Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 114 Yingchuan Battlefield

Chapter 114 Yingchuan Battlefield
Although this time it was a call for rebels, the hundreds of thousands of players who came out of Putian County were not just marching.

It also shoulders another task, which is to protect the logistics supplies accompanying the army.

After all, what was ancient warfare fought, armies?forage?
The so-called soldiers and horses are not moved, food and grass go first, and every large-scale mobilization of troops will consume a lot of food and grass.

In every military campaign, there will be continuous grain transport teams transporting grain.

It can be said that although there are only one million troops on the front line, in order to supply the one million troops, at least nearly ten million people are silently preparing behind the scenes.

So along with the order to collect rebels this time, there is also an order to collect food.

Although the county magistrate feels distressed, he still has to provide food to the army. After all, although the big man is corrupt now, his might still exists, and he is not something that a small county magistrate can provoke.

The soldiers in the army are at least first-tier soldiers, and their physical strength and marching speed are not comparable to those in ancient times, otherwise they would not be able to cope with the ten times enlarged terrain.

But helplessly, there was the existence of the logistics army, which seriously slowed down the marching speed. It had been two days and the army had only traveled about 1000 miles.

At least 20 days away from Yingchuan.

However, it is worth mentioning that the army has already arrived at the county seat of Jian'an County, and has joined forces with players from other counties in Jian'an County.

The number of troops has exceeded one million in one fell swoop, but the specific combat effectiveness remains to be verified.

Moreover, the commander-in-chief has also changed from a mid-level general in the county to a high-level general, and the logistics materials have been further increased.

20 days later.

After 20 days, the recruited rebel army finally reached the Yingchuan area and entered Huangpusong's camp.

As soon as you come outside the camp, you can see the majestic camp from a distance.

The camp is nearly ten feet high, and its thickness is unknown, but seeing the soldiers patrolling and guarding it, you can know that the thickness will not be too small, and you can see the soil inside through the cracks in the wood. It can be seen that this camp is not A little project.

There are dozens of ditches in front of the camp. When Lu Chen passed by, he could see that some of them were filled with water, some were filled with sharp logs, and some wooden antlers were placed on the road to defend against the charge of cavalry.

At first glance, there is a feeling of tight defense.

The army of one million has already stretched for several miles when marching, and it is not easy to enter the camp now.

They waited from day to night before they all entered the camp.

After entering the big camp, there is no difference from the original dungeon.

Receive the identity platoon, arrange the resident, mission bulletin board, everything is the same as in the copy.

After getting settled, Lu Chen didn't do anything else, and immediately sent someone to invite Long Chen into his camp.

The two talked in secret for several hours, and the soldiers guarding the door could even hear the heated discussions coming from it.

Finally, in the eyes of many players, Long Chen came out angrily, with an extremely ugly expression on his face, and he kept mumbling something.

"Black heart, it's too fucking dark, motherfucker, what kind of bad luck did I have in my previous life, so..."

However, they didn't say what they discussed in it, which made some players scratch their hearts with curious cat's claws.

But no one told them, and the door of Lu Chen's camp was tightly closed, no visitors, and no one knew what Lu Chen was doing inside.

But is Lu Chen really inside?Lu Chen and Long Chen had a secret talk inside just now. Of course, the players understand it that way. Otherwise, if Lu Chen is not inside, can he fly with wings?
That's right, Lu Chen did fly. Although he didn't fly with wings, he did fly away without a sound.

The time went back to after Long Chen went out.

Lu Chen walked out of the room with an incomprehensible smile on his face, and called Li Jindao over to give some orders.

Right in front of Li Jindao's eyes, in a place with no one behind him, he was riding a little dragon, pacing forward.

In Li Jindao's unbelievable eyes.

One of Xiaolong's horseshoes stepped on the empty air, step by step, as if there were layers of steps under the horseshoe, step by step he walked higher.

When he reached a high place, Lu Chen turned his head and took a look at Li Jindao.

"Drive, drive."

With a yelling sound, it flew directly into the sky and turned into a black spot in front of Li Jindao.

Although the horses are big, although there are some hooves, they are in a resident that can accommodate 2 people.

Both the horses and the sound of hooves are covered up in it.

Because there is no air force in the current Three Kingdoms, and there is no such thing as an air force, so even at night, the camp is still brightly lit.

But no one noticed the little dragon soaring into the sky, after all, it only took a moment to soar into the sky.

If it is just a small black dot later on, it will be easily regarded as a flying bird.

So when Li Jindao came out, no one knew that Lu Chen had quietly left the camp and the battlefield.

The perspective returns to Lu Chen.

In the high altitude, Xiaolong neighed excitedly, and directly became a prototype.

Two forked ferocious dragon horns protruded from the head, pieces of golden, diamond-shaped dragon scales protruded from the horse's body, and two long and thin dragon beards protruded from the horse's face.

Become mighty and majestic.

After turning into a dragon-horse shape, Xiaolong neighed excitedly. After all, it was a dragon-horse. Although it could maintain the appearance of a horse, it was unavoidably aggrieved. After finally changing back, it was naturally very excited.

And after changing back, the speed is also several times faster.

However, Lu Chen didn't realize it at the beginning. After all, in this high altitude, Lu Chen couldn't see the ground and had no reference objects. Moreover, Xiaolong just paced forward slowly step by step, and he didn't feel the wind blowing.

Until he saw a flying bird in front of him, and it was getting closer and closer to him, Lu Chen thought it was flying in his direction at first.

As a result, when I got closer, I realized that it was in the same direction as me.

But after he surpassed the bird, Lu Chen realized that his speed was not as slow as he had imagined.

I also gradually understood that the thousand miles a day displayed on the dragon's attribute panel does not mean that it can run a thousand miles a day, but that the speed of the dragon horse is very fast.

In other words, it is a "day" thousands of miles.

Under the speed of Xiaolong, it didn't take long for Lu Chen to find that Xiaolong began to lower his altitude, and slowly he could see the Qinling in the valley.

Looking at it from the sky, one can see snow eagles circling around the valley. The snow eagles are not big, and their wings are about one meter wide, but their flying speed is extremely fast.

And he was extremely handsome, with a slightly late eagle beak and ferocious claws. Lu Chen happened to see a snow eagle hunting.

It can be seen that it hovered over the snow mountain for a while, and then suddenly rushed down. In an instant, he grabbed a snow rabbit that was about the same size as a snow eagle or even bigger from the snow.


After reading it, Lu Chen moved his mind, but he didn't act now, but kept it in his heart.

Then ride a little dragon and land in Wangwang Harbor.

(End of this chapter)

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