Online game three kingdoms heaven falls

Chapter 127 Ten Thousand Special Arms

Chapter 127 [-] Special Arms (Part [-])

However, Lu Chen recalled the special unit that shocked the world in his previous life.

The level of this special arm is very low, just a low-level special arm.

But it shocked the world.

Because of its quantity, have you ever seen a full 100 million special arms?

Do you know the concept of a million special arms?

Looking at Lu Chen's Xuanjia army, there are only [-] cavalry. Although there are reasons why it is a top special unit, this can also explain a little problem.

Okay, let's look at the others, white-clothed volunteers, tiger and leopard cavalry, white-eared elite soldiers, which unit do you see has more than ten thousand?
Even the Euphorbia Guards are only in the tens of thousands.

Because the general units of special arms are thousands, and there are not many tens of thousands. One hundred thousand of a special arm is basically the limit.

Let's put it another way.

Do you know about the Dong Zhuo Rebellion?

Do you know what Dong Zhuo relied on to intimidate the royal family, disrupt the court, and let the eighteen princes allied forces attack?

Relying on his weight? No, no, he relied on 80 low-level special troops, Xiliang cavalry, a full 80 low-level special cavalry.

This force is already enough to compete with the world, what about the 100 million low-level special arms?
Even more shocking is the low consumption and brutality of this special unit.

It can be said that the cost of this special arms training is very low.

Just like ordinary Yellow Turbans, they can train countless easily.

The only requirement is belief. As long as you believe in a great virtuous teacher, that is, believe in Zhang Jiao, you can change jobs. Is this a requirement?
The only fatal negative aspect that exists is time.

After all, power cannot appear out of thin air.

After all, no matter who it is, they must abide by the most basic law, the law of energy conservation.

If you want to gain power without consuming equipment, medicinal materials, money, and even without aptitude requirements, then what have you lost.

Life, on this conservation, the price for gaining strength is life.

As long as you believe in Zhang Jiao, and then activate the Yellow Turban World skill, as long as you are within the coverage of this effect, you can directly transfer to a special unit, the Yellow Turban Warrior.

This special unit has only two characteristics.

Frenzy: Ignore pain, non-instantaneous injuries, increase attack power by [-]%, ignore morale attributes.

Large numbers of people: The larger the number of people, the stronger the blessing for combat effectiveness.

The only price is that the effect lasts for an hour, and when the effect ends, you die immediately.

In fact, it means that all the remaining vitality is burned.

However, there is actually a side effect that is not a side effect.

Under the action of the Yellow Turban World, once the frenzy effect is triggered, the Yellow Turban Warrior will only obey Zhang Jiao's orders.

Originally, this wasn't considered a side effect, after all, this was Zhang Jiao's special skill, so Zhang Jiao could control it or not.

But now, in Lu Chen's view, it is a very big loophole.

Because this was not initiated by Zhang Jiao himself, but just a yellow talisman made by Zhang Jiao, it meant that the Yellow Turban Army was uncontrolled, and would only madly attack all non-Yellow Turban Army people within the field of vision.

And how do they distinguish whether it is the Yellow Turban Army or not?

After all, this is not like other games. There is a name on the forehead, and you can tell whether it is a teammate or an enemy by looking at the color. You must rely on it.

The Yellow Turban Army is identified by the yellow scarf on the forehead.

This is not even a loophole. On the battlefield, if you dare to wear the enemy's logo, you will be killed by your teammates in minutes, and there is no way to complain. Who knows where you are.

So there is no problem, and most people don't think about it. After all, this skill is used for desperate use. How can it be used frequently, and it will be found so flawlessly. It doesn't hurt.

But at this moment, it was different. At this moment, there was a reborn person, and Zhang Jiao's details were clear.

This is also why Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief before, saying that luckily it wasn't the reason for the other three skills. You know, the sky is dead, Huang Tian should be established, and the age is Jiazi. The slogan, as well as its actual effect, each represents a special skill of Zhang Jiao.

The Yellow Turban World is the only skill that Lu Chen knows how to crack.

"Everyone, take off the yellow scarves from the corpses of the Yellow Turban soldiers next to you, and tie them on your head. Those who wear yellow scarves stand guard outside, and those who don't have yellow scarves hide in the workshop and are not allowed to show their faces."

After finishing speaking, he also took a yellow scarf and tied it on his head, and then leisurely looked at the yellow scarf soldiers walking away.

"Let's go, break out, I'm fine here."

Lu Chen's voice directly reached the gate of the city. When Zhang Liao heard it, he avoided Ma Xiang's knife and ran away without saying a word.

And the horse's eyes were bloodshot, seeing his opponent running away, he chased him directly.

And the remaining players at the city gate?It has long been crushed by the Yellow Turban Army who turned into a special unit.

Lu Chen stayed quietly in the workshop.

As for Lu Chen, although there were yellow scarves coming from time to time, they turned their heads and left when they saw the yellow scarves on Lu Chen and the others.

After all, some workshops were surrounded by soldiers wearing yellow scarves sent by Lu Chen.

After Lu Chen found out that Zhang Liao had already run out, he turned his gaze back to the gate of the city.

The yellow turban wrestlers there had already killed all the enemies at the gate of the city, and turned their attention to the player army that was rushing to the outside of the city.

Without hesitation, they rushed up in a swarm.

And Lu Chen came to an arrow tower on horseback, opened the private message leisurely, and contacted Long Chen.

"What's the matter, we'll be right there."

"Oh, that's not what I'm talking about."

"Then what else?"

"You guys, do you have yellow scarves?"

Long Chen over there was taken aback?
"What yellow scarf?"

"Oh, the yellow cloth strips are the kind worn by the Yellow Turban Army."

"No, what's wrong?"

"Oh, what I want to ask is whether there are about [-] Yellow Turbans attacking your army."

"Huh? Yes, how do you know?"

"Oh, I'm telling you two news, one good news and one bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Long Chen listened to Lu Chen's speech without answering each sentence, and felt that I was a little dazed, why couldn't I understand anything?
"Say it, it's about to start a fight."

"Oh, let me cut the long story short.

First, the good news, the craftsmen are protected by me, I am safe, they are safe, and we succeeded. "

"Well, good news, the next one has been successful, so what's the bad news."

Lu Chen ignored Long Chen's interruption and continued with the second one.

"The second is that the Yellow Turban Army coming towards you is a group of lunatics, or powerful lunatics. They are all special arms, possessing the strength of the fourth, fifth, or even sixth ranks of ordinary arms, and will attack everything that is not wearing a helmet on their head. People in yellow turbans.

The duration is one hour.

Brother, there is a big wave of zombies coming, please protect your brain, it is a good thing. "

Long Chen: "Ni Zuo Kai ╰(‵ ′)╯, *@*#(~&#?';/ows."

(End of this chapter)

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