Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 109 The Best Actor Oscar Winner

Chapter 109 The Best Actor Oscar Winner

To Qinzhen, the town's mansion.

In the conference hall, Ning Yuan sat quietly on a chair with his eyes closed, while the four ministers next to him didn't want him to be so calm, they kept chatting and discussing this in a low voice.

Opposite them was the current three generals of Zhiqin Commander. They seemed a little different from usual, but Zhang Liao's twitching eyelids showed that he was not at peace.

In comparison, Wang Qi, the old fried dough stick, couldn't see anything, but Li Jindao was really calm. The captain of the personal guard is just so capricious.

Then it was outside the gate, where all the low-level officials and military generals gathered in the territory, but most of them were officials, and there were less than ten military generals.

There are nearly 500 officials. It can be said that all the officials in the Qin Dynasty have gathered here, including those within the Qin Town and the entire territory.

It can be said that the entire political system of the Qin Dynasty has come to a standstill today, but a notice has been issued in advance to rest for a day, and nothing major will happen. After all, there are many low-level generals leading troops to garrison.

As for the reason why they came here, we have to talk about Lu Chen's notice yesterday.

Directly notify all officials and some generals to gather in Qin Town to start reform.

This is also Lu Chen's helplessness. The Yellow Turban Rebellion has already begun, and the territorial transformation is not over. How dare Lu Chen go out to fight?

So Lu Chen cut through the mess quickly, and ended the matter directly and decisively.

After all, the territory has not been established for a long time, and the various hills have not yet risen. Lu Chen's prestige is not light, and these people are recruited by Lu Chen.

I don't know what will happen in the future. After all, not everyone can pass the test of time, but it can still be confirmed that he is still loyal to Lu Chen and to Qin Ling.

This is also the reason why the Zhiqin leader has not yet disintegrated or directly changed hands.

But Lu Chen can't test them with benefits, otherwise the final result will definitely be torn apart. Therefore, after being explained by Xi Zhicai, Lu Chen decided to start reforming immediately.

At this moment, the crowd was suddenly quiet. It turned out that Lu Chen had already arrived, passed through the crowd, and entered the meeting hall.

At this time, Ning Yuan, Zhang Liao and others heard it, got up and came out to meet Lu Chen.

However, they were surprised to find that Mu Le and Xue Gui came out behind Lu Chen, followed by a strange man.

This man was wearing a school uniform and a wooden hairpin, and his face was a little pale. Ning Yuan and others guessed that this was probably the direct cause of this sudden change.

But who is it, why haven't I seen it.

When Lu Chen sat on the top, Xi Zhicai stood directly in front of Lu Chen, in the middle, because he has no official position now, and he can't even distinguish between civil and military, so he had to stand in front of Lu Chen. As for Mu Le and Xue Gui Naturally, he stood on both sides of Lu Chen's seat.

Under the doubtful eyes of the crowd, Lu Chen didn't make too much of a fuss, and straight to the point, he said that the matter of gathering all the officials here today was the matter of this reform.

"During this period of time, I found that the current management system of the territory is very unreasonable, with very large loopholes, and it can even be said to be fatal loopholes. There are mainly the following points.

First, the political system is chaotic. Such a large territory is only divided into two divisions and managed by four departments. The division of rights between departments is not clear and vague. Management, confused. "

As Lu Chen said, he looked at Ma Qunchen's expression.

When Lu Chen mentioned the first point, fortunately, Ning Yuan broke out in a cold sweat, got up and knelt down, kowtowed, and dared not stand up with his forehead on the ground.

"My lord, this subordinate deserves death, please punish me, my lord."

Lu Chen ignored him, as if he didn't hear him.

Moving on to the second point.

"Second, there is no regulatory system, and the territory is maintained entirely by personal prestige. The Ministry of Commerce did not submit reports on time, and it is difficult to sort out the economy of the territory."

As soon as the second point was finished, Minister of Commerce Qian Tu turned pale and sweated profusely. He got up inside and knelt down, not daring to get up.

"My lord, my subordinates have neglected their duties, but there is absolutely no corruption. Please be careful, my lord."

Lu Chen ignored him and continued to the third point.

Third, the construction of the territory is chaotic. Although there is a Ministry of Industry, they are more like a construction team, only focusing on construction, regardless of planning.

This time, there were two loud noises, and the two knelt down, not daring to get up. Needless to say, they were the Minister of Industry and the Minister of Household Affairs.

After three o'clock, four people knelt in front of Lu Chen, Ning Yuan was at the front, and the other four ministers knelt in a row behind Ning Yuan.

Li Jindao looked at these people, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he suppressed a laugh, but at this moment he suddenly found Lu Chen glanced at him, and immediately felt an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, the fourth point followed.

Fourth, the military power in the territory is too concentrated, which poses a great threat.

After a series of noises, Zhang Liao, Wang Qi, Li Jindao and others broke out in a lot of cold sweat, and fell to their knees directly, not daring to get up.

Now Xi Zhicai is the only one standing in the hall, and everyone else is kneeling on the ground.

"Every point you just said can drive Zhiqin leader into the abyss, and you can't turn over. You all know it."


"Then why didn't you remind me, didn't you find it or pretend you didn't find it?"

This time, no one dared to answer the question.

not found?Such a big problem has not been discovered, what to eat, what is the use of raising you, is it good-looking?
Pretend not to notice?What a joke, if you don't find out, at most you have no talent, at most you will be dismissed.

If you pretended not to have discovered it, then what is your intention to find such a big problem and not report it, do you want to rebel?All the doors were copied and chopped.

So no one dared to answer for a while.

"My lord, please calm down. They just lost their heads in a hurry and don't have much experience, so they didn't find out. I believe that after a while, they will find out and report to the lord."

This is because everyone was curious, who dared to answer the conversation now, and looked up slightly, it was the person who had just followed behind Lu Chen.

Although he didn't understand, he still sweated for him and remembered the favor.

"Hmph, a bunch of trash."

No one in the audience dared to speak.

"This time, if you are the first offender, I will not punish you severely, but if you dare to do it next time, I will never forgive you lightly."

"Get up."

At this time, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly got up, cautiously, not daring to make a sound.

"If you know your mistakes, correct them. Since you already know your mistakes, it's not too late to make up for it. Zhicai, please introduce yourself first, and then read the charter of this reform."

"Yes, my lord."

At this time, some brains seem to have discovered something.

The lord is acting, right? For the smooth progress of this change, first make the original batch of shit worse, and then build up your reputation for the drama.

In order to make better, faster, and more thorough reforms, it can also dispel everyone's complaints.

But even if he guessed it, he still didn't dare to say anything, because the dereliction of duty this time was really too big. To be honest, losing his head would be easy.

(End of this chapter)

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