Bed? Your old lady warmed you up, haha! How about her bed?" Soldier A said obscenely with a smile.

"My wife, that's not bragging, it makes me want to die anyway! Haha!" The two soldiers talked about pornographic jokes during their boring watch.

Just when they were talking, a crisp voice suddenly sounded: "Excuse me, is the army ahead?" The two soldiers turned their heads in response, raised the guns in their hands, and looked at the owner of the voice vigilantly.

"It turned out to be a boy! Little brother, what are you doing here? The front is indeed the army, not a place you can come, go home quickly, hug your mother and drink milk! Haha!" Soldier A saw that it was fifteen or sixteen The year-old child suddenly relaxed his vigilance and started joking.Soldier B also laughed.

The child was not angry either, but instead said: "Thank you all, my father said, I will repay you if you know what you are doing, let me repay you!"

Hearing the word repayment, the eyes of the two soldiers lit up, and they looked at the child with a smile.

"Hehe, good repayment!" After finishing speaking, the child waved his hand, and a gust of wind blew, and the eyes of the two soldiers dimmed at the same time. "Father said, the best reward is not to let you die in pain!" This child was born.

"Okay, can you control their bodies? You control that!" Tian Sheng said, pointing to the dead soldier B with eyes of chaos.After finishing speaking, a black shadow appeared from behind him, and then merged into Soldier B's body. Soldier B also suddenly came alive, kneeling respectfully on one knee, without any hindrance in his movements, just like a living person, but the dead look in his eyes Very heavy.

Tian Sheng looked at Soldier A, then took out a small knife, cut Soldier A's finger, sucked two mouthfuls of blood, then spit out two mouthfuls of saliva and said: "The energy is so little, the current blood is better, it has a lot of energy. But , just for the sake of fun, but this face looks pretty good." As he spoke, his natural appearance and height kept changing, and in the end he turned directly into the appearance of that soldier armor.

On the other side, the evil spirit occupying Soldier B was not idle either. When he was born to transform, with a move of his hand, a ghostly giant wolf suddenly appeared from the darkness, and then gnawed on Soldier A's corpse Food, without the slightest trace.

"Hey, you two, it's time to change the whistle, go back and have your spring dreams!" A voice suddenly sounded from not far away, alarming Tian Sheng and the evil ghost.

The evil ghost occupied Soldier B's voice and his memory, so he said: "Okay, you bastards, when I go back and have a wife to warm the bed, you go to your brothel! Be careful not to get sick!" After finishing speaking Tiansheng followed him towards the army camp.

But in the camp, Ye Ye still couldn't figure out Zixuan's motives, and he couldn't help becoming vigilant, and he also tried to see something from Zixuan's eye movements.After all, Zixuan has been in the officialdom for these years, and his scheming city has been tempered extremely deeply.Ye Ye naturally couldn't tell.

Thinking about it, Ye Ye walked to Yingkou unconsciously.Shaking his head, Ye Ye looked at the hidden whistle around him that was always watching him, shook his head unconsciously, turned around and walked back.

But, suddenly, Ye Ye felt a strong death energy, Ye Ye was very familiar with death energy, after all, Ye Ye rolled over from the corpse.The death aura could be felt very clearly in this iron and blood army, Ye Ye frowned, thinking about the source of the death aura and looked over, but only saw two soldiers walking in from outside the camp.Ye Ye took a closer look, but couldn't see any clues, but he could clearly feel that the dead air was indeed emanating from one of the two soldiers.

The two soldiers also noticed that Ye Ye was looking at them, but they didn't care, and then mixed with other soldiers, just like other soldiers.Moreover, the death aura disappeared immediately, and the death aura had been washed away by being mixed with the soldiers who were rolling in iron and blood at such a close distance.

Ye Ye frowned, he knew that maybe the crisis had sneaked into the barracks.But when I looked for those two barracks again, I couldn't find them anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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