Chapter 108 Guess
"Mr. introduced the old and brought forth the new based on the existing system, and designed a system that restricts each other, but with clear division of rights and clear responsibilities. You can say that you are full of knowledge and talent."

Lu Chen said involuntarily, with amazement written all over his face.

"Your lord, you are amazing. A month ago, my subordinates set off from Yingchuan to study the world. It just so happened that a heaven-sent territory appeared. I am walking in the spirit of three people, and there must be my teacher and the reason for traveling thousands of miles.

Traveled in many territories, lived in many territories, and even changed their appearance in several territories to serve as officials. The attribute discovery shows that these god-given lords are open-minded, active, and have unique ideas.

Territory management is very sound in theory, but for some reason, when they want to turn these theories into reality, they often make mistakes and their practical ability is extremely low.

But the theoretical knowledge they said has benefited me a lot, and their way of thinking has also amazed me.

Listening to what you said, it is probably like this for Sheng to read ten years of books.

Learning their theories and imitating their way of thinking has helped me a lot.

Later, I heard that Jixia Academy was re-established, and I also set the target of my study tour at Jixia Academy.

The next step is to follow the planned route, while studying and traveling, and rushing to the lord.

After entering Jixia Academy, I discussed studies with many students, and constantly improved this document. There are hundreds of schools, and every question can be found here. The prototype of this document gradually appeared.

But at this time, I found that I have entered a bottleneck, my knowledge is not enough to complete this document, I think my experience is not enough.

Therefore, the person who changed his name and surname became an official in the lord's territory. After he became an official, he felt as if he had been helped by a god, his thinking was clear, and he continued to improve based on the situation in the Qin Dynasty as a template.

It was not completely completed until a few days ago. I originally wanted to leave the document and leave quietly, but suddenly I wanted to see the lord, so I called the lord to stop me on the street.

But later, by accident, he dismissed the idea of ​​leaving, restored his original name, and officially became an official. "

Lu Chen understood immediately after hearing this.

Ancient students have always had a tradition of study tours. After all, they did not have the Internet, no newspapers, and no way to learn about external channels.

Xi Zhicai continued to study in the Tianci territory, that is, the player's territory, and even settled in some territories. This probably met the prerequisites for accepting Xi Zhicai, so Xi Zhicai stayed.

Afterwards, some territories remained but did not become officials, while others did. This is probably the first condition for subduing this historical figure.

After becoming an official, it doesn't mean that you have subdued him, because he still changed his name, it just means that you have the opportunity to complete the next condition.

Then, when it was time for Xi Zhi to leave, Lu Chen personally felt that there were two possibilities.

The first one is to go directly and secretly, which means that this is not the master, just go secretly.

The second type is my own kind. I feel that I have met the conditions, open the last level, meet for the last time, and have a talk. If you find like-minded people at this time, then you will become an official. If you have different goals, then you will not seek each other.

Fortunately, Lu Chen is a like-minded person and successfully subdued Xi Zhicai.

As for this governance system spanning thousands of years, Lu Chen almost knows how it came about.

It's not that Lu Chen randomly guessed that the play records came from after the Tang Dynasty, but the source is similar, they all come from the 'future'.

I just heard that Xi Zhicai said that he went to the player's territory to study, and found that many lords have very rich theoretical knowledge, but their practical ability is not good.

Lu Chen immediately understood that these were some unorganized little lords, and he probably didn't have much management experience in reality.

But after all, they are modern people, so they understand those more advanced management systems after the Three Kingdoms and the management systems of feudal society from reality.

But although the reason is clear, but because of poor actual ability, problems occur everywhere, and talents are not enough, as for those who dare to manage with familiar modern management methods, they are already dead.

So it’s all about the feudal system, and then Xi Zhicai, who was studying abroad, met Xi Zhicai. His future thinking and modern way of thinking had a great impact on Xi Zhicai.

During the Three Kingdoms period, Zhi's almost demon thinking, the advanced feudal system in the future, and the highly developed modern thinking system, all of which allowed Xi Zhicai to break through his own stereotyped thinking.

Then, in Jixia Academy, a holy place for learning, the collision of wisdom of various schools of thought, coupled with the practice of becoming an official, all combined to produce this reform document of the three provinces and six departments, which is specially customized for the Qin Dynasty. .

But Xi Zhicai's example suddenly made Lu Chen have a terrible guess.

Xi Zhicai is not the only strategist who comes into contact with players, nor is he the only one who is eager to learn, nor is he the only one who travels in the player's territory to study, nor is he the one with the highest wisdom.

But just such a person spanned a thousand years in just one month, and came up with a management system that is nearly a thousand years ahead of the world.

Although there are not many counselors at the same level as Xi Zhicai, there are definitely many.

Even higher ones are not out of the question.

Such as Zhou Yu, such as Zhuge, such as Pang Tong, such as Guo Jia, such as Xun Yu, such as Jia Xu, such as Sima Yi, such as.
Which one of them is worse than Xi Zhicai, and many of them are even better than Xi Zhicai.

But Guangguang Xizhi has undergone such a big transformation after coming into contact with some players, so they can do the same, and even change even more.

A person whose way of thinking is suddenly fixed is terrifying, and his strategy will definitely be more unconstrained and terrifying.

Lu Chen looked back at the document and withdrew his thoughts, but kept today's guess secretly in his heart.

"Zhicai, remove the Ministry of War and change it to a department at the same level as the three provinces, which is solely responsible for me. The army is not in charge of government, and the government is not involved in the military. This will take a few days."

"My lord, if this department comes out alone, we need to redesign some restrictions and supervision systems. One day, one day later, the revised version can be submitted to the lord."

"Well, that's good, then I'll wait for your good news. One day later, the territory will start the reform process."

"Yes, thank you, my lord, for your trust."

Xi Zhicai was indeed a little moved, what is the most afraid of talented people?poor?sickness?
No, it is hard to pay for ambition, which can be seen from the countless ancient poems and words that have been handed down.

For Xi Zhicai, Lu Chen is willing to give him such a big platform to realize his own untested management system, which is already equivalent to Bole's kindness.

A thousand-mile horse often exists, but Bole does not.Therefore, even though there is a thousand-mile horse, it will be carelessly grown and be dead along with the slaves in a stall, never being called as a thousand-mile horse.

At this time, Xi Zhicai is the undiscovered Maxima, and Lu Chen is Bole, how can Xi Zhicai not be moved?

(End of this chapter)

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