Chapter 102
"The sky is dead, the yellow sky will stand, the age is in Jiazi, and the world will be prosperous."

Lu Chen was sitting in the study, dealing with the government affairs of the territory. Suddenly, a word came from outside.

After hearing this, Lu Chen silently put down the ink pen in his hand, walked out of the door, and looked at the void in the direction of Luoyang, as if something was about to appear.

at the same time.

Xuzhou Lang, Yayangdu, Nanyang Long, among other courtyards in a mountain.

A middle-aged man dressed as a student came out of the room, shaking a feather fan gently in his hand. He looked at the void in the distance, with a worried expression on his face.

Yuzhou, Yingchuan County.

The students walked out of the room one by one, unlike the others who were at a loss, they all looked in the direction of Luoyang in unison, as if something was about to happen.

Luoyang, inside the imperial palace, the Imperial Study Room.

"Bold, come, call all the officials for a meeting."

A loud noise pierced through it, and some objects could be heard falling to the ground.

The servants and guards outside knelt down one after another, trembling, not daring to make any movements, for fear of causing death.

The whole big man was shocked by this sentence, but just after this sentence fell, there was another sound, covering the whole big man.

This, nothing else, is an angry dragon chant.

Looking around, above Luoyang, a golden dragon coiled up above Luoyang, the dragon's head was facing the direction of Jizhou, and a pair of dragon eyes pierced through the endless void, staring at the Taoist standing on the altar.

But what is strange is that no matter how far you are from Luoyang, you can still see the golden dragon clearly, and those with better eyesight can see every scale and the dragon's beard swaying in the air.

Jizhou, Julu County, Julu County, in a small courtyard.

The altar was no longer on the ground, but floated out of thin air, standing in the sky.

The image of this altar was also seen by the whole Dahan, including the Taoist standing on it, wearing a plain Taoist robe, wearing a Taoist temple, and holding a mahogany sword.

Just when the image of the Taoist was seen by the whole man, countless men of the man knelt down and shouted.

"The great virtuous teacher has appeared. I pay my respects to the great virtuous teacher. Please bless the great virtuous teacher."

There are also a large number of elite soldiers in solid clothes who knelt down and shouted loudly.

"See General Tiangong."

At this moment, the old Jinlong became weaker even after the sun was setting, and the golden color of the Jinlong and the system visible to the naked eye became much smaller and lighter.

On the contrary, it was the Taoist, the altar under him instantly became larger, but the tadpole-like runes on it became more and more dense, and the altar also began to shine with this golden light.

Standing on it was naturally Zhang Jiao. He looked at the enlarged altar and smiled with satisfaction, raised the wooden sword in his hand, and slashed at the void.

There was no sound, but Jinlong, who was far above Luoyang, became more cautious.

Suddenly, he raised the dragon claw and leaned forward, blocking a wooden sword that was slashing at him against the scales. He blocked it, but the dragon claw was cut open with a deep bone-deep wound.

Immediately afterwards, the wound recovered visibly with the naked eye, but if one observed it confidently, the overall golden color of the golden dragon became much lighter again.

However, the golden dragon was not passively beaten. A divine dragon swung its tail, and the tens of kilometers long tail swung past, like a meteorite hitting itself.

But in the middle of the journey, the dragon's tail fell into the void, and then appeared in the sky over Jizhou, wagging its tail from top to bottom.

Zhang Jiao was like an ant in front of the dragon's tail, about the size of a few dragon scales of a golden dragon, and when he saw the dragon's tail slapped down, it was about to beat him into minced meat.

Zhang Jiao stomped his feet, and the tadpole-like runes on the altar broke away from the altar, floated out of thin air, and blocked in front of the dragon's tail.

From each rune came a prayer.

"May the great virtuous teacher bless me, my daughter-in-law will give birth to a son soon."

"Bless you, great virtuous teacher, my son must be safe."

"The great virtuous teacher blesses me in high school."

"The great virtuous teacher blesses my father's illness to be cured."

In front of the dragon's tail, although the sound of the rune was small, it was tenacious.

Although the light curtain formed by the runes was distorted by the huge force carried by the dragon's tail, it never broke.

Only in vain.

The two came and went, and now, the entire Han people are watching this epic battle.

There was no blood, no sound, only the shattering runes and the darkening gold and shrinking dragon body.

Countless talented people watch this battle, because this battle is related to the future fate of the Han Dynasty. Whether it will survive this catastrophe, be reborn from the cocoon, or just collapse, is in this battle.

Because the golden dragon is the luck golden dragon of the Han Dynasty, and it is the luck of the whole Han Dynasty.

The imperial court frightened the whole country, relying on this luck golden dragon besides civil and military officials, elite soldiers and strong generals, the golden dragon is indestructible, and the great man is indestructible.

In the territory of Dahan, the golden dragon of luck can suppress the enemy and suppress the whole territory.

So if you want to overthrow the big man, the first thing to do is to slay the dragon, and if you kill the dragon of the big man, natural disasters and man-made disasters will follow one after another.

And the golden dragon of luck is closely related to the Han country, the emperor is wise, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the army is strong, so the golden dragon is naturally powerful and sweeps across the wasteland.

But if the emperor is fatuous, the people are in dire straits, and the court is corrupt, then the Golden Dragon will be weakened accordingly.

But now the Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty is fatuous and dishonest, eunuchs are in power, betraying officials, and framing Zhongliang are common occurrences. , the Luck Golden Dragon has also reached its weakest moment.

However, after all, the big man has a history of hundreds of years. Countless wise monarchs have worked hard to rule and accumulated endless heritage. As the saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse, so the current golden dragon of luck is not something everyone can provoke.

It stands to reason that Zhang Jiao would not be the opponent of the Golden Dragon, but Zhang Jiao was inherited by a celestial master, built an altar to worship the heavens, and united the people's faith.

This can be regarded as a drastic move. You must know that the essence of the golden dragon is luck, and what luck is, it is the common people and the will of the people.

Now, a large part of the people believe in the great virtuous teacher Zhang Jiao, and the Luck Golden Dragon was hit hard again when he was at its weakest, but Zhang Jiao was favored by the people and blessed with faith.

Between one increase and one decrease, Zhang Jiao has a slight advantage.

However, the big man has stretched for hundreds of years and has a profound foundation. It is not something Zhang Jiao can defeat in a short while, so the battle has reached a stalemate.

And it's not that the big man has no chance of turning around. If the lucky golden dragon wins, swallows Zhang Jiao, and devours the altar, he can naturally transform and be reborn.

This is also the interdependence of misfortune and fortune, which is the catastrophe of the great man, but also an opportunity for the transformation of the great man.

But at this time, the situation on the field changed again.

 "Recommend a book, "Daddy's Chicken Eating Career". Daddy eats chicken, no one can beat it ~ If you are interested, you can go and have a look. The author of this book is very handsome. Rumor has it that he is a master of women's clothing."

(End of this chapter)

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