Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 113 Three Kingdoms of Gaowu

Chapter 113 Gaowu Three Kingdoms
Lu Chen didn't notice the changes behind the crowd, because he didn't care about the scattered people behind Long Chen, and he didn't have telepathy, so it was impossible to feel something was wrong out of thin air.

But what if Lu Chen knew about it?Will Lu Chen care?You know, Lu Chen is indeed ready to go out with all his strength.

But going out in full depends on the person, just like a person with billions of dollars who lost ninety-nine million, can be said to be bankrupt, can be said to be down and out.

But for those who only have [-] yuan, even if they are bankrupt, even if they are down and out, there are many things they can provoke. This is the so-called lean camel is bigger than a horse.

Of course, this analogy may not be very appropriate.

But for Lu Chen, the troops stationed in cities, towns, villages, ports, and city gates in the territory are called garrison troops.

And all the troops that could be dispatched, so the generals were dispatched by Lu Chen. In this Yellow Turban Rebellion, he put all his bargaining chips. After all, he has the memory of his previous life, so Lu Chen still has a lot of confidence.

Give it a go, the bike turns into a motorcycle.

This huge benefit is enough for Lu Chen to give it a go.

So Lu Chen's attention is still on Long Chen.

"Oh, Brother Long, what you said, I thought you were talking about it, it was just some tattered armor, come on, come here, let me tell you."

While talking, Lu Chen waved Long Chen to come over, and Long Chen subconsciously moved over, wanting to hear what he had to say.

"Let me tell you, a few days ago, I was wandering in my town, and suddenly, an old beggar in shabby clothes stopped me.

Young man, I think you and I are predestined, how about this, I just finished the retreat, but my mouth is a little greedy, you prepare a table of food for me, with wine and food, and I will grant you one wish. "

When Lu Chen said this, he clapped his hands and stomped his feet, as if he was very excited.

"Brother Long, look, I realized on the spot that I met a nobleman. I quickly ordered the cook in my house to prepare the food and bring good wine, and then let a few maids wait for him to take a bath. , with the clothes, apart from the abscess on the face, it is also a dignified appearance."

"Of course, I also asked about the abscess on his face. He was the wound left by the robbery. My dear, that is an expert. He was still alive after being struck by lightning. Afterwards, he ate and drank comfortably. Whatever wish I want, I just say, I want all the [-] troops in front of me to be armored and sharp.

At that moment, a white light flashed in front of my eyes, and the unarmed army was fully armed. You see, that's all. With an army of one million, then I can directly sweep the world, alas, a big loss, a big loss. "

While talking, Lu Chen clapped his hands and stomped his feet, looking very regretful.

And the twitching at the corner of Long Chen's mouth became more and more serious, he didn't know what to say, what a pity you said?Do you think I'm stupid, say you lied to me?Then what should I do if Lu Chen refuses to admit it? You tell me what to do.

Long Chen was also speechless for a while, which made him, an old fritter, not know what to say.

As for what Lu Chen said is true or false?That depends on whether you believe it or not?To know.

unrealistic?Then the existence of this game is realistic?

You know, this is not the mortal version of the Three Kingdoms in the history books, this is the fantasy version of the Three Kingdoms, the Gaowu Three Kingdoms.

The Taoist Dragon Slaying some time ago is still vivid in my mind, it seems that it is not incomprehensible to have an extra fairy, isn't that horn similar to a fairy?

Thinking of this, Long Chen hesitated again, what if what Lu Chen said is true?

Lu Chen looked at Long Chen's dubious expression, but didn't say anything.

However, because of this, the two of them did not continue their conversation, so they made way for Lu Chen's army to enter the camp.

However, Lu Chen did not set up camp. Today is the last day, and he will set off for Yingchuan today, join Huangfusong, and attack Bocai's army.

Speaking of this, I have to talk about the current situation among the big men.

Zhang Jiao claimed to be "General Tiangong", and Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang were "General Digong" and "General Rengong" respectively, and they rebelled in the northern Jizhou area.They burned government buildings, killed officials, and looted everywhere. Within a month, wars broke out in 28 counties in seven prefectures across the country.

Seeing that Taiping Dao was so powerful, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty hurriedly took He Jin as the general on Wushen Day in March, and led the five battalions of the left and right Yulin to station in Duting, and guard the capital with full weapons; At the gates of Guangcheng, Yique, Shenyuan, Revolving Gate, Mengjin, Xiaopingjin and other capitals, captains were stationed to garrison; all regions were ordered to take strict precautions, and all states and counties were ordered to prepare for battle, train soldiers, collect weapons, and summon rebels.

On the other hand, elite troops were dispatched to suppress chaos in various places: Lu Zhi led the deputy general Zong Yuan and led the five schools of the Northern Army to take charge of the northern front, dealing with Zhang Jiao's main force; More than 4 elite soldiers were newly recruited to attack the Yellow Turban Army in the Yingchuan area. Zhu Jun also went to the table to recruit Sun Jian from Xiapi as the commander of the assistant army. , a total of more than a thousand people set out to join forces with Zhu Junjun.

The main force of the Yellow Turban Army is the Taiping Dao believers led by Zhang Jiao. The rebel army is divided into three main parts, namely the main force of the Yellow Turban Army led by Zhang Jiao's three brothers, the Eastern Yellow Turban Army led by Bocai and Peng Tuo, and Zhang Mancheng. The Southern Yellow Turban Army, these three parts of the rebel army fought fiercely with the official army of the Eastern Han Dynasty in Hebei, Yingchuan, Wancheng, and Yanzhou.

The rebel army convened in Putian County, where Lu Chen lives, went to Huang Pusong's first army to suppress Bocai and the Eastern Yellow Turban Army commanded by Peng Tuo.

This is the current Yellow Turban situation. Now the battle has just begun, and it is time for players to start entering the game.

While Lu Chen was thinking about the recent situation, the camp just outside Putian County was already noisy.

The sound woke Lu Chen up. Sitting on the horse, he looked over from afar and saw that one after another tents disappeared and were put away. The noisy sound was made when he was packing up.

Looking at it, Lu Chen guessed that only his own army hadn't arrived just now. Now that his own army has arrived, and the time is about the same, he started to break out of camp and set off.

Lu Chen's guess was right. After Lu Chen arrived with the army, the county magistrate found that everyone had arrived, so he ordered to go. After all, hundreds of thousands of troops are here, and the food consumed every day is not a small amount. This makes the county magistrate feel distressed. Yes, this knife is all meat.

In this way, Lu Chen didn't stay here for long, and went to the Yingchuan battlefield with 10,000+ players and NPCs.

(End of this chapter)

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