Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 126 The Yellow Turban World

Chapter 126 The Yellow Turban World (Second Update)

Zhang Liao came to the rescue again, commanded the players to fill up the army formation, and then returned to the rear.

Take advantage of this short time to adjust your breath for a while.

Under the threat of death, it was the first time for the players to learn something so hard. They promised that they never chased girls so hard.

The huge pressure stimulated their potential and made them familiarize themselves with the fish scale formation as quickly as possible.

In just a few minutes, after many people paid the price with their lives, their fish-scale formations looked good, and even Zhang Liao was amazed at their learning ability.

In fact, this is also due to the fact that they are professional players. They followed Long Chen in many games. Sometimes, when playing boos, positioning is just the most basic skill. It's just a different commander.

So it was quite easy for them to do it. Otherwise, even with Zhang Liao's command, it would not be so easy for an ordinary untrained team to temporarily form a battle formation on the battlefield.

This is why Zhang Liao can adjust his breath a little bit now, the army formation has been able to continue to operate without error for a period of time.

In Ma Xiang's view, there are fewer and fewer loopholes in the enemy's army formation, and correspondingly, the number of times the Yellow Turban Army opened loopholes is also decreasing.

He finally didn't want to wait any longer, and he couldn't wait any longer. Five minutes had passed, and the enemy's reinforcements were getting closer.

Picking up the big knife handed over by his subordinates, he took an elite and went to the field in person.

With a swing of the sword, the player in front of him was still trying to resist, but his shield was split in half. Through the split shield, he could still see the dull expression of the player, as if to say, how could he be so powerful.

Ma Xiang grinned grimly, and continued to advance with the fourth-rank elites, cutting one at a time, or even several at a time, widening the gap.

It directly penetrated half of the army formation.

Fortunately, the players responded quickly.

Before Zhang Liao came over.

Using the experience of playing boos together, MT goes up to defend, if one is not enough, then two.

The people behind cleaned up the little monsters, that is, the fourth-tier Yellow Turban Army, divided them into small groups, and divided the Yellow Turban Army bit by bit. Although the effect was not great, they were successfully dragged down.

But Ma Xiang in front was entangled by the close cooperation of a group of people, which made him very annoying.

It was possible to kill, but he couldn't rush in.

Ma Xiang killed one shield player with a single blow, and the next one took over. Ma Xiang just wanted to kill this one too.

But the arrows that shoot at the eyes, nose, and mouth must be resisted. This is not a problem, after all, the archers are only third-tier soldiers, without instilling internal strength, and they are not good bows.

Relying on Ma Xiang's super internal strength and armor, he can block it by raising his hand.

Okay, the arrow is blocked, what do you want to do with the pikeman behind you?Where is your spear stabbing, damn it, I'm going to kill you.

If there is battle information, it probably looks like this.

"Drip, the player's Millennium Killing skill was successfully released, the defense judgment, the judgment failed, 0 damage, drop, the will judgment, the judgment was successful, the ridicule was successful, and the hatred was successfully attracted."

This is probably a taunting skill common to all normal men. It directly and strongly attracts hatred, and then is hacked to death.

However, although he died, his will has been passed on, because, in an instant, countless guns were stabbed at his lower body, making the horse feel hairy all over his body.

Instant seed explosion, in other words, it is a big move.

The big knife produced afterimages between his swings, and in just a few seconds, everyone around Ma Xiang was killed.

But these are not important at this time, because Zhang Liao has finished adjusting his breath and came over.

Ma Xiang also discovered this, so he didn't dare to take advantage of the victory to pursue him. Instead, he raised his knife and shouted at Zhang Liao.

"Xiaoqu, the handsome horse minister under the tent of the great virtuous and good teacher of the yellow scarf, will be named after him."

When Zhang Liao heard this, he wanted to reply, but suddenly remembered the order when he came out today.

"Try not to say your name."

The mouth that had just opened was closed again, and he raised the big knife and opened it.

Ma Xiang saw that Zhang Liao did not speak, his face was filled with embarrassment and anger, he singled out his name, he actually looked down on himself, this was already regarded as deliberate humiliation, if he did not avenge his revenge, what is his majesty?

"Good thief, to be so arrogant, watch me kill you."

Then he also raised his knife and rushed away.

However, what he didn't expect was that one knife, just one knife.

The silent Zhang Liao looked at the horseman rushing towards him, and instead of holding back his strength, he directly slashed with all his strength.

A very fast knife, like an afterimage with it, made a whistling sound in the air.

Seeing this, Ma Xiang's pupils shrank, and he made a decisive decision, and used the trick he just used again.

But this time, he didn't achieve success in one fell swoop like before.

At the moment when the knife collided with the knife.

Ma Xiang felt a huge force coming from the knife, crushing his inner strength, and he couldn't hold on to his wrist.

It was broken directly, and the knife was also photographed on Ma Xiang's chest.

A click could be heard clearly, presumably the ribs were broken, and Ma Xiang had been knocked several meters away.

Ma Xiang fell to the ground, with a trace of despair in his eyes, looking at Zhang Liao who was walking slowly, and saw the reflection of his own face on Zhang Liao's knife pointing obliquely at the ground.

"I didn't expect you to be so powerful. You are a king-level general. It seems that I will die here today, but today, you will die."

Ma Xiang, who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, showed a bloodthirsty smile to Zhang Liao who was walking towards him, ferocious and terrifying.

Zhang Liao looked at the dying enemy general in front of him, a bad premonition flashed in his heart, suddenly his eyes shrank, and he saw the horse lying on the ground pull out a yellow talisman.

Although it looked like a simple yellow talisman, Zhang Liao felt a breath of death from it.

The hanging knife cut out instantly, like a knife cutting through space, and in an instant, it appeared in Ma Xiang's hand holding the rune.

Although the knife had passed, Zhang Liao still didn't relax, because Zhang Liao saw Ma Xiang making a mouthful.


Zhang Liao's knife slashed on the layer of yellow light, and with a clang, the knife bounced back directly.

Ma Xiang, who was seriously injured and dying, stood up slowly, his face flushed, as if nothing happened just now.

He spit out a sentence.

"The sky is dead, and the yellow sky will be established. The year is Jiazi, and the world will be blessed.

Yellow Turban World. "

The yellow talisman instantly turned into a ripple, like a stone thrown into the water, causing circles of ripples in the air.

Ripples swung past, Zhang Liao blocked it with a knife in fright, but nothing blocked it, and the ripples went straight through.

But nothing happened.

It can be seen that the ripples slowly disappeared after covering the entire valley.

But it's as if nothing happened, which is confusing.

However, Lu Chen, who was about to break out just now, had an extremely ugly expression on his face.

"I should have thought of it a long time ago. The benefits are touching. The huge benefits have covered my mind. How could such an important Yellow Turban stronghold be guarded by only a mere [-] and [-]rd rank Yellow Turbans.

I should have thought that this was the case, that the Yellow Turbans belonged to the world. "

However, Lu Chen secretly breathed a sigh of relief at this time, because it was only the Yellow Turban World, not the other three skills.

(End of this chapter)

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