Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 101 The Yellow Turban Rebellion

Chapter 101 The Yellow Turban Rebellion
Ten days passed like a fleeting moment, without knowing it.

However, although time passed quickly, great changes have taken place in Qin Lingling in the past ten days.

On the first day, nearly 87 senior carpenters completed their training, and [-] of them were promoted to super carpenters.

They and a thousand soldiers went to Zhenhai Island on the Pinghai scout ship that had been on standby at the port that day.

On the island, a station was re-established on the original pirate camp for them to live and work, but because Xiaolong has already controlled the dragons and horses on the entire island.

Therefore, they can work with peace of mind on the island. They don't have to fearfully cut down trees under the siege of pirates like before, and they don't have to worry about pirates' revenge.

There are endless floods of dragons and horses, and when they start a wave of beasts, they will die as many as they come. The thousand soldiers sent over are just to be on guard against accidents, and to carry wood and so on.

The next day, a fleet of 80 Pinghai warships arrived at Wanghai Port, loaded with [-] units of food shipped from Taoyuan City a few days ago, and headed to Black Shark Island together with [-] Pinghai scout ships on standby. .

On the sixth day, the [-] Pinghai warships and [-] Pinghai reconnaissance ships that went to Black Shark Island four days ago have returned to Wanghai Port again.

However, different from the last empty load, this time there were [-] newly recruited recruits and Zhang Liao, the only historical figure in the Qin Dynasty.

Although the people hadn't arrived yet, even though the horses hadn't arrived yet, Zhang Liao had already started his military training, and even asked Lu Chen for a thousand veterans to lead the new recruits.

On the seventh day, Lu Chen went to Wanghai City in person. Of course, this time he didn't walk, nor did he travel alone. He rode a horse of the Xuanjia Army, accompanied by four guards.

This time, it was nothing but the two silver-class Zhenhai transport ships made by Qin Ling who spent all the thousand-year-old Zhenhai wood, which can carry 1 people or 100 million materials.

When Lu Chen arrived at the port, two Zhenhai transport ships also docked on the coast. They were a full kilometer long and 500 meters wide. You must know that modern aircraft carriers are generally only about 300 meters long.

That's enough to shock people's hearts. Now this huge monster with a length of one kilometer is like a mountain or a small island moving in the sea.

However, they did not stay here for long, but directly set off for Zhenhai Island under the escort of hundreds of ships full of soldiers.

On the ninth day, the two silver-class Zhenhai transport ships that set off for Zhenhai Island have returned.

When I came back this time, it was obvious that the waterline was much deeper, because it was fully loaded. One ship contained 50 units of Zhenhai wood. Of course, most of them were of the century-old level, but a small part of the millennium-level, It is also possible to start construction of the special-class dock again. This time, the five Zhenhai transport ships will start construction at the same time.

In addition to the 50 units of Zhenhai wood that had just been felled, this transport ship also transported [-] dragon horses, which are equivalent to high-level war horses.

The other one was equipped with nothing else but a total of [-] high-level dragon horses equivalent to high-level war horses.

The Zhenhai wood was immediately sent to the dock. In addition to the silver-class Zhenhai transport ship that started construction, there are also a large number of Pinghai warships that have begun construction.

The [-] high-grade flood dragon horses were sent to Zhang Liao immediately. Lu Chen's purpose was to train them into cavalry, and it was impossible to train them without mounts.

Although [-] high-grade dragon horses are not enough to equip the entire army, they are still enough for training.

After unloading the things, the two silver-class Zhenhai transport ships rushed to Zhenhai Island again to deliver the next batch of supplies.

On the tenth day, Luyu came to report that the city wall had been built.

Lu Chen went over to see, good guy, the construction standard is a little higher than the walls of the small city, ten feet high and ten feet wide, and water was diverted from the surrounding area, and a moat was dug.

And the outside is all built of stone bricks, with only one official road running across it, and this huge city gate is erected on it.

Having said that, I have to say that the wisdom of the working people is infinite.

Although the city gate of the valley had buckles, it did not install the city gate. During this period of time, several super carpenters worked together to build a huge city gate directly at the city gate by splicing and splicing.

And designed a unique hydraulic system, using water wheels, borrowing hydraulic switch this door weighing tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands.

In addition, the fleet headed for Black Shark Island returned to Wanghai Port again, carrying the remaining 2 recruits on board. As soon as it landed, Zhang Liao took over before resting, and immediately started training.

The [-] Pinghai warships were not going out, but docked at the port, but the accompanying [-] Pinghai reconnaissance ships were sent out.

Every ten ships are equipped with fifty soldiers, a low-level cartographer, and enough dry food. Relying on the powerful speed of the Pinghai scout ship, with the port as the center, they spread out in a semicircle, and dispatch troops in every direction. There are ships.

Explore the entire ocean and map it.

Prepare for the development of offshore resources in the Qin Dynasty.

In just ten days, Zhiqin collar has undergone earth-shaking changes, as if it has been wound up, or each person has turned into a part, forming a huge machine, running at high speed.

The originally deserted Wanghai Port often has ships entering for the first time, and the originally sealed doors are opened one by one.

There are also constant arrivals of manned ships, not just flat sea reconnaissance ships, but also some fishing boats made by low-level docks.

After all, relying on the mountains to eat the mountains, relying on the sea to eat the sea, this is the mouth of the sea, and there are quite a lot of fishermen.

It is also worth mentioning that a section of the river that was originally sealed off by Lu Chen has now become an obstacle, which is inconvenient for the people's lives due to the transfer of troops and material transfers.

We had to hire a large number of people again to dig out the stones covering the river bit by bit according to the original river course.

This can also be said to be asking for trouble.

Jizhou, Julu County, Julu County, in a small courtyard.

"Big brother, big brother, there is a traitor, the big thing has already been known by the government, I'm afraid there will be officers and soldiers coming soon, what should I do?"

"Since it has been discovered, the time for the big event has been brought forward. Anyway, most of the preparations have been made, and it will start now."

After the Taoist finished speaking, he picked up a mahogany sword next to him, walked out of the door, came to the outside yard, and stood on an altar.

The altar is nine feet high and has five floors, which symbolizes the ninety-five supreme beings. The base is square and the top is round, which secretly conforms to the principle of round heaven and earth.

There are countless tadpole-like runes engraved on it, as if it is constantly moving.

The Taoist climbed up to the altar, brandished the mahogany sword in his hand, and shouted out sixteen big characters.

"The sky is dead, the yellow sky will stand, the age is in Jiazi, and the world will be prosperous."

(End of this chapter)

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